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Post-doc Fellow in School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

We welcome candidates with passion for new-generation video compression technology development, to join the project funded by the Academic Research Fund. The research ahead investigates into intelligent video processing, perception-based representation, video codec optimization (for best performance with different types of visual signal), and new audiovisual coding methodology. It aims to introduce a new dimension into the diminishing space for further improvement in the related areas.

The applicant is expected to have a recent PhD degree in one of the following fields:

 video compression
 image processing
 machine learning

or another relevant field. He/she should:

• be self-motivated
• have track record of quality research and technical publications
• have effective communication skills in English

The additional responsibility includes helping the Principal Investigator to lead the research team that comprises PhD/MSc students (existing ones plus two more to be recruited separately) and Research Assistants. Salary will be commensurate with the relevant qualification and experience.

Please send the CV and other supporting material to Dr Weisi Lin (wslin@ntu.edu.sg). Some related research information can be found athttp://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/wslin.


Two PhD Studentships in School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Suitable candidates with passion for new-generation video compression technology development are invited to apply for the PhD Scholarships funded by the Academic Research Fund. The research deals with intelligent visual processing, perceptual modeling in line with human perception, video codec selection/customization/optimization, and interaction between video and other media. This is part of a bigger effort (including that with the existing PhD students and one post-doc fellow who is to be recruited separately) to introduce a new dimension into the diminishing space for further improvement in related fields.

The applicants should have a good bachelor degree (and preferably a master degree) in

 Electronic Engineering
 Computer Engineering

or another relevant subject. The candidates are expected to love exploration, and have solid background in

• mathematics
• engineering
• English
• programming

Experience in signal processing, machine learning and perceptual (both physiological and psychological) modeling is of advantage.

Please send the CV and other supporting material to Dr Weisi Lin (wslin@ntu.edu.sg). Some related research information can be found athttp://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/wslin.

来源:Dr Weisi LinWSLin@ntu.edu.sg