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Selective publications from Dr. Yong XIE

  1. Haitao Yang#, Ruiqi Hu#, Heng Wu#,Xiaolong He#, Yan Zhou*,Yizhe Xue,Kexin He,Wenshuai Hu,Haosen Chen, Mingming Gong, Xin Zhang, Ping-Heng Tan*, Eduardo R. Hernández*,Yong Xie*,Indentification and Structural Characterization of Twisted Atomically Thin Bilayer Materials by Deep Learning,Nano Letters24(9), 2789–2797(2024).# Co-first authors.https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04815
  2. Yong Xie*, Onur Çakıroğlu,Wenshuai Hu,Kexin He, Sergio Puebla, Thomas Pucher, Qinghua Zhao, Xiaohua Ma, Carmen Munuera, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Laser Trimming for Lithography-free Fabrications of MoS2DevicesNano Research16(4), 5042-5046, (2023).https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12274-022-5241-2
  3. Yong Xie*, Jaesung Lee, Yanan Wang, Philip X‐L Feng*,Straining and Tuning Atomic Layer Nanoelectromechanical Resonators via Comb‐Drive MEMS ActuatorsAdvanced Materials Technologies6(2), 2000794 (2021).https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202000794
  4. Wenliang Zhang, Onur Çakıroğlu, Abdullah Al-Enizi, Ayman Nafady, Xuetao Gan, Xiaohua Ma, Sruthi Kuriakose,Yong Xie*, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Solvent-free fabrication of broadband WS2photodetectors on paper,Opto-Electronic Advances6(3), 220101 (2023).
  5. Wenshuai Hu, Yabin Wang,Kexin He,Xiaolong He,Yan Bai,Chenyang Liu, Nan Zhou, Haolin Wang, Peixian Li, Xiao-Hua Ma,Yong Xie*,Straining of Atomically Thin WSe2Crystals: Suppressing Slippage by Thermal Annealing,Journal of Applied Physics132, 085104 (2022).https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0096190
  6. Yan Zhou, Shi Zhou, Penghua Ying, Qinghua Zhao,Yong Xie*, Mingming Gong, Pisu Jiang, Hui Cai, Bin Chen, Sefaattin Tongay, Jin Zhang*, Wanqi Jie, Tao Wang*, Pingheng Tan, Dong Liu, Martin Kuball*,Unusual Deformation and Fracture in Gallium Telluride Multilayers,The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters13(17), 3831-3839 (2022)https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00411
  7. Nan Zhou, Ziwei Dang, Haoran Li, Zongdong Sun, Shijie Deng, Junhao Li, Xiaobo Li, Xiaoxia Bai, Yong Xie,* Liang Li, and Tianyou Zhai*,Low-Symmetry 2D t-InTe for Polarization-Sensitive UV-Vis-NIR PhotodetectionSmall2400311 (2024)
  8. Yong Xie*,Manfred Madel, Yujie Li, Wanqi Jie, Benjamin Neuschl, Martin Feneberg, Klaus Thonke*,Polarity-controlled ultraviolet/visible light ZnO nanorods/p-Si photodetector,Journal of Applied Physics112(12), 123111. (2012).https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4771696
  9. Yong Xie*,Manfred Madel, Thilo Zoberbier, Anton Reiser, Wanqi Jie, Benjamin Neuschl, Johannes Biskupek, Ute Kaiser, Martin Feneberg, Klaus Thonke*,Enforced c-axis growth of ZnO epitaxial chemical vapor deposition films on a-plane sapphire,Applied Physics Letters100(18), 182101. (2012).https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4709430
  10. Yong Xie*,Manfred Madel, Benjamin Neuschl, Wanqi Jie, Uwe Röder, Martin Feneberg, Klaus Thonke*,Silicon-on-insulator based ZnO nanowire photodetector,Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B30(6), 061801 (2012).https://doi.org/10.1116/1.4759261


