| Profile - 西安电子科技大学
June 5-8, 2017
The application of complex networks to evolutionary computation (EC) has received considerable attention from the EC community in recent years. The most well-known study should be the attempt of using complex networks, such as small-world networks and scale-free networks, as the potential population structures in evolutionary algorithms (EAs). Structured populations have been proposed to as a means for improving the search properties because several researchers have suggested that EAs populations might have structures endowed with spatial features, like many natural populations. Moreover, empirical results suggest that using structured populations is often beneficial owing to better diversity maintenance, formation of niches, and lower selection pressures in the population favouring the slow spreading of solutions and relieving premature convergence and stagnation. Moreover, the study of using complex networks to analyse fitness landscapes and designing predictive problem difficulty measures is also attracting increasing attentions. On the other hand, using EAs to solve problems related to complex networks, such as community detection, is also a popular topic.
This special session seeks to bring together the researchers from around the globe for a creative discussion on recent advances and challenges in combining complex networks and EAs. The special session will focus on, but not limited to, the following topics:
Complex networks and fitness landscape analysis
Complex networks and problem difficulty prediction
Evolutionary dynamics on complex networks
Evolutionary algorithms based on complex networks
Community detection using evolutionary algorithms
Community detection using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
Real world applications of evolutionary algorithms based on complex networks
The deadline for contribution paper submission isJanuary 16, 2017January 30, 2017. Please have a look at the IEEE CEC 2017 Web sitehere.
Prof. Jing Liu(Home Page)received the Ph.D. degree from Xidian University in 2004. In 2005, she joined Xidian University as a lecturer, and was promoted to a full professor in 2009. From Apr. 2007 to Apr. 2008, she worked in The University of Queensland, Australia as a postdoctoral research fellow, and from Jul. 2009 to Jul. 2011, she worked in University of New South Wales as the Australian Defence Force Academy as a research associate. Her research interests include evolutionary computation, complex networks, and data mining. She has co-authored more than 100 research papers which were published by international journals and conferences.
Email: neouma@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Home page: http://see.xidian.edu.cn/faculty/liujing/
Dr. Wenbo Dureceived the Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2010. In 2011, he joined Beihang University as an associate professor. From Mar. 2015 to Mar. 2016, he worked in University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy as a visiting scholar. His research interests include complex network, network dynamics and evolutionary computation. He has published over 50 journal and conference papers. Now he served as a young Academic Editor of Frontiers of Computer Science, and Editorial Board of Journal of Airline and Airport Management.
Email: wenbodu@buaa.edu.cn