



授课教师:Chaoying Durand-SUN



教师简介(中英文):孙超英教师系法籍华人著名学者和资深翻译,法国形象思维研究中心特邀研究员,吉尔贝·杜朗之友协会创始人兼名誉会长,西班牙文化文学与伊比利亚亚瑟传统协会会员。已出版多部学术论文集《拉伯雷与神话》等。在法国、意大利等国的十几所大学学术刊物上发表中西文化、哲学、人类学、文学及形象思维研究论文三十余篇,在北京晚报、人民日报海外版等文艺报刊上发表数十篇报道和译文作品。 主要法文译作有:钱钟书作品《人 兽 鬼》;《苏东坡文集》;罗贯中古典名著《三国演义》共五卷;《习仲勋与群众路线》;《中华人民共和国史稿》共四卷(2018-2020);《习仲勋传画册》;《苦难辉煌》(2023) 等。

Chaoying Durand-SUN is a renowned French Chinese scholar and senior translator, a specially invited researcher at the French Center for the Imaginary, the founder and honorary president of the Gilbert Durand Friends Association, a member of the Spanish Cultural Literature and Iberian Arthur Tradition Association. Several academic paper collections have been published, including "Rabelais and Mythology" . She has published more than 30 research papers on Chinese and Western culture, philosophy, anthropology, literature and imaginary in academic journals of universities in France, Italy and other countries. Dozens of reports and translated works in literary and artistic newspapers were published on Beijing Evening News, People's Daily Overseas Edition. The main French translations include: Qian Zhongshu's works "Man, Beast, and Ghost"; The Collected Works of Su Dongpo; Luo Guanzhong's classical masterpiece "L’Epopée des Trois Royaumes" (five volumes); The Draft of the History of the People's Republic of China (four volumes); Xi Zhongxun's Biography Album; The Glory of Suffering and others.


This course aims to help students master the famous research methods of imaginaire in France. It will include the teachers' academic research in universities in France and Switzerland, as well as teaching mode and experience in Spanish universities, to broaden students' horizons and improve their academic research abilities. On the other hand, based on the teachers' experience in French Chinese translation, the teacher will help students systematically master translation theory and strategies, connecting theory and practice, improving undergraduate students' understanding and practical level of translation theory, laying a necessary practical and scientific foundation for writing academic papers, engaging in Sino foreign translation and cross-cultural communication. Based on the teachers' experiecnce in multiple international organizations, this course will also provide students with a macro and micro overview of international organizations. The course is taught in Chinese, English, and French.


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