Review Papar

Wenliang Zhang,Kexin He, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Yong Xie*,Van der Waals materials for paper electronics,Trends in Chemistry(invited)5(12), 920-934 (2023). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589597423002381


56.Haitao Yang#, Ruiqi Hu#, Heng Wu#,Xiaolong He#, Yan Zhou*,Yizhe Xue,Kexin He,Wenshuai Hu,Haosen Chen, Mingming Gong, Xin Zhang, Ping-Heng Tan*, Eduardo R. Hernández*,Yong Xie*,Identification and Structural Characterization of Twisted Atomically Thin Bilayer Materials by Deep Learning,Nano Letters, accepted.# Co-first authorshttps://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04815


55.Thomas Pucher, Pablo Bastante, Federico Parenti,Yong Xie, Elisabetta Dimaggio, Gianluca Fiori, Andres Castellanos-Gomez,Biodegradable albumen dielectrics for high-mobility MoS2phototransistors,npj 2d materials and applications7,73 (2023).

54. Roberto Muñoz, Elena López-Elvira, C Munuera, F Carrascoso,Yong Xie, O Çakıroğlu, Thomas Pucher, Sergio Puebla, Andrés Castellanos-Gómez, Mar García-Hernández,Low T direct plasma assisted growth of graphene on sapphire and its integration in graphene/MoS2heterostructure-based photodetectors,npj 2d materials and applications7,57 (2023)

53.Wenliang Zhang,Kexin He, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Yong Xie*,Van der Waals materials for paper electronics,Trends in Chemistry(invited)5(12), 920-934 (2023). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589597423002381

52.Haolin Wang, et al.VerticallymolybdenumdisulfidenanosheetsoncarbonclothusingCVDbycontrollinggrowthatmosphere,Nanotechnolgy34, 375601 (2023)

51. Yigit Sozen, Juan J. Riquelme*,Yong Xie, Carmen Munuera, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,High-throughput mechanical exfoliation for low-cost production of van der Waals nanosheetsSmall methods7, 2300326 (2023).

50.Yong Xie* , Gulsum Ersu, Thomas Pucher, Sruthi Kuriakose, Wenliang Zhang, Abdullah M. AlEnizi, Hamad A.H. Albrithen, Ayman Nafady, Rudolf Bratschitsch, Joshua O. Island, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Making exciton physics easy and affordable,European Journal of Physics,44, 055501 (2023).49. Swaroop Kumar Palai, Mateusz Dyksik, Nikodem Sokolowski, Mariusz Ciorga, Estrella Sanchez Viso,Yong Xie, Alina Schubert, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Duncan K. Maude, Alessandro Surrente, Michal Baranowski, Andres Castellanos-Gomez, Carmen Munuera∗, and Paulina Plochocka∗,Approaching the intrinsic properties of moirè structures using AFM ironing,Nano Letters23(11), 4749–4755 (2023).

48. Chongbin Liu, Xiangyang Wang,Yong Xie, Guoqiang Wu*,Bone Conduction Pickup Based on Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers, 2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

47.Yong Xie*, Onur Çakıroğlu,Wenshuai Hu,Kexin He, Sergio Puebla, Thomas Pucher, Qinghua Zhao, Xiaohua Ma, Carmen Munuera, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Laser Trimming for Lithography-free Fabrications of MoS2DevicesNano Research16(4), 5042-5046, (2023).


46. Nan Zhou, Zhimiao Zhang, Fakun Wang, Junhao Li, Xiang Xu,Haoran Li, Su Ding, Jinmei Liu, Xiaobo Li,Yong Xie, Rusen Yang*, Ying Ma, Tianyou Zhai*,Spin Ordering Induced Broadband Photodetection Based on Two-Dimensional Magnetic Semiconductor α-MnSe,Advanced Science9, 2202177 (2022).https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202202177

