
个人信息:Personal Information

教授 博士生导师 研究生导师

主要任职:应用数学教授 博士生导师










办公地点:信远楼II 209东


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个人简介:Personal Profile

张乐友,1977年生,博导,西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院教授,2009年获西安电子科技大学博士学位,方向密码学。2013.12-2014.12University of Wollongong(澳大利亚)作访问学者。从2005年至今,在IEEE IOTJ , IEEE Sys. J, IEEE trans. Service computing等期刊会议已发表论文90多篇。为IEEE Trans. on Privacy and security/computer, Science report, IEEE systems Journal, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Information Science, Journal of system and software, IET Communications/information security, Journal of Networks and Computer Applications,《计算机学报》,《电子学报(中、英文版)》,《电子与信息学报》,《西安电子科技大学学报》等国内外期刊审稿人。现在研究方向为云计算安全、公钥密码的设计及分析、网络安全。主持参与国家自然基金6项,国家自然基金重点项目一项,陕西省自然基金6项、陕西省重点研发项目2项。为CS 2015/2016, Globecom 2016 /17/18 PC Member

Leyou Zhang(PHD supervisor), received the Ph.D. degree from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University in 2009. From 2015, he served as a Professor of application mathematics and information security at the Xidian University in China. From 2013 to 2014, he worked as a visiting scholar in the University of Wollongong, Australia. Professor Zhang has served as a reviewer for more than 50International Journal and references since 2005, such as IEEE Trans. on Privacy and security, Information Science, Journal of system and software, IET Communications, IET information security, International journal of computer mathematics, Journal of Computer networks, Journal of Networks and Computer Applications andCS 2015/2016, Globecom 2016 /17/18. Professor Zhang’s current research fields include public key cryptography, blockchain and network security, etc. He has published more than 90 papers in some International Journal and references, e.g., IEEE IOTJ , IEEE Sys. J, IEEE trans. Service computing. Additionally, he had Chaired and participated in a number of National Natural Science Foundation, Natural Science Foundation of Shannxi province, International S&T Cooperation Program of Shaanxi Province, the National Cryptography Development Fund.



1 1999年至今在西安电子科技大学数学系工作;

2 2009年6月晋升副教授;

3 2009年12月受聘为硕士生导师;

4 2015年晋升为教授。

5 2021聘为博士生导师


1 2013.12-2014.12,University of Wollongong, Research Fellow

2 2005-2009, 西安电子科技大学, 博士,密码学;

3 1999-2002, 西安电子科技大学, 硕士, 应用数学;

4 1995-1999, 山东曲阜师范大学数学系, 学士,基础数学;





4云环境下抗连续型泄露攻击公钥密码体制研究,陕西省项目, 2016-2018.主持

5云端中支持细粒度访问控制策略的属性基加密,国家自然科学基金, 2015-2018.12.主持

6标准模型下可证明安全的新型分级身份基加密研究,国家自然科学基金, 2012.1-2014.12.主持



9新型可证明安全公钥广播加密的设计与分析,陕西省项目, 2012-2014.主持





近 几年发表部分论文(来源于DBLP):

Toward Secure Data Computation and Outsource for Multi-User Cloud-Based IoT.IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput.11(1):217-228()

  • 2022


Leyou Zhang,Yadi Ye, Yi Mu,

Multi-authority Access Control with Anonymous Authentication for Personal Health Record, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(1), 2021, pp. 156-167.

Leyou Zhang, Jun Wang, Yi Mu, Privacy-preserving Flexible Access Control to Encrypted Data in Internet of Things,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3071553.

Leyou Zhang, Wenting You, Yi Mu,

Secure Outsourced Attribute-based Sharing Framework for Lightweight Devices in Smart Health Systems, IEEE transactions on Services Computing, 2021, DOI:10.1109/TSC.2021.3073740.

Fatemeh Rezaeibagha, Yi Mu, Ke Huang,Leyou Zhang,Xinyi Huang,

Secure and Privacy-Preserved Data Collection for IoT Wireless Sensors, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3082150.

