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Jianshe Wu

Ph. D



1.Jianshe Wu, Zhiyan Chang, Lin Yuan, Yunting Hou, Maoguo Gong, ��A Memetic Algorithm for Resource AllocationProblem Based on Node-Weighted Graphs,��IEEEComputational Intelligence Magazine, Vol.9, pp. 58-69, April 2014.PDFcode.

2.Jianshe Wu,Yang Jiao, "Clustering dynamics of complex discrete-time networks and its application in community detection, " Chaos, Vol. 24, 033104, 2014,PDF

3.Jianshe Wu,Yanqiao Hou, Licheng Jiao, Huijie Li, "Community structure inhibits cooperation in the spatial prisoner��s dilemma," Physica A, Vol. 412 (15), 2014, pp.169-179,PDF

4.Wu Jian-She,Li Li-Guang, Wang Xiao-Hua, Yu Xin, and Jiao Li-Cheng, ��Network evolution driven by dynamics applied to graph coloring,�� Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22, No. 6, June 2013, 060507.

5.Jianshe Wu,Xiaoxiao Li, Licheng Jiao, Xiaohua Wang, Bo Sun, ��Minimum spanning trees for community detection,�� Physica A, 392(9), pp.2265�C2277, May 2013.

6.Fang Liu, Sifeng Zhu, Zhengyi Chai, Yutao Qi,Jianshe Wu, ��Immune optimization algorithm for solving vertical handoff decision problem in heterogeneous wireless network,��Wireless Networks, May 2013, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp 507-516.

7.Jianshe Wu,Rui Lu, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Xin Yu, Da Wang, and Bo Sun, ��Phase transition model for community detection,�� Physica A, 392, pp. 1287�C1301, March 2013 1287�C1301.

8.Zhengyi Chai, Fang Liu, Yutao Qi, andJianshe Wu,��A Novel Immune Optimization Algorithm for Fairness Resource Allocation in CognitiveWireless Network,��Wireless Personal Communications, April 2013, Volume 69, Issue 4, pp. 1671-1687.

9.Sifeng Zhu, Fang Liu, Yutao Qi, Zhengyi Chai,Jianshe Wu, ��Immune optimization algorithm for solving joint call admission control problem in next-generation wireless network,�� Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 25 Issue 7, October, 2012 Pages 1395-1402.

10.Jianrui Chen��L. C. Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Xiaodong Wang, ��Compressive spectrum sensing in the cognitive radio networks by exploiting the sparsity of active radios,�� Wireless Networks, August 2012.

11.Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, Chao Jin, Fang Liu, Maoguo Gong, Ronghua Shang, and Weisheng Chen, ��Overlapping community detection via network dynamics,�� Physical Review E, Vol. 85, 016115, 2012.

12.Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, and Ranran Ding ��Average time synchronization in wireless sensor networks by pairwise messages,�� Computer Communications, Vol. 35, pp. 221�C233, 2012.

13.Jianshe Wu, Xiaohua Wang, and Licheng Jiao, ��Synchronization on overlapping community network,�� Physica A, Vol. 391, pp. 508�C514, 2012.

14.Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, and Rui Li ��Clustering dynamics of nonlinear oscillatornetwork: application to graph coloring problem,��Physica D, Vol. 240, pp. 1972-1978, 2011.

15.L. C. Jiao, Jianrui Chen,Jianshe Wu, Xiaodong Wang, and Shuang Zhang, ��Efficient Collaborative Spectrum Sensing with LowSample Rate,�� Wireless Personal Communications, December 2012, Volume 67, Issue 4, pp 923-936,

16.Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, and Guanrong Chen.��Cluster synchronization in a network of non-identical dynamic systems,�� Chinese Physics B, Vol. 19, No. 2 .060503, 2011.

17.Weisheng Chen, L. C. Jiao,andJianshe Wu, ��Decentralized backstepping output-feedback control for stochasticinterconnected systems with time-varying delays using neuralnetworks,�� Neural Comput & Applic. 2011.

18.Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, Xiaohua Wang, Yangyang Li, and Hong Han.��Tuning the synchronous state of two different chaotic systems,�� International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 25, No.28, pp. 3755-3764, 2011.

19.Weisheng Chen, L. C. Jiao, andJianshe Wu, ��Globally stable adaptive robust tracking control using RBFneural networks as feedforward compensators,�� Neural Computing and Applications, March 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2, pp 351-363.

20.Jianrui Chen, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, and Xiaodong Wang, ��Projective synchronization with different scale factors in adriven-response complexnetwork and its application inimage encryption,�� Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol.11, issue 4, pp. 3045-3058, August 2010.

21.Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao, andJianshe Wu, ��Phase synchronization on small-world networks with community structure,�� Chinese Physics B, Vol. 19, No. 2, 020501, 2010.

22.Shang Rong-Hua,Jiao Li-Cheng, Li Yang-Yang, andWu Jian-She, ��Quantum Immune Clonal Selection Algorithm for Multi-objective 0/1 KnapsackProblems,�� Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 27, No. 1,010308, 2010.

23.Jianrui Chen, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, Xiaohua Wang, ��Adaptive Synchronization between Two Different Complex Networks with Time-Varying Delay Coupling�� Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 26, No. 6, 060505, 2009.

24.Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, ��Adjusting from disjoint to overlapping community detection of complex networks,�� Physica A, vol 388, pp. 5045-5056, 2009.

25.Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, ��Extracting hierarchical organization of complex networks by dynamics towards synchronization,�� Physica A, vol 388, pp. 2975-2986, 2009.

26.Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao,Jianshe Wu, ��Phase synchronization on small-world networks with community structure,��Chinese Physics B, In Press, 2009.

27.Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, ��Synchronization in complex dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling,�� Physica D, vol 237 pp: 2487�C2498, 2008.

28.Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, ��Synchronization in dynamical networks with nonsymmetric time-delay coupling based on linear feedback controllers,�� Physica A, vol. 387, pp: 2111�C2119, 2008.

29.Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao,��Global Synchronization and State Tuning in Asymmetric Complex Dynamical Networks�� IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 932�C936, Sep. 2008.

30.Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, ��Observer-based synchronization in complex dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling,�� Physica A, vol 386, pp: 469�C480,2007.

31.Jianshe Wuand Licheng Jiao, ��Synchronization in complex delayed dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling,�� Physica A, vol 386, pp: 513�C530, 2007.

School of Electronic Engineering,Xidian University,

Xi'an, 710071, China

E-mail:jshwu@mail.xidian.edu.cn. Phone:+86-29-88202279


