- 讲师 研究生导师
- 主要任职:西安市软件可信认证关键技术重点实验室副主任、计算理论与技术研究所科研秘书、本硕博师第二联合党支部书记
- 性别:男
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- 在职信息:在岗
- 所在单位:计算机科学与技术学院
- 学科:计算机软件与理论
- 办公地点:南校区网络安全创新研究大楼306办公室
- 电子邮箱:4bdeaeeaf2f030fb5ece05608d18039ec2ca9c051cadb991a3b0f1ae4c9656441c5d393176d503fbc9b47b007ba2a0e88c998265ef4d42ea2f99350fe366d22afe29c67b8827f1265f11e4d0223789a817b3d7440bc05e6130f40580493bb3ac8d8a233eacb2cd74c0a627752a4923b1d11b5e071669b34882e08627165c67c6
- [1] 全部论文请访问谷歌学术主页,部分论文如下:
- [2] B Yu, C Tian*, H Xing, etc. Detecting Atomicity Violations in Interrupt-Driven Programs via Interruption Points Selecting and Delayed ISR-Triggering, ESEC/FSE 2023, Accepted(CCF A类会议).2023
- [3] B Yu, C Tian*, X Lu, N Zhang, Z Duan*, A Distributed Network-Based Runtime Verification of Full Regular Temporal Properties[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2023, 34(1): 76-91.(CCF A类期刊)
- [4] 于斌,陆旭,田聪*,段振华*,张南.面向SQLite3数据库API调用序列的并行运行时验证方法. 软件学报, 2022, 33(8):2755-2768(CCF A类中文期刊)
- [5] B Yu, Z Duan*, C Tian, N Zhang. Verifying temporal properties of programs: a parallel approach[J]. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2018, 118: 89-99.(CCF B类期刊)
- [6] 于斌,张南,陆旭,段振华*,田聪*. 基于运行时验证的边缘服务器 DoS 攻击检测方法[J]. 通信学报, 2021, 42(9): 75-86.(CCF B类中文期刊)
- [7] N Zhang, B Yu*, C Tian*, Z Duan*, X Yuan. Temporal logic specification mining of programs[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 2021, 857: 29-42.(CCF B类期刊)
- [8] X Lu, N Zhang*, C Tian*, B Yu, Z Duan*. A knowledge-based temporal planning approach for urban traffic control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 22(3): 1907-1918.(中科院1区)
- [9] Y Dong, L Tang, C Tian*, B Yu*, Z Duan. Improving transferability of adversarial examples by saliency distribution and data augmentation[J]. Computers & Security, 2022, 120: 102811.(CCF B类期刊)
- [10] 陆旭,于斌*,田聪*,段振华*.一种利用非确定规划的LTL合成方法.软件学报,2022,33(8):2769-2781(CCF A类中文期刊)
- [11] Z Duan, C Tian*, N Zhang*, M Zhou, B Yu*, X Wang, J Guo, Y Wu. A novel load balancing scheme for mobile edge computing[J]. Journal of Systems and Software, 2022, 186: 111195.(CCF B类期刊)
- [12] 赵艳琦,于斌,李慧琳,陈若楠,禹勇*. 基于机器学习的公平数据交易[J]. 密码学报, 2020, 7(4): 541-550.(CCF B类中文期刊)