45. Sergio Puebla, Thomas Pucher, Victor Rouco, Gabriel Sanchez-Santolino,Yong Xie, Victor Zamora, Fabian A. Cuellar, Federico J. Mompeán, Carlos Leon, Joshua O. Island, Mar Garcia-Hernandez, Jacobo Santamaria*, Carmen Munuera*, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Combining freestanding ferroelectric perovskite oxides with two-dimensional semiconductors for high performance transistors,Nano Letters22(18), 7457–7466 (2022).https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c02395

44.Wenliang Zhang, Onur Çakıroğlu, Abdullah Al-Enizi, Ayman Nafady, Xuetao Gan, Xiaohua Ma, Sruthi Kuriakose,Yong Xie*, Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,Solvent-free fabrication of broadband WS2photodetectors on paper,Opto-Electronic Advances6(3), 220101 (2023).https://www.oejournal.org/article/id/6392ed5899d8814a14427598(Cover)

a. EurekAlert https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/975945
b. AlphaGalileo https://www.alphagalileo.org/en-gb/Item-Display/ItemId/229134?returnurl=https://www.alphagalileo.org/en-gb/Item-Display/ItemId/229134
c. Nanowerk https://www.nanowerk.com/nanotechnology-news2/newsid=62109.php
d. Miragenews https://www.miragenews.com/paper-supported-photodetectors-925429/

43. Onur Çakıroğlu, Joshua O. Island,Yong Xie, Riccardo Frisenda and Andres Castellanos-Gomez*,An automated system for strain engineering and straintronics of 2D materials,Advanced Materials Technologies8, 22010912022).https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/admt.202201091

42.Wenshuai Hu, Yabin Wang,Kexin He,Xiaolong He,Yan Bai,Chenyang Liu, Nan Zhou, Haolin Wang, Peixian Li, Xiaohua Ma,Yong Xie*,Straining of Atomically Thin WSe2Crystals: Suppressing Slippage by Thermal Annealing,Journal of Applied Physics,132(8), 085104(2022).https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/5.0096190

41. Yan Zhou, Shi Zhou, Penghua Ying, Qinghua Zhao,Yong Xie*, Mingming Gong, Pisu Jiang, Hui Cai, Bin Chen, Sefaattin Tongay, Jin Zhang*, Wanqi Jie, Tao Wang*, Pingheng Tan, Dong Liu, and Martin Kuball*, Unusual Deformation and Fracture in Gallium Telluride Multillayers,The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters(Coverhttps://pubs.acs.org/toc/jpclcd/13/17)13(17), 3831–3839.https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00411


40.Hao Li, Der-Yuh Lin, Anna Di Renzo, Sergio Puebla, Riccardo Frisenda, Xuetao Gan, Jorge Quereda,Yong Xie, Abdullah M. Al-Enizi, Ayman Nafady, and Andres Castellanos-Gomez,Stretching ReS2along different crystal directions: anisotropic tuning of the vibrational and optical responsesApplied Physics Letters120, 063101 (2022). (Editor\'s Pick)


39.Yong Xie*, Jausung Lee, Yanan Wang, Philip X.L. Feng*,Nanoelectromechanical Systems: Straining and Tuning Atomic Layer Nanoelectromechanical Resonators via Comb-Drive MEMS Actuators(Advanced Materials Technologies 2/2021),https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202170008文章被选为内前封面!


38. Yong Xie*, Jausung Lee, Yanan Wang, Philip X.L. Feng*,Straining and Tuning Atomic Layer Nanoelectromechanical Resonators via Comb-Drive MEMS Actuators,Advanced Materials Technologies6, 2000794 (2021).https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/admt.202000794


37. Y. Zhao, J. Li, J. Huang, L. Feng, L. Cao, Y. Feng, Z. Zhang,Y. Xie, H. Wang,Controlled Growth of Edge-Enriched ReS2Nanoflowers on Carbon Cloth Using Chemical Vapor Deposition for Hydrogen Evolution,Advanced Materials Interfaces7(22), 2001196 (2020).

