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  1. Jian Gao,Jianshe Wu*, Jingyi Ding, "Heterogeneous Graph Condensation," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(CCF A类期刊), early access, 2024.
  2. Guihai Chen,Jianshe Wu*, Wenyun Luo and Jingyi Ding, "Constructing Negative Samples via Entity Prediction for Multi-task Knowledge Representation Learning," Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.281, p.111031, Dec.2023.
  3. Jian Gao,Jianshe Wu*, "Multiple Sparse Graphs Condensation," Knowledge-Based Systems,vol.278,no.25, p.110904, Oct. 2023.
  4. Jian Gao,Jianshe Wu*, "Repulsion-GNN: Use Repulsion to Supplement Aggregation," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(CCF A类期刊), vol.35, no.8, pp: 8448-8460, Aug. 2023.
  5. Jingyi Ding∗, Tiwen Wang, Ruohui Cheng, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Jing Bai, "Community evolution prediction based on a self-adaptive timeframe in social networks," Knowledge-Based Systems,vol.275,p.110687, Jun. 2023.
  6. Yang Jiao,Jianshe Wu*, Peng Xiang, Fang Wang, "Link prediction from fusion information," Physica A, vol.618, p.128694, May 2023.
  7. Jian Gao,Jianshe Wu*, Xin Zhang, Ying Li, Chunlei Han, Chubing Guo,"Partition and Learned Clustering with joined-training: Active learning of GNNs on large-scale graph,"Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.258, p.110050, Dec. 2022.
  8. Jianshe Wu∗,Nan Chen,Chaojie Zhou,Hefei Che,Chunlei Han,Qin Liu,"Computing the Number of Loop-free k-hop Paths of Networks" ,IEEE Transactions on Services Computing(CCF A类期刊), vol.15, pp: 2114-2128, July-Aug. 2022.
  9. Jingying Ding*, Ruohui Cheng, Jian Song, Xiangrong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Jianshe Wu, Graph label prediction based on local structure characteristics representation,Pattern RecognitionVolume 125, p.108525, May 2022.
  10. Jiangtao Li,Jianshe Wu, Weiquan He, Peng, Zhou, "Large-scale Nodes Classification with Deep Aggregation Network," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(CCF A类期刊), vol.33, pp: 2560-2572, Jun. 2021.DAN code
  11. Jian Gao, Chubing Guo, Mingfeng Pu, Xin Zhang, Ying Li,Jianshe Wu, Xin Yu, "A segment-graph algorithm for two-objective wireless spectrum allocation in cognitive networks," Computer Communications, vol.165, pp.97–104, 2021.
  12. Xiaomin Wu,Jianshe Wu, Yafeng Li, Qian Zhang, "Link prediction of time-evolving network based on node ranking," Knowledge-Based Systems, vol 195, p.105740, Mar. 2020.
  13. Xiaomin Wu,Jianshe Wu, Jixin Zou, Qian Zhang, "Analyses and Applications of Optimization Methods for Complex Network Reconstruction," Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 193, p.105406, Jan. 2020.
  14. Jingyi Ding, Wenjing Sun,Jianshe Wu, Yuwei Guo, "Influence maximization based on the realistic independent cascade model," Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 191, p.105265, Mar. 2020.
  15. Cuiqi Si, Licheng Jiao, Jianshe Wu, "Truncated Graph-Regularized Low Rank Representation for Link Prediction," IEEE Access, vol.7, pp. 48224-48235, 2019.
  16. Jianshe Wu, Xing Shen, Kui Jiao, "Game-based Memetic Algorithm to the Vertex Cover of Networks," IEEE Transactionson Cybernatics(CCF A类期刊), vol. 49(3). pp. 974-988,March 2019.code.
  17. Jianshe Wu, Hedi Yang, Yanhua Ren, X. Rong Li, "A two-stage algorithm for network reconstruction,"Applied Soft Computing,Vol. 70, pp. 751-763,Sep. 2018.
  18. Jianshe Wu, Ni Dang, Yang Jiao, "Reconstruction of networks from one-step data by matching, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications," Physica A,vol. 497(1), pp. 118-125, May 2018.
