  • 毕业学校:2019年2月,博士毕业于柏林洪堡大学和伦敦国王学院

  • 职称/岗位:华山菁英教授

  • 研究方向:比较哲学、中国哲学、西方哲学(尤其是19世纪以后欧陆哲学)、世界哲学、去殖民哲学(decolonial philosophy)

  • 电子邮件:shuchen.xiang@hotmail.com

  • 办公地点:西电南校区信远Ⅱ区-130西


■ 代表性论著


1.“Decolonising Sinology: On Sinology’s Weaponization of the Discourse of Race.”Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies.Volume 49 (2): 280-298, 2023.

Republished inIntellectual Decolonisation: Critical Perspectives.Routledge. Forthcoming.

2. “Tianxiaand Its Decolonial Counterparts: ‘China’ as Civilization, not Ethnicity”The China Review.Vol. 23 (2): 165-187, 2023.

3. “Worthy of Recognition: The Confucian Ethics of Recognition.”Journal of Chinese Philosophy.49 (4): 388-404, 2022.

4. “Sinophobia, Imperialism, Disorder without Responsibility”Sartre Studies International.Vol. 28 (2), 2022.

5. “The Persistence of Scientific Racism: Ernst Cassirer on the Myth of Substance.”Critical Philosophy of Race.9 (1): 126-150, 2021.

6. Chinese Processual Holism and Its Attitude Towards ‘Barbarians’ and Non-Humans.”Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions. Vol. 60 (4). 941-964, 2021.

7. “Why the Confucians Had No Concept of Race (Part I and Part II): The Anti-Essentialist Cultural Understanding of Self”Philosophy Compass. Vol. 14 (10), 2019.

8. “Organic Harmony and Ernst Cassirer’s Pluralism.”Idealistic Studies49 (3). 2019. 259-284.

9. “Freedom and Culture: The Cassirerian and Confucian Account of Symbolic Formation.”Idealistic Studies. Vol. 47 (3): 175-194, 2018.

10. “Orientalism and Enlightenment Positivism: A Critique of Anglophone Sinology, Comparative Literature and Philosophy.”The Pluralist. Vol. 13 (2): 22-49, 2018.

Translated into Portuguese and republished: “Orientalismo e Positivismo Iluminista: Uma Crítica da Sinologia Anglófona, Literatura Comparada e Filosofia” inSinologia Hoje. Edited by André Bueno. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2020. 129-150.


1.Chinese Cosmopolitanism: The History and Philosophy of an Idea.Princeton University Press, 2023.

2.A Philosophical Defense of Culture: Perspectives from Confucianism and Cassirer.State University of New York Press. 2021.

3. Zongping Sha and Shuchen Xiang. (eds.)The Islamic-Confucian Synthesis in China.Lexington Books. 2023.

4.Translation ofHistory of Chinese Philosophy Through its Key Terms《中国哲学关键词》. Edited by Wang Yueqing王月清and Bao Qinggang暴庆刚.Springer Verlag, 2020.

