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Armed with the state-of-the-art educational philosophy, the School of Aerospace Science and Technology (SAST) of Xidian University aims at constructing a research-oriented school that conducts vibrant research on measurement control and communication, navigation and control, as well as intelligent detection. SAST has established a complete system that provides innovative and integrated training programs to bachelor, master and Ph.D. students. Currently SAST has entered the stage of overall revising its training programs. The school has finished enacted the training plan for the two bachelor programs, i.e., the space science and technology, as well as the navigation guidance and control. The two master programs, i.e., detection technology and automation equipment, as well as the navigation guidance and control, are in process of enactment. SAST will announce the details after the related training programs are approved by the university.

To help fresh students quickly adapting the campus life and offer good service to students’ growth, the school has carried out serials of activities such as the ideological education and theme week activities. For example, the topics of theme weeks include “How to Make Selections and Hold on until the Last Moment-the College Entrance Education for Fresh Students”, “How to Pursuing College Education”, and “Communications from the Heart-Education on Psychological Health”. These activities can help student in establishing correct values and shape their morality, learning style, psychological health and safety concept.

SAST pays high attention to the students’ professional education and the guidance of students in research practice. The school has established the Independent and Innovative Laboratory geared to the undergraduate students. This lab is self-managed by students. Besides, the school has carried out several professional education, and invited faculties and senior students to give lectures related to academic and scientific practice. Students in SAST are highly encouraged to actively participate in the electronic and scientific competitions and they are very excited to join in. For example, for the experimental class of 2013, 60% students have taken part in the ‘Xinghuo Cup’ competition.