36. Z. Wang, J. Sun, H. Wang, Y. Lei,Y. Xie, G. Wang, Y. Zhao, X. Li, H. Xu, X. Yang, L. Feng, X. Ma,2H/1T′ phase WS2(1−x)Te2xalloys grown by chemical vapor deposition with tunable band structures,Applied Surface Science504, 144371 (2020).


35.Yong Xie*, Jaesung Lee, Hao Jia, Philip XL Feng*,Frequency Tuning of Two-Dimensional Nanoelectromechanical Resonators Via Comb-Drive MEMS Actuators,20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Acutuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (Transducers & Eurosensors XXXIII), DOI: 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2019.8808703.

34. Y Wang, J Lee, XQ Zheng,Y Xie, PXL Feng,Hexagonal Boron Nitride Phononic Crystal Waveguides,ACS Photonics (中科院1)6, 3225 (2019)

33. E Mercado, Y Zhou,Y Xie, Q Zhao, H Cai, B Chen, W Jie, S Tongay,Passivation of Layered Gallium Telluride by Double Encapsulation with Graphene,ACS omega4(19), 18002-18010 (2019)

32. Yanan Wang, V Zhou, Yong Xie, XuQian Zheng, PXL Feng,Optical contrast signatures of hexagonal boron nitride on a device platform,Optical Materials Express9(3), 1223-1232 (2019)

31. Xu-Qian Zheng,Yong Xie, Jaesung Lee, Zhitai Jia, Xutang Tao,Beta gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) nanoelectromechanical transducer for dual-modality solar-blind ultraviolet light detection,APL Materials(编辑推荐文章)7, 022523 (2019)


30. MS Islam, SK Singh, J Lee,Yong Xie, CA Zorman, PXL Feng, S Mandal,A programmable sustaining amplifier for flexible multimode MEMS-referenced oscillators,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (中科院1)66(4), 1405-1418 (2018)

29. Mohammad Islam, Ran Wei, Jaesung Lee,Yong Xie, Soumyajit Mandal, Philip Feng,A Temperature-Compensated Single-Crystal Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) MEMS Oscillator with a CMOS Amplifier Chip,Micromachines9(11), 559 (2018)

28.Yong Xie, Xiaohua Ma, Zhan Wang, Tang Nan, Ruixue Wu, Peng Zhang, Haolin Wang, Yabin Wang, Yongjie Zhan, Yue Hao,NaCl-Assisted CVD Synthesis, Transfer and Persistent Photoconductivity Properties of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides,MRS Advances3(6-7), 365-371 (2018).


27.Yaohui Guo, Qiyi Zhao, Yongjie zhan, Xinlong Xu,Yong Xie*Experimental study on an evaporation process to deposit MoO2microflakes,Chemical Physics Letters687, 14-18 (2017)

26. Haolin Wang, Yajuan Zhao,Yong Xie, X.M. and, X. Zhang,Recent progress in synthesis of two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride,Journal of Semiconductors38(3), 031003-14 (2017) (Review).已被引用55

25. Zhan Wang,Yong Xie, Haolin Wang, Ruixue Wu, Tang Nan, Yongjie Zhan,Jing Sun, Teng Jiang, Ying Zhao, Yimin Lei, Mei Yang Weidong Wang, Qing Zhu, Xiaohua Ma, and Yue Hao,NaCl-Assisted One-Step Growth of MoS2-WS2In-Plane Heterostructures,Nanotechnology28(32), 325602(2017). ("Highlights of 2017"http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0957-4484/page/Highlights%202017)已被引用80

These authors contributed equally to this work.


