Journal of Xidian University(Social Sciences Edition)››2019,Vol. 29››Issue (3): 114-119.

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Cultural Self-confidence and Foreign Literature


  1. Hunan University of Science and Technology,School of Humanities,Hunan Xiangtan ,411201
  • Received:2019-06-12Online:2019-09-25Published:2019-09-25


The issue of cultural self-confidence in the foreign literature in essence refers to subject awareness and position between the communication of Chinese and foreign cultures. Openness and tolerance, dialectical comparison and absorption and transformation are three dimensions by which the cultural self-confidence establishes. Openness and tolerance means avoiding self-closure and worship of the west only. Dialectical comparisonneeds to concentrate on the comparative vision in the subject category, course setting and students’ reception. Absorption and transformation requires the criticism first and then borrowing and finally innovation way when faced with foreign cultures.

Key words:foreign literature,cultural self-confidence,openness tolerance,dialectical comparison,absorption and transformation

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