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发布者: 发表时间:2018-05-04

From March 14th to 16th, 2018, as the Asian laser and optoelectronics industry event, the 13th Laser World of Photonics CHINA was held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. Laser World of Photonics CHINA presents an all-round product content of the optoelectronics industry from an international perspective, specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the Chinese market. This exhibition attracted 977 exhibitors in an exhibition area of 51,750 square meters. In addition France, Switzerland, the United States, Germany and Japan have all exhibited at this exhibition in the form of pavilions.

Forour team, Professor Han led seven graduate students to visit this Expo, focusing on learning and communicating about some optical products such as photodetector, optical measurement systems, optical imaging devices, Lidar devices and machine vision solutions. At the same time, some students participated in lectures on simulation software related to optical design and learned how to install software.

Photo of Our Research Team in Exhibition

LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA 2018 Exhibition Show Corner

Bottle Thickness Laser Measurement System

Spot Automatic Offset Adjustment System

Laser Inspection System on Production Line

Lithium Niobate Intensity Modulation System

Laser Imaging System from One Company
