

周楠,女,讲师,硕士研究生导师。河南漯河人,2012.09-2018.06就读于华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院,师从于翟天佑教授(杰青),2018年7月加入西安电子科技大学先进材料与纳米科技学院。主要致力于二维材料的可控制备、光电物性的研究、及其在电子、光电子等功能器件的应用研究博士期间荣获优博、华中科技大学优秀毕业生等荣誉。指导学生参加“第十三届“挑战杯”获校级一等奖;第九届 “互联网+”获省赛铜奖;获2021-2022、2022-2023学年校级优秀本科生导学团队;兼任中国材料研究学会会员,中国化学会会员及多个SCI期刊审稿人。


1. 二维半导体材料的可控制备、光/电物性及功能器件

2. 宽禁带半导体材料与器件


    1.主持 国家自然科学青年基金项目, 编号:219011952020.01-2022.12,已结题;

    2.主持 陕西省重点研发计划, 编号:2023-YBGY-4562023.01-2024.12,在研;

    3.主持 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目, 编号:2019JQ-1552019.01-2021.12,已结题;

    4.主持 广东省区域联合基金, 编号:2021AXXXXXXXXXX,在研

   5主持 西安电子科技大学基础学科提升专项 编号:QTZX220572022.01-2022.12,已结题;

   6主持 西安电子科技大学科研启动基本资金项目 编号:XJS2014032020.01-2021.12,已结题;

   7. 参与 国家自然科学面上项目, 编号:51973170,2020.01-2023.12,已结题

   8. 参与 国家自然科学青年科学基金项目, 编号:61804059,2019.01-2021.12,已结题

   9. 参与 国家自然科学面上项目, 编号:51772112,2018.01-2021.12,已结题

   10. 参与 国家自然科学面上项目, 编号:216730902017.01-2020.12,已结题


18. Nan Zhou#, Haoran Li#, Xiaobo Li#, Ziwei Dang, Zongdong Sun, Shijie Deng, Junhao Li, Yong Xie, Hua Xu, Fangfang Xia, and Tianyou Zhai*,  Precise Synthesis and Broadband Photoresponse of Two-Dimensional Intrinsic Vacancy Semiconductor, Small Structures, 2024. (IF=15.9)

17. Nan Zhou#, Ziwei Dang#, Haoran Li, Zongdong Sun, Shijie Deng, Junhao Li, Xiaobo Li, Xiaoxia Bai, Yong Xie, Liang Li, and Tianyou Zhai*, Low-Symmetry 2D t-InTe for Polarization-Sensitive UV-Vis-NIR Photodetection, Small, 2024. (IF=15.153)

15. Jianbin Zhang#, Linfan Duan#Nan Zhou#, Lihui Zhang, Conghui Shang, Hua Xu, Rusen Yang,* Xiao Wang,* Xiaobo Li*, Modulating the Function of GeAs/ReS2 van der Waals Heterojunction with its Potential Application for Short-Wave Infrared and Polarization-Sensitive Photodetection, Small, 2023, 19, 2303335(IF=15.153)

14. Jianbin Zhang, Conghui Shang, Xinyue Dai, Yao Zhang, Tao Zhu, Nan Zhou, Hua Xu and Rusen Yang*, Xiaobo Li*, Effective Passivation of Anisotropic 2D GeAs via Graphene Encapsulation for Highly Stable Near-Infrared Photodetectors. ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2023, 15, 10, 13281. (IF=10.383)

13. N. Zhou, et al. Spin Ordering Induced Broadband Photodetection Based on Two-Dimensional Magnetic Semiconductor 𝜶-MnSe, Advanced science, 2022, 2202177. (IF=17.1)

12. N. Zhou, L. Gan, R. S. Yang, F. K. Wang, L. Li, Y. C. Chen, D. H. Li, T. Y. Zhai*, Non-Layered Two-dimensional Defective Semiconductor γ-Ga2Stoward Broadband Photodetection, ACS Nano2019, 13, 6297-6307. (IF=17.1)