24Manfred Anton Madel* , Florian Huber, Raphael Mueller, Bruno Amann, Martin Dickel,Yong Xie, Klaus Thonke,Persistent photoconductivity in ZnO nanowires: influence of oxygen and argon ambient,Journal of Applied Physics121(12), 124301 (2017) .已被引用37次Editor\'s Pick

23Yong Xie, Zhan Wang, Yongjie Zhan, Peng Zhang, Rruixue Wu, Teng Jiang, Shiwei Wu, Hong Wang, Ying Zhao, Tang Nan, Xiaohua Ma*,Controllable growth of monolayer MoS2by chemical vapor deposition via close MoO2precursor for electrical and optical applications,Nanotechnology28(8), 084001 (2017).("Highlights of 2017"http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0957-4484/page/Highlights%202017)已被引用69次


22Shiwei Wu, Hong Wang, Jing Sun, Fang Song, Zhan Wang, Mei Yang, He Xi,Yong Xie, Haixia Gao, Jigang Ma, Xiaohua Ma, Yue Hao,Dissolvable and Biodegradable Resistive Switching Memory Based on Magnesium Oxide,IEEE Electron Device Letters37(8), 990-993 (2016).

21Xuejiao Zhou, Shouwu Guo*, Peng Zhong,Yong Xie, Zhimin Li, Xiaohua Ma*,Large scale production of graphene quantum dots through the reaction of graphene oxide with sodium hypochlorite,RSC Advances6(60), 54644-54648 (2016).

20. Q. Zhao, T. Wang, Y. Miao, F. Ma,Y. Xie,X. Ma, Y. Gu, J. Li, J. He, B. Chen, S. Xi, L. Xu, H. Zhen, Z. Yin, J. Li, J. Ren, W. Jie,Thickness-induced structural phase transformation of layered gallium telluride,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics18, 18719-18726 (2016).已被引用58次

19. Yong Xie*, Manfred Madel, Martin Feneberg, Benjamin Neuschl, Wanqi Jie,Yue Hao, Xiaohua Ma, and Klaus Thonke,Oxygen vacancies induced DX center and persistent photoconductivity properties of high quality ZnO nanorods,Materials Research Express3, 045011 (2016).

18. Zhu Jie-Jie, Ma Xiao-Hua, Chen Wei-Wei, Hou Bin,Xie Yong, and Hao Yue,Comparative study on interface and bulk charges in AlGaN/GaN metal–insulator–semiconductor heterostructures with Al2O3, AlN, and Al2O3/AlN laminated dielectrics,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics55(5S), 05FH01 (2016).

17.Teng Jiang, Sheng-rui Xu*, Jin-cheng Zhang,Yong Xie,and Yue Hao,Spatially resolved and orientation dependent Raman mapping of epitaxial lateral overgrowth nonpolar a-plane GaN on r-plane sapphire,Scientific Reports6, 19955 (2016).


16. Bin Hou , Xiao-Hua Ma*, Wei-Wei Chen , Jiejie Zhu , Sheng-Lei Zhao , Yonghe Chen ,Yong Xie, Jin-Cheng Zhang , Yue Hao,Using in-process measurements of open-gate structures to evaluate threshold voltage of normally-off GaN-based high electron mobility transistors,Applied Physics Letters107(16), 163503 (2015).

15. M. Madel*, J. Jakob, F. Huber, B. Neuschl, S. Bauer,Y. Xie, I. Tischer, K. Thonke,Optical gas sensing by micro-photoluminescence on multiple and single ZnO nanowires,physica status solidi(a)212(8), 1810-1816 (2015). (DOI:10.1002/pssa.201431688)

14. Jiejie Zhu, Xiaohua Ma,Yong Xie,Bin Hou,Weiwei Chen, Jincheng Zhang, Yue Hao,Improved Interface and Transport Properties of AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTsWith PEALD-Grown AlN Gate Dielectric,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices62(2), 512 - 518 (2015). (DOI: 10.1109/TED.2014.2377781).

13.Yuzhao Wang*,Yong Xie, Tianlei Zhang, Guoqiang Wu, Gang Wang, Caijia Yu,Quality Factor Measurement for MEMSResonator Using Time Domain Amplitude Decaying Method,Microsystem Technology21(4), 825-829(2015). DOI :10.1007/s00542-014-2161-4


12.Yong Xie*, Manfred Madel, Thilo Zoberbier, Anton Reiser, Wanqi Jie, Benjamin Neuschl, Johannes Biskupek, Ute Kaiser, Martin Feneberg, and Klaus Thonke,Enforced c-axis growth of ZnO epitaxial chemical vapor deposition films on aplane sapphire,Applied Physics Letters100(18), 182101 (2012).

