- Affilication of Author(s):100900
- Teaching and Research Group:2101
- Patent Coverage:1
- First Author:Yang Yintang
- Type of Patent:1
- Application Number:201010509226.6
- Number of Inventors:2
- Service Invention or Not:no
- Application Date:2010-10-11
- Authorization Date:2013-10-23
Personal Information:
- Name (Simplified Chinese):杨银堂
- Name (English):Yang Yintang
- Name (Pinyin):YANGYINTANG
- E-Mail:ytyang@xidian.edu.cn
- Date of Employment:1984-07-01
- Administrative Position:无
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:西安电子科技大学 北校区科技楼A703
- Gender:Male
- Degree:Doctoral degree
- Professional Title:Professor
- Other Post:校学术委员会副主任
- Alma Mater:西安交通大学
- Supervisor of Doctorate CandidatesSupervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- graduate teachergraduate teacher
- Discipline:Integrated Circuit System Design Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics Materials Physics and Chemistry