11. N. Zhou, R.S. Yang*, T. Y. Zhai*, Two-dimensional non-layered materials, Mater. Today Nano, 2019, 8, 100051.

10. Y. Ding‡, N. Zhou‡, L. Gan, X. X. Yan, R. Z. Wu, I. H. Abidi, A. Waleed, J. Pan, X. W. Ou, Q. C. Zhang, M. H. Zhuang, P. Wang, X. Q. Pan, Z. Y. Fan, T. Y. Zhai* and Z. T. Luo*. Stacking-mode Confined Growth of 2H-MoTe2/MoS2 Bilayer Heterostructures for UV-Vis-IR Photodetectors. Nano Energy, 2018, 49, 200-208. (共同一作)(IF=12.34)

9. N. Zhou, R. Y. Wang, Y. Ding, X. Xiong, H. Y. Song, J. T. Lü, L. Gan*, T. Y. Zhai*, p-GaSe/n-MoS2 Vertical Heterostructures synthesized by van der Waals Epitaxy for Photoresponse Modulation. Small, 2018, 14, 1702731. (IF=8.64)

8. N. Zhou, B. Xu, L. Gan*, J. P. Zhang, J. B. Han, T. Y. Zhai*, Narrowband spectrally selective near-infrared photodetector based on up-conversion nanoparticles used in a 2D hybrid device. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 1591-1595. (IF=5.25, 2017 JMCC hot paper)

7. X. F. Wan#, N. Zhou#, L. Gan, H. Q. Li, Y. Ma, T. Y. Zhai*, Towards wafer-size strictly monolayer graphene on copper via cyclic atmospheric chemical vapor deposition. Carbon, 2016, 110, 384-389.(共同一作)(IF=6.34)

6. J. P. Zhang, L. H. Yao, N. Zhou, H. W. Dai, H. Cheng, M. S. Wang, L. M. Zhang, X. D. Chen, X. Wang, T. Y. Zhai, J. B. Han*, Multiphoton Excitation and Defect-enhanced Fast Carrier Relaxation in Few-layered MoS2 Crystals, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019, 123, 11216-11223.

5. Y. Huang, F. W. Zhuge*, J. X. Hou, L. Lv, P. Luo, N. Zhou, L. Gan, T. Y. Zhai*, Van der Waals Coupled Organic Molecules with Monolayer MoS2 for Fast Response Photodetectors with Gate Tunable Responsivity, ACS Nano, 2018, 12(4), 4062-4073.( IF=13.94)

4. X. Zhou, N. Zhou, C. Li, Q. Zhang, X. Z. Hu, L. Gan, H. Q. Li, J. Luo, J. T. Lü, J. Xiong*, T. Y. Zhai*, Vertical Heterostructures Based on SnSe/MoS2 for High Performance Photodetectors. 2D Mater., 2017, 4, 025048. (IF=6.93)

3. W. J. Huang, L. Gan, H. T. Yang, N. Zhou, R. Y. Wang, W. H. Wu, H. Q. Li, Y. Ma, H. B. Zeng, T. Y. Zhai*, Controlled Synthesis of Ultrathin Two-Dimensional β-In2S3 with Broadband Photoresponse by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, 27, 1702448. (IF=12.12)

2. L. H. Yao, Z. W. Ma, X. Y. Song, X. H. Xiao, X. Wang, N Zhou, T. Y. Zhai, J. P. Zhang, J. B. Han, Broadband light generation from Au–Al2O3–Al sub-10 nm plasmonic gap structures. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 6771- 6776. (IF=5.25)

1. L. Li#, W. K. Wang#, L. Gan, N. Zhou, X. D. Zhu, Q. Zhang, H. Q. Li, M. L. Tian, T. Y. Zhai*, Ternary Ta2NiSe5 Flakes for High Performance Infrared Photodetector. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016, 26, 8281-8289. (IF=12.12)


主讲《材料科学与工程基础》、《智能材料》、《纳米碳材料》、《低维材料与器件》和《光电显示技术》等多门本科课程教学, 担任2020级本科生的学业指导老师,主持西安电子科技大学2022年教改项目一项,发表教改论文三篇。




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