11.Yong Xie*, Manfred Madel, Yujie Li, Benjamin Neuschl, Wanqi Jie, Martin Feneberg, and Klaus Thonke,Polarity-controlled ultraviolet/visible light ZnO nanorods/p-Si photodetector,Journal of Applied Physics112(12), 123111 (2012).

10.Yong Xie*, Manfred Madel, Benjamin Neuschl, Wanqi Jie, Uwe Roeder, Martin Feneberg, and Klaus Thonke,Silicon-On Insulator based ZnO nanowire photodetector,Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B30(6), 061801 (2012).

9.Yong Xie*, Wanqi Jie, Anton Reiser, Martin Feneberg, Ingo Tischer, Michael Wiedenmann, Manfred Madel,Reinhard Frey, Uwe Roeder, and Klaus Thonke,Suppression of gallium inhomogeneity in ZnO nanostructureson GaN using seed layers,Materials Letters83(15),31-34(2012).

8.Yong Xie*, Wanqi JieTao Wang, Martin Feneberg, and Klaus Thonke,Growth induced stacking faults of ZnO nanorods probed by spatial resolved cathodoluminescence,Chinese Physics Letters29, 077803(2012)

7. Junning Gao*, Wanqi Jie, Yanyan Yuan, Tao Wang,Yong Xie, Yabin Wang, Yuhong Huang, Junli Tong, Hui Yu,and Guoqiang Pan,One-step fastdeposition of thick epitaxial CdZnTe film on (001)GaAs by close spaced sublimation,Crystengcomm14(5), 1790 (2012).

6. Junning Gao*, Wanqi Jie,Yong Xie, Xin Zheng, Hui Yu, Tao Wang, and Guoqiang Pan, Towards the cost effective epitaxy of hillocks freeCdZnTe film on (001) GaAs by close spaced sublimation,Materials Letters78(0), 39 (2012).

5.谢涌*,介万奇,王涛,崔岩,高峻宁,于晖, 王亚彬,非催化剂法制备ZnO纳米线阵列的近带边高分辨变温光致发光性能研究,功能材料,44(8).

Pre 2012

4.Manfred Madel*,Yong Xie, Ingo Tischer, Benjamin Neuschl, Martin Feneberg, Reinhard Frey, and Klaus Thonke,Catalytic growth of hexagonally aligned ZnO nanorods,Physica Status Solidi(B)248(8), 1915 (2011).

3. Ferdinand Scholz*, Sarad Bahadur Thapa, Mohamed Fikry, Joachim Hertkorn, Thomas Wunderer, Frank Lipski,Anton Reiser,Yong Xie, Martin Feneberg, Klaus Thonke, Rolf Sauer, Michael Duerrschnabel, Lide Yao, and DagmarGerthsen,Epitaxial growth of coaxial GaInN-GaN hetero-nanotubes,Materials Science and Engineering6, 012002 (2009).

2. Sarad Bahadur Thapa*, Joachim Hertkorn, Thomas Wunderer, Frank Lipski, Ferdinand Scholz , Anton Reiser,Yong Xie, Martin Feneberg, Klaus Thonke, Rolf Sauer, Michael Duerrschnabel, L.D. Yao, Dagmar Gerthsen,Holger Hochmuth, Michael Lorenz, and

Marius Grundmann,MOVPE growth of GaN around ZnO nanopillars,Journal of Crystal Growth310, 5139-5142 (2008).

1. Zewen Wang*, Wanqi Jie,Yong Xie, and Haoliang Wang,Characterization of HgMnTe crystals grown by vertical Bridgman method,

Journal of Crystal Growth305, 104–108 (2007) .
