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个人简介:Personal Profile

西安电子科技大学计算机科学与技术学院教授、博士生导师。先后于西北大学获数学学士学位,西安电子科技大学分别获计算机软件与理论及信号与信息处理硕士和博士学位。受到Jeffrey S. Vitter教授邀请,曾在堪萨斯大学工作一年。IEEE高级会员,ACM会员,中国计算机学会高级会员。在IEEE TKDE,Information and Computation (IandC),Bioinformatics, IEEE/ACM TCBB和IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC) 等国内外重要刊物和会议发表学术论文100余篇。北极代码库贡献者。


建立了熵压缩空间上快速检索的理论、方法与技术。提出达到高阶熵压缩空间且支持快速检索的压缩全文自索引模式, 适用于全文索引问题相关的应用领域。提出了新的编码RL-delta码。提出了迭代近邻函数Phi^{h},改进了查询理论复杂度。提出了首个支持快速相似性搜索的图数据库简明索引,空间占用逼近图数据库规模的线性对数函数。共同提出了最优原位后缀排序算法。所开发的压缩索引系列软件已在Code Ocean上发表 和GitHub上开源。

2012年邀请Jeffrey S. Vitter教授访问西电(http://oice.xidian.edu.cn/info/1010/1897.htm



  • 泛基因组高阶熵压缩索引与模式搜索,进行中

  • 超大规模社交网络属性图的高阶熵压缩索引与检索,进行中

主要研究方向: 压缩数据结构,压缩索引与检索,大数据算法技术


  • 算法设计与分析,算法工程,串算法, 图算法

  • 压缩索引与检索,压缩数据结构

  • 图数据库压缩索引与相似性搜索,属性图压缩索引与检索

  • 泛基因组索引,基因组压缩与模式搜索

  • 并行与分布式算法, 外存算法

Featured software

GeCSA: Practical High-order Entropy-compressed Text Self-indexing

(Hongwei Huo, Peng Long & Jeffrey Scott Vitter)

欢迎有一定算法或数据结构及编程基础的同学报考/推免, 有本部工学硕士和工程硕士名额!


Featured publications

  • H. Huo, P. Long, J. S. Vitter, Practical high-order entropy-compressed text self-indexing,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 35(3): 2943-2960, 2023.Source codepublished in Code Ocean.PDF. CCF A类刊物

  • X. Chen, H. Huo, J. Huan, J. S. Vitter, W. Zheng, and L. Zou, MSQ-Index: A succinct index for fast graph similarity search,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 33(6):2654-2668, 2021.PDF. CCF A类刊物

  • Z. Li, J. Li, and H. Huo, Optimal in-place suffix sorting,Information and Computation (IandC), 285(Part B):104818, May 2022.PDF.CCF A类刊物

  • H. Huo, P. Liu, C. Wang , H. Jiang and J. S.Vitter, CIndex: compressed indexes for fast retrieval of FASTQ files,Bioinformatics,38(2):335-343, 2022.PDF.CCF B类刊物

  • X. Chen, H. Huo, J. Huan, and J. S. Vitter, An efficient algorithm for graph edit distance computation,Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS),163(2019): 762–775, 2019.PDF. 中科院一区

  • H. Huo, X. Chen, X. Guo, J. S. Vitter, Efficient compression and indexing for highly repetitive DNA sequence collections,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics(TCBB), 18(6): 2394-2408, 2021.PDF. CCF B类刊物

  • Z. Sun, H. Huo, J. Huan, and J. S. Vitter, Feature reduction based on semantic similarity for graph classification,Neurocomputing, 397:114–126, 2020.PDF. 中科院二区

  • H. Huo, X. Chen, Y. Zhao, X. Zhu, and J. S. Vitter, Practical succinct text indexes in external memory,Proceedings of the 2018 IEEEData Compression Conference (DCC'18), Snowbird, USA, 2018. 数据压缩顶会

  • Z. Li, J. Li and H. Huo, Optimal in-place suffix sorting,Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE), Lima, Peru, 2018. 信息检索重要会议

  • H. Huo, Z. Sun, S. Li, J. S. Vitter, et al., CS2A: a compressed suffix array-based method for short read alignment,Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC'16), Snowbird, USA, 2016. 数据压缩顶会

  • H. Huo, L. Chen, H. Zhao, J. S. Vitter, et al., A data-aware FM-index,ACM-SIAM Proceedings of the 17th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), San Diego, California, USA, 2015. 算法工程顶会

  • H. Huo, L. Chen, J. S. Vitter, and Y. Nekrich, A Practical implementation of compressed suffix arrays with applications to self-indexing,Proceedings of the 2014 IEEEData Compression Conference (DCC'14), Snowbird, USA, 2014. 数据压缩顶会




欢迎有一定算法或数据结构及编程基础的同学报考/推免, 有本部工学硕士名额!


  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • Algorithm and its complexity: string algorithms, graph algorithms
  • Compressed data structures, Compressed indexes and retrieval for big data
  • Compressed indexing for graph databases, Graph compression and search, Genomic compression and pattern search
  • Parallel and distributed algorithms, External memory algorithms, Algorithm engineering