Gongcheng Hu,Leyou Zhang, Yi Mu,

An Expressive “test-decrypt-verify” Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with Hidden Policy for Smart Medical Cloud. IEEE systems Journal, 15(1), 2020, pp. 365-376

Leyou Zhang, Yi Lei Cui, Yi Mu,

Improving Security and Privacy Attribute Based Data Sharing in Cloud Computing, IEEE systems Journal, 14(1), 2020, pp. 387-397, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2911391.

Leyou Zhang, Xuehuang Gao, Li Kang, Pengfei Liang, Yi Mu,

Improving Security and Privacy Attribute Based Data Sharing in Cloud Computing, IEEE Systems Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3072793. 2021.


Leyou Zhang, Gongcheng Hu, Yi Mu, Fatemeh Rezaeibagha:

Hidden Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption With Fast Decryption for Personal Health Record System. IEEE Access 7: 33202-33213 (2019)

Leyou Zhang, Yujie Shang:

Leakage-resilient Attribute-based Encryption with CCA2 Security. Int. J. Netw. Secur. 21(5): 819-827 (2019)

Pengfei Liang,Leyou Zhang, Li Kang, Juan Ren:

Privacy-preserving decentralized ABE for secure sharing of personal health records in cloud storage. J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 47: 258-266 (2019)

Hongjian Yin,Leyou Zhang, Yilei Cui:

Improving Security in Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Hidden Access Policy and Testing. KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst. 13(5): 2768-2780 (2019)


Leyou Zhang, Pengfei Liang, Yi Mu:

Improving Privacy-Preserving and Security for Decentralized Key-Policy Attributed-Based Encryption. IEEE Access 6: 12736-12745 (2018)

Leyou Zhang, Zhuanning Wang, Yi Mu, Yupu Hu:

Fully secure hierarchical inner product encryption for privacy preserving keyword searching in cloud. IJHPCN 11(1): 45-54 (2018)

Leyou Zhang, Hongjian Yin:

Recipient Anonymous Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Broadcast Encryption. I. J. Network Security 20(1): 168-176 (2018)


Leyou Zhang, Jingxia Zhang, Yi Mu:

Novel Leakage-Resilient Attribute-Based Encryption from Hash Proof System. Comput. J. 60(4): 541-554 (2017)

Qing Wu,Leyou Zhang,Jingxia Zhang:

Fuzzy Biometric-Based Encryption for Encrypted Data in the Cloud. IEICE Transactions 100-A(5): 1257-1261 (2017)

Leyou Zhang, Zongchen Sun, Yi Mu, Yupu Hu:

Revocable hierarchical identity-based encryption over lattice for pay-TV systems. IJES 9(4): 379-398 (2017)

Jing Wei,Leyou Zhang:

Ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption with hierarchical domain authorities and users in cloud. IJHPCN 10(6): 524-533 (2017)

Jingxia Zhang,Leyou Zhang:

Anonymous CP-ABE against Side-channel Attacks in Cloud Computing. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 33(3): 789-805 (2017)

Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu:

Adaptively Secure Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption over Lattice. NSS 2017: 46-58

Hongjian Yin,Leyou Zhang:

Security Analysis and Improvement of An Anonymous Attribute-Based Proxy Re-encryption. SpaCCS 2017: 344-352


Leyou Zhang, Yi Mu, Qing Wu:

Compact Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Constant Size Private Keys. Comput. J. 59(4): 452-461 (2016)

Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu, Yi Mu, Jingxia Zhang:

Privacy-Preserving and Secure Sharing of PHR in the Cloud. J. Medical Systems 40(12): 267:1-267:13 (2016)

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
    • 研究方向Research Focus
    • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
    • 1 可证明安全理论;
      2 基于身份的加密、数字签名及协议;
      3 公钥广播加密;
      4 云计算安全关键技术研究;
      5 抗泄漏密码;
      6 隐私保护;
      7 去中心公钥加密;
      8 云存储安全关键技术;
      9 格基后量子密码。