
个人信息:Personal Information

讲师 研究生导师













个人简介:Personal Profile

袁笛 (Di Yuan),西安电子科技大学广州研究院华山准聘副教授,硕士研究生导师IEEE、ACM、CCF、CAAI、CSIG会员,石光明教授广州研究院团队成员。2019年9月至2021年3月在澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University)进行博士联合培养(合作导师:Prof. Xiaojun Chang),2021年11月在哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)计算机科学与技术学院获得工学博士学位(导师:何震宇教授)。目前主要研究方向为计算机视觉、图像处理、目标跟踪。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、博士后科学基金(特别资助、面上资助)项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金面上项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目、广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目、智能光电教育部重点实验室开放课题项目;参与国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然基金面上、广东省自然科学基金面上、深圳市学科布局、深圳市基础研究等项目。累计发表学术论文30余篇,其中一作论文20余篇,ESI高被引论文6篇,热点论文2篇。同时担任如IEEE TPAMITIPTCSVTTCYBTNNLSTGRSTIVTMMTITSTFSTAITHMSTIITETCIIoT-JACM TOMMAAAIICONIP等近百种期刊或会议的审稿人。






























4. Self-Supervised Visual Tracking via Image Synthesis and Domain Adversarial Learning,In Peer Review, 2024.

3. APR-Net Tracker: Attention Pyramidal Residual Network for Visual Object Tracking,In Peer Review, 2023.

2. Hierarchical Attention Siamese Network for Thermal Infrared Target Tracking, In Peer Review, 2023.

1.Unsupervised Cross-Domain for Thermal Infrared Target Tracking, In Peer Review, 2023.


39.Di Yuan, Xiaojun Chang, Po-Yao Huang, Qiao Liu and Zhenyu He. Self-supervised deep correlation tracking [J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021, vol. 30, pp. 976-985. (SCI,CCF-A, JCR-Q1, 2021 IF=11.041,ESI高被引, 热点论文)(广东省计算机学会优秀论文一等奖,深圳市优秀科技学术论文成果奖

38.Di Yuan, Xiaojun Chang, Qiao Liu, Yi Yang, Dehua Wang, Minglei Shu, Zhenyu He and Guangming Shi. Active learning for deep visual tracking[J].IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,(Early Access) 2023: 1-13.(SCI,CCF-B, JCR-Q1,2021 IF=14.255,ESI高被引, 热点论文)

37.Di Yuan, Haiping Zhang, Xiu Shu, Qiao Liu, Xiaojun Chang, Zhenyu He and Guangming Shi.Thermal Infrared Target Tracking: A Comprehensive Review[J].IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, (Early Access) 2023: 1-19. (SCI, JCR-Q1,2022 IF=5.6)

36.Di Yuan, Haiping Zhang, Xiu Shu,Qiao Liu,Xiaojun Chang, Zhenyu He and Guangming Shi. An Attention Mechanism Based AVOD Network for 3D Vehicle Detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, (Early Access) 2023: 1-13. (SCI, JCR-Q1,2022 IF=8.2)

35.Di Yuan, Xiaojun Chang, Zhihui Li and Zhenyu He. Learning adaptive spatial-temporal context-aware correlation filters for UAV tracking [J]. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2022, vol. 18, no.3 Article No.: 70, pp 1–18. (SCI,CCF-B, JCR-Q1, 2021 IF=4.094,ESI高被引, 热点论文)广东省计算机学会优秀论文二等奖

34.Di Yuan, Gu Geng, Xiu Shu, Qiao Liu, Xiaojun Chang, Zhenyu He and Guangming Shi.Self-Supervised Discriminative Model Prediction for Visual Tracking, Neural Computing and Applications, published online, 2023.(SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2022 IF=6.0)

33.Di Yuan,Xiu Shu, Qiao Liu and Zhenyu He. Aligned spatial-temporal memory network for thermal infrared target tracking [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,2023, vol.70,no.3, pp.1224-1228. (SCI, JCR-Q2, 2022 IF=4.4,ESI高被引)

32.Di Yuan,Xiu Shu, Qiao Liu, Xinming Zhang and Zhenyu He. Robust thermal infrared tracking via an adaptively multi-feature fusion model [J]. Neural Computing and Applications,2023,vol. 35, pp.3423–3434.(SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2022 IF=6.0)

31.Di Yuan,Xiu Shu, Qiao Liu and Zhenyu He. Structural target-aware model for thermal infrared tracking[J]. Neurocomputing, 2022,vol. 491,pp.44-56. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q1, 2022 IF= 6.0)

30.Di Yuan, Xiu Shu, Nana Fan, Xiaojun Chang, Qiao Liu and Zhenyu He. Accurate bounding-box regression with distance-IoU loss for visual tracking, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2022,vol. 83, p.103428.(SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2020 IF= 2.678)

29.Di Yuan, Nana Fan and Zhenyu He. Learning target-focusing convolutional regression model for visual object tracking [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, vol. 194, p.105526. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q1,2020 IF= 8.038)

28.Di Yuan, Xin Li, Zhenyu He, Qiao Liu and Shuwei Lu. Visual object tracking with adaptive structural convolutional network [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, vol. 194, p.105554. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q1,2020 IF= 8.038)