  19. Yang Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao "An image segmentation method based on network clustering model,"Physica A,Vol. 490(15), pp. 1532–1542,January 2018.
  20. Cuiqi Si, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Jin Zhao, "A group evolving-based framework with perturbations for link prediction," Physica A, vol. 475, pp.117-128, 2017.
  21. Jianshe Wu, Fang Wang, Peng Xiang, "Automatic network clustering via density-constrained optimization with grouping operator,” Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 38, pp. 606–616, 2016,PDF
  22. Jianshe Wu, Long Zhang, Yong Li, Yang Jiao, "Partition signed social networks via clustering dynamics,” Physica A, Vol. 443, pp. 568–582, 2016,PDF
  23. Jingyi Ding, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Fang Liu,Prediction of missing links based on community relevance and ruler inference, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 98(15), pp.200-215, 2016,
  24. Jianshe Wu,Yunting Hou, Yang Jao, Yong Li, Xiaoxiao, Li, Licheng Jiao, "Density shrinking algorithm for community detection with path based similarity,” Physica A, Vol. 433, 2015, pp.218-228.PDF
  25. Jianshe Wu,Yanqiao Hou, Licheng Jiao, Huijie Li, "Community structure inhibits cooperation in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma,” Physica A, Vol. 412 (15), 2014, pp.169-179,PDF
  26. Jianshe Wu,Yang Jiao, "Clustering dynamics of complex discrete-time networks and its application in community detection,” Chaos, Vol. 24, 033104, 2014,PDF
  27. Yutao Qi, Xiaoliang, Fang Liu, licheng Jiao, Jianyong, Sun,Jianshe Wu, " MOEA/D with Adaptive Weight Adjustment," Evolutionary Computition, MIT, Vol. 22, pp. 231-264, 2014.PDF
  28. Jingyi Ding, Licheng Jiao, Yunting Hou,Jianshe Wu, Yutao Qi, "Prediction of missing links based on multi-resolution community division," Physica A, Vol. 417, pp. 76-85, 2014.PDF
  29. Jianshe Wu,Zhiyan Chang, Lin Yuan, Yunting Hou, and Maoguo Gong, “A Memetic Algorithm for the Resource Allocation Problem Based on Node-Weighted Graphs,” IEEEComputational Intelligence Magazine, Vol.9, pp. 58-69, April 2014.PDFcode
  30. Caihong Mu, Yong Li, Yi Liu,Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, "Two-stage algorithm using influence coefficient for detecting the hieaarchical, non-overlapping and overlapping community structure," Physica A, Vol. 408, pp. 47-61, 2014.PDF.
  31. Wu Jian-She,Li Li-Guang, Wang Xiao-Hua, Yu Xin, and Jiao Li-Cheng, “Network evolution driven by dynamics applied to graph coloring,” Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22, No. 6, June 2013, 060507.PDF
  32. Jianshe Wu,Xiaoxiao Li, Licheng Jiao, Xiaohua Wang, Bo Sun, “Minimum spanning trees for community detection,” Physica A, 392(9), pp.2265–2277, May 2013.PDF
  33. Fang Liu, Sifeng Zhu, Zhengyi Chai, Yutao Qi,Jianshe Wu, “Immune optimization algorithm for solving vertical handoff decision problem in heterogeneous wireless network,” Wireless Networks, May 2013, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp 507-516.PDF

  34. Jianshe Wu,Rui Lu, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Xin Yu, Da Wang, and Bo Sun, “Phase transition model for community detection,” Physica A, 392, pp. 1287–1301, March 2013 1287–1301.PDF
  35. Zhengyi Chai, Fang Liu, Yutao Qi, andJianshe Wu,“A Novel Immune Optimization Algorithm for Fairness Resource Allocation in CognitiveWireless Network,”Wireless Personal Communications, April 2013, Volume 69, Issue 4, pp. 1671-1687.PDF
  36. Sifeng Zhu, Fang Liu, Yutao Qi, Zhengyi Chai,Jianshe Wu, “Immune optimization algorithm for solving joint call admission control problem in next-generation wireless network,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 25 Issue 7, October, 2012 Pages 1395-1402.PDF
  37. Jianrui Chen, L. C. Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Xiaodong Wang, “Compressive spectrum sensing in the cognitive radio networks by exploiting the sparsity of active radios,” Wireless Networks, August 2012.PDF
  38. Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, Chao Jin, Fang Liu, Maoguo Gong, Ronghua Shang, and Weisheng Chen, “Overlapping community detection via network dynamics,” Physical Review E, Vol. 85, 016115, 2012.PDF.
