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Name: Jingjing GUO

Title: Associate Professor

Department: School of Cyber Engineering

Contact Information

Address: No. 2 South Taibai Road, Xian, Shaanxi, China

Email: jjguo@xidian.edu.cn, xdgjj@foxmai.com


As of December 2023, over 40 SCI/EI papers have been published in authoritative domestic and international journals/conferences such as IEEE JSAC, IEEE TITS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TII, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE TVT, Science China Information Sciences, ACM SAC, Journal of Computer, Journal of Electronics, Journal of Communications, etc; Applied for/authorize over 40 national invention patents/foreign invention patents/PCT patents; Published 5 monographs on Internet of Vehicles security, Java, C/C++, Python, big data, etc; Submitted 4 reports on China's national defense science and technology; Participated in the development of 5 industry standards; Received honors such as the Gold Award at the Geneva International Invention Exhibition, the Science and Technology Award of the Shaanxi Electronic Society, the Second Prize in the Shaanxi Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Science and Technology Workers, the National First Class Undergraduate Course Instructor, the Famous Ideological and Political Teaching Teacher of the Ministry of Education, the Excellent Guidance Teacher of the National Cryptography Competition, the Excellent Master's Thesis supervisor, and the "woman pace-setter"; Presided over vertical projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Aviation Science Foundation, Key Laboratory Open Project, as well as horizontal projects such as the State Grid Science and Technology Project; Participated in vertical projects such as key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, key research and development plan projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, innovation group projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and key research and development plan projects of Xinjiang Province; Guide students to publish multiple high-level papers and receive honors such as the "International Conference Best Paper Award", "Excellent Master's Thesis", "Excellent Undergraduate Thesis", "Excellent Graduate Student", and National Scholarship.

Research Interests

1.Trust Management
2. AI Security
3.Vehicle Network Security
4.UAV Security
