


授课教师:Wim Vanharbeke



教师简介(中英文):Wim Vanhaverbeke是安特卫普大学和安特卫普管理学院(比利时)数字战略与转型教授,主讲《创新管理》、《战略创新》、《价值链管理》以及《企业创业与开放式创新》等课程。在比利时安特卫普大学具有丰富的对本科生、研究生、企业家的授课与培训经验,课程在听众中尤其是企业界反响良好,课程以理论结合实践为特色。

Wim Vanhaverbeke is a professor of Digital Strategy and Transformation at the University of Antwerp and Antwerp Management School (Belgium), teaching courses on Innovation Management, Strategic Innovation, Value Chain Management, and Corporate Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation. He has rich teaching and training experience for undergraduate students, graduate students, and entrepreneurs at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. His courses are well received by the audience, especially the business community, and are characterized by combining theory with practice.



Digital strategy helps organizations to align their digital capabilities with their business goals, resulting in more effective and efficient use of digital technologies to drive growth, improve customer experience, and remain competitive in the market. A well-designed digital strategy can help organizations make informed decisions about technology investments, optimize digital processes, and leverage digital channels to reach target audiences and achieve desired outcomes.

Digital transformation enables organizations to effectively leverage digital technologies to fundamentally change how they operate and deliver value to customers. In today's fast-paced, technology-driven environment, digital transformation is mandatory for organizations to remain competitive, better serve customers, and drive innovation. By transforming business processes, organizations can improve efficiency, increase agility, and drive growth. Additionally, digital transformation can lead to new business models and revenue streams, as well as help organizations address changing market dynamics and customer expectations.


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