


Xinbo Gao was born in Laiwu, Shandong Province in 1972. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in signal and information engineering from Xidian University in 1994, 1997 and 1999, respectively. From 1997 to 1998, he studied the game tree search strategies in the field of artificial intelligence as a jointly supervised Ph.D. student under the guidance of Prof. Hiroyuki Iida, a professional grandmaster of Shogi-player, in the Department of Computer Science, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan. In this field, he proposed the opponent-model based speculative search strategy and \alpha-\beta^2 pruning algorithm, which was published in Theoretical Computer Science. From 2000 to 2001, he worked in Multimedia Lab of Department of Information Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as a Postdoctoral Fellow of Prof. Xiaoou Sean Tang's group. In this field, he proposed graph-model based structured semantic analysis for news video and developed a caption-based video self-annotation approach, and then develop a news video retrial system, which were published in IEEE TCSVT and TNN.

Since 2001, he has joined the School of Electronic Engineering of Xidian University. He was promoted as an Associate Professor in 2001, Professor in 2003, and Ph.D. student supervisor in December of 2003. At present, he is a Cheung Kong Professor of Ministry of Education, winner of the funding of NSFC for distinguished young scientists, Professor of Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Visiting Professor of Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, Adjunct Professor of Xi'an University of Technology and Liaoning Normal University, Founder and Director of the Video/Image Processing System Laboratory (VIPSL). He had been the Vice Dean of School of Electronic Engineering, Director of International Affairs Office and the Founder Dean of School of International Education, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks (ISN, 2013-2018), the Assistant to the President of Xidian University. From 2018 to 2020, he was one of the Vice Presidents of Xidian University and Dean of Graduate School. From May of 2020, he was appointed as the President of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

His research interests include machine learning, computer vision, visual information processing, analysis and understanding. In recent years, he combined the physical space, cyberspace and cognitive space to proposed heterogeneous facial image synthesis and recognition and (human visual system) HVS-like image quality assessment and its applications. He has published over 600 papers in the referred journals and conferences with over 17000+ citations according to Google Scholar citation and granted 60+ patents. He obtained 2 "Most Cited Articles" Awards from Signal Processing Journal, 1 "Microsoft Cup" IEEE Excellent paper award and 1 excellent scientific paper of Shaanxi Province. He is editorial board member of EURASIP Signal Processing (Elsevier), Neurocomputing (Elsevier) and other 10 Journals. As a member of Steering Committee, he initiated the international conference, IScIDE, and the Seminar for young research in the community of vision and learning, VALSE. He acted as General Co-Chair or local chairs for over 20 conferences, and grant reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholar, and China Scholarship Council. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, member of the Executive Committee of IEEE Xi'an Section, Membership Development Committee Chair, Vice Chairman of Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Xi'an Section, a Fellow of IET/IEE, Vice President of IET Xi'an Network, Vice President of ACM Xi'an, Executive Member of Council of China Society of Image and Graphics, Fellow of Chinese Institute of Electronics and Member of Council of China Computer Federation, Director of CCF Multi-valued Logic and Fuzzy Logic Society, Member of Machine Learning Society of China Association of Artificial Intelligence, Vice President of Institute of Graphics and Image, Shaanxi Province, and Director of Circuit and System Society of Shaanxi Institute of Electronics. He was invited to give keynote speeches or invited speeches in several Conferences, like CIT2014, BWCCA2014, CS2016, IEEE SIDAS2016 etc.

As principal investigator, he is doing or has completed some projects including Key project of NSFC, joint project with Intel China Research Center and etc. He obtained 1 second prize award of National Science Award, 4 first prize research awards from Shaanxi Province Science and Technological Award and 1 second prize award of natural science of Ministry of Education, China. In 2012, as the chief researcher, his team was selected as the Shaanxi Innovative Research Team for Key Science and Technology. From 2013, as the chief scientist, his team was selected as a the Innovation Research Team in University of Ministry of Education (MOE). From 2014, as the chief scientist, his team was selected as a the Innovation Team in Important Fields by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In the field of teaching and talent cultivation, he published 3 monographs and 4 textbooks for undergraduate and graduate students, hosted an excellent course, and achieved some teaching awards from Shaanxi Province. The lecture on "Digital Signal Processing" given by Prof. Gao was awarded the model bi-lingual lecture by Ministry of Education. In 2008, he was selected as a principal member of Innovation Teaching Team in University of MOE, and awarded as one of Famous Professors in Xidian University. 7 Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Xinbo Gao obtained the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award from Shaanxi Province and Academic organization like CIE and CSIG.

He was awarded as one of Outstanding Young Teachers, Shaanxi Province (2003), supported by thethe program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China by MOE (2004), authorized the title Pacemaker of Ten Excellent Young Teacher ofShaanxiProvince (2005), awarded the Young Teacher Award of High School by the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation (2006), selectedas a member of support program of high-level talent, Xidian University (2009) and a candidate of the one hundred plus one thousand plus ten thousand talents project of the new century(2009),youth science start in the field of information science by Science News and Elsevier (2010), distinguished young scientist by NSFC(2011), Cheung Kong Professor of Ministry of Education (2012), and excellent innovation talent of Shaanxi (2012). In 2016, he was supported by the "Ten Thousand Talent Program". In 2020, he obtained the State Scientific Innovation and Pioneer Award. From 2006, he was selected as an Expert enjoying the Government Special Subsidy.

The Homepage of Prof. Xinbo Gao is athttp://see.xidian.edu.cn/faculty/xbgao/

Updated on 2020-08-25

