Call for Paper ICIA2008 张家界
IEEE ICIA2008 张家界
The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (IEEE ICIA
2008) will take place from June 20-23, 2008 at the Best Western Premier
ZhangJiaJie hotel, Hunan, China:
The theme of ICIA 2008 is “Integration of information technologies and automation
”. In order to response to the repaid development in the area of the integration
of the information technology with automation and control, ICIA has increased its
technical scopes in order to provide a bigger forum for researchers in the
interdisciplinary areas of information and automation sciences and engineering.
You are cordially invited to submit your original research papers in all areas of
Information technologies in/for automation,Information-enabled automation, and
related topics. The PDF full paper submission deadline is January 15, 2008 and all
submissions are made electronically via the above conference website.
All accepted papers will be indexed by EI and included in IEEE Xplore.
The important dates of ICIA 2008 are:
January 15, 2008 Submission of full papers and video
February 28, 2008 Submission of proposals for workshops/tutorials
March 15, 2008 Notification of papers, video and W/T acceptance
April 15, 2008 Submission of final papers and video
For detailed instructions about paper submission, please visit the ICIA 2008
conference website.
About ZhangJiaJie:
ZhangJiaJie is one of the most beautiful tourist sites in China. It is located in
the middle part of China and can be conveniently accessed by planes from major
cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. ICIA 2008 will provide
the participants an opportunity to enjoy the fantastic scenic spots and the unique
culture of the minority nations of Tujia and Miao people in addition to the
technical program.
For detailed information,please relate to the CFP attached to this mail.
We look forward to your submission and your participation in ICIA 2008 in
ZhangJiaJie, China.
Yunhui Liu
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Chaojing Tang
National Univ. of Defense Tech., China
General Chair of ICIA 2008
Ning Xi,
Michigan State University, USA
Jindong Tan
Michigan Technological Univ., USA
Program Chair of ICIA 2008