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姓名职称 郑国安 教授 会议时间 2023年4月10日10:30-12:00
会议ID 科研教学楼106教室



报告人:郑国安 教授




Dr. Guoan Zheng received the B.S. degree from Zhejiang University in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree from Caltech in 2013. He joined the University of Connecticut in 2013 as an Assistant Professor. Currently, he is the United Technologies Corporation (UTC) Associate Professor in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. His current research efforts focus on the development of novel imaging tools to tackle measurement problems in biology and medicine. Dr. Zheng has published more than 100 papers, including Nature Photonics, Nature Reviews Physics, Nature Protocols. He has been cited over 9500 times and has an h-index of 50. The Fourier ptychography approach he developed with his colleagues is now a sub-chapter in Goodman’s textbook, “Introduction to Fourier Optics (the 4th edition)”. Dr. Zheng also serves as the Senior Editor of the new high-impact journal PhotoniX, Associate Editor of Biomedical Optics Express, Associate Editor of Frontiers of Photonics, Guest Editor of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, the chair of the Optics Study Group of the IEEE Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee, and the co-chair of the new conference, Computational Optical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Sciences, in SPIE Photonics West.    


Ptychography is an enabling coherent diffraction imaging technique for both fundamental and applied sciences. Its applications in optical microscopy, however, fall short for its low imaging throughput and limited resolution. In this talk, I will discuss a coded ptychography technique that achieves the highest numerical aperture and an imaging throughput order of magnitude greater than previous demonstrations. In this platform, we translate the samples across the disorder-engineered surfaces for lensless diffraction data acquisition. The engineered surface can be made by smearing a monolayer of blood on top of the image sensor. The entire system can be built using a modified Blu-ray disc. For the first time, we report the direct observation of bacterial growth in a 15-s interval by tracking the phase wraps of the recovered images, with high phase sensitivity like that in interferometric measurements. The combination of high phase sensitivity, high spatiotemporal resolution, and large field of view is unique among existing microscopy techniques.