  39. Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, and Ranran Ding “Average time synchronization in wireless sensor networks by pairwise messages,” Computer Communications, Vol. 35, pp. 221–233, 2012.PDF.
  40. Jianshe Wu, Xiaohua Wang, and Licheng Jiao, “Synchronization on overlapping community network,” Physica A, Vol. 391, pp. 508–514, 2012.PDF.
  41. Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, and Rui Li “Clustering dynamics of nonlinear oscillatornetwork: application to graph coloring problem,”Physica D, Vol. 240, pp. 1972-1978, 2011.PDF.
  42. L. C. Jiao, Jianrui Chen,Jianshe Wu, Xiaodong Wang, and Shuang Zhang, “Efficient Collaborative Spectrum Sensing with LowSample Rate,” Wireless Personal Communications, December 2012, Volume 67, Issue 4, pp 923-936,PDF.
  43. Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, and Guanrong Chen.“Cluster synchronization in a network of non-identical dynamic systems,” Chinese Physics B, Vol. 19, No. 2 .060503, 2011.PDF.
  44. Weisheng Chen, L. C. Jiao,andJianshe Wu, “Decentralized backstepping output-feedback control for stochasticinterconnected systems with time-varying delays using neuralnetworks,” Neural Comput & Applic. 2011.PDF.
  45. Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, Xiaohua Wang, Yangyang Li, and Hong Han.“Tuning the synchronous state of two different chaotic systems,” International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 25, No.28, pp. 3755-3764, 2011.PDF.
  46. Weisheng Chen, L. C. Jiao, andJianshe Wu, “Globally stable adaptive robust tracking control using RBFneural networks as feedforward compensators,” Neural Computing and Applications, March 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2, pp 351-363.PDF.
  47. Jianrui Chen, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, and Xiaodong Wang, “Projective synchronization with different scale factors in adriven-response complexnetwork and its application inimage encryption,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol.11, issue 4, pp. 3045-3058, August 2010.PDF.
  48. Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao, andJianshe Wu, “Phase synchronization on small-world networks with community structure,” Chinese Physics B, Vol. 19, No. 2, 020501, 2010.PDF.
  49. Shang Rong-Hua,Jiao Li-Cheng, Li Yang-Yang, andWu Jian-She, “Quantum Immune Clonal Selection Algorithm for Multi-objective 0/1 KnapsackProblems,” Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 27, No. 1,010308, 2010.PDF.
  50. Jianrui Chen, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Xiaohua Wang, “Adaptive Synchronization between Two Different Complex Networks with Time-Varying Delay Coupling” Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 26, No. 6, 060505, 2009.PDF.
  51. Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, “Adjusting from disjoint to overlapping community detection of complex networks,” Physica A, vol 388, pp. 5045-5056, 2009.PDF.
  52. Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, “Extracting hierarchical organization of complex networks by dynamics towards synchronization,” Physica A, vol 388, pp. 2975-2986, 2009.PDF.
  53. Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, “Synchronization in complex dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling,” Physica D, vol 237 pp: 2487–2498, 2008.PDF
  54. Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, “Synchronization in dynamical networks with nonsymmetric time-delay coupling based on linear feedback controllers,” Physica A, vol. 387, pp: 2111–2119, 2008.PDF
  55. Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao,“Global Synchronization and State Tuning in Asymmetric Complex Dynamical Networks” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 932–936, Sep. 2008.PDF
  56. Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, “Observer-based synchronization in complex dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling,” Physica A, vol 386, pp: 469–480,2007.PDF.
  57. Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, “Synchronization in complex delayed dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling,” Physica A, vol 386, pp: 513–530, 2007.PDF

Conference paper

  1. Jianshe Wu, Lin Yuan, Qingliang Gong, Wenping Ma, JIngjing Ma, Yangyang Li, A compression optimization algorithm for community detection, In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2014.code.
