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Personal Information

张 毅   教授  博导

Dr. Yi Zhang, Professor

博士学科:Biomedical Engineering

硕士学科:Biomedical Engineering




电子邮箱 (Email):zyrisk#163.com

办公电话 (Tel):86 29 81891070

办公地点 (Office):新校区G-542


Dr. Yi Zhang received his Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering in 2003, and then received his MS and PhD degrees in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Control in 2006 and 2009 respectively. He completed all of his studies at Xidian University, where he also worked as a Professor in 2015. He is the director of Center for Brain Imaging at the School of Life Science and Technology at Xidian University. He had also worked as a visiting scholar at the Department of Psychiatry & McKnight Brain Institute at the University of Florida in the United States from 2010-2011.

Research Area

Dr. Zhang’s research interests span several areas of medical image processing and analysis. His primary research interests are applying fMRI and neuroimaging to the fields of obesity (i.e., Bariatric Surgery), addiction (i.e., Heroin), and acupuncture (i.e., Mechanism). Based on the neural mechanism investigation, he extends his research to real-time neurofeedback to stimulate one or more specific brain regions to then modulate brain functions and behavior, particularly in regulating appetite, reward and inhibitory-control pathways to promote weight-loss in obese individuals. Because almost all of his projects involve analyzing information processing in the brain, Dr. Zhang has also worked on developing advanced signal processing methods (i.e., HHT, Granger causality, Frequency Component Analysis (FCA)) for the analysis of dynamic, multivariate neurobiological data.