27.Di Yuan, Wei Kang and Zhenyu He. Robust visual tracking with correlation filters and metric learning [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, vol. 195, p.105697. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q1,2020 IF= 8.038)

26.Di Yuan, Xiu Shu and Zhenyu He. TRBACF: Learning temporal regularized correlation filters for high performance online visual object tracking [J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2020, vol. 72, p.102882. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2020 IF= 2.678)

25.Di Yuan, Xiaohuan Lu, Donghao Li, Yingyi Liang and Xinming Zhang. Particle filter re-detection for visual tracking via correlation filters [J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2019: vol. 78, no.11, pp. 14277–14301. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2020 IF= 2.757)

24.Di Yuan, Xinming Zhang, Jiaqi Liu and Donghao Li. A multiple feature fused model for visual object tracking via correlation filters [J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2019: vol. 78, no.19, pp. 27271–27290. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2020 IF= 2.757)

23.Di Yuan, Shuwei Lu, Donghao Li and Xinming Zhang. Graph refining via iterative regularization framework [J]. SN Applied Sciences, 2019: vol. 1, no.5, p.387. (EI, ESCI, 2022 IF= 2.6)

22.Di Yuanand Xinming Zhang. An overview of numerical methods for the first kind Fredholm integral equation [J]. SN Applied Sciences, 2019: vol. 1, no.10, p.1178. (EI, ESCI, 2022 IF= 2.6)

21. Qiao Liu, Jiatian Pi, Peng Gao,Di Yuan*.STFNet: Self-Supervised Transformer for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, (Early Access) 2024: 1-14. (SCI, JCR-Q2,2022 IF= 5.3)

20. Qiao Liu,Xin Li,Di Yuan, Chao Yang, Xiaojun Chang and Zhenyu He. LSOTB-TIR: A large-scale high-diversity thermal infrared single object tracking benchmark[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, (Early Access) 2023: 1-14. (SCI,CCF-B,JCR-Q1,2020 IF= 14.255)

19.Qiao Liu,Di Yuan, Nana Fan, Peng Gao, Xin Li and Zhenyu He. Learning dual-level deep representation for thermal infrared tracking[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2022, vol. 25, pp.1269 - 1281. (SCI,CCF-B, JCR-Q1,2021 IF= 8.182,ESI高被引)

18. Bing Liu, Xiaojun Chang,Di Yuanand Yong Yang. HCDC-SRCF tracker: Learning an adaptively multi-feature fuse tracker in spatial regularized correlation filters framework [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, vol. 238, p.107913. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q1,2020 IF= 8.038)

17.Qiao Liu, Xin Li, Zhenyu He, Nana Fan,Di Yuanand Hongpeng Wang. Learning deep multi-level similarity for thermal infrared object tracking [J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2021: vol. 23, pp.2114 - 2126. (SCI,CCF-B, JCR-Q1,2021 IF= 8.182,ESI高被引)

16. Kai Yang, Zhenyu He, Wenjie Pei, Zikun Zhou, Xin Li,Di Yuanand Haijun Zhang. SiamCorners: Siamese corner networks for visual tracking [J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022:vol. 24, pp.1956 - 1967. (SCI,CCF-B, JCR-Q1,2021 IF= 8.182,ESI高被引)广东省计算机学会优秀论文二等奖

15. Xiu Shu,Di Yuan*, Qiao Liu and Jiaqi Liu. Adaptive weight part-based convolutional network for person re-identification [J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2020, vol. 79, no.31, pp. 23617-23632. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2020 IF= 2.757)

14. Jiaqi Liu, Kang Wang,Di Yuanand Jianjun Li. Lower bounds of the average mixture discrepancy for row augmented designs with mixed four-and five-level[J]. Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 2022.(SCI, JCR-Q3, 2020 IF= 0.893)

13. Qiao Liu, Xin Li, Zhenyu He, Chenglong Li, Jun Li, Zikun Zhou,Di Yuan, Jing Li, Kai Yang, Nana Fan and Feng Zheng. LSOTB-TIR: A large-scale high-diversity thermal infrared object tracking benchmark [C]. 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2020:3847-3856. (EI,CCF-A)

12. Qiao Liu, Xin Li, Zhenyu He, Nana Fan,Di Yuan, Wei Liu and Yongsheng Liang. Multi-task driven feature models for thermal infrared tracking [C]. Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artifical Intelligence, 2020: 11604-11611. (EI,CCF-A)

11. Xinming Zhang,Di Yuanand Chenchen Guan. An improved flower pollination algorithm for parameters inversion of fractional order diffusion equation [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2018: vol.50, no.10, pp.151-161(EI, in Chinese).

10. Weihua Ou,Di Yuan, Qiao Liu, et al. Object tracking based on online representative sample selection via non-negative least square [J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2018: vol. 77, no.9, pp.10569-10587. (SCI, CCF-C, JCR-Q2, 2020 IF= 2.757)

9. Xinming Zhang andDi Yuan. A niche ant colony algorithm for parameter identification of space fractional order diffusion equation [J]. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2017: vol. 47, no.2, pp.197-208. (EI)

8. Weihua Ou,Di Yuan, Donghao Li, et al. Patch-based visual tracking with online representative sample selection [J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017:26(3), p.033006. (SCI, JCR-Q4, 2020 IF= 0.945)

7.Di Yuan,Xiu ShuandQiao Liu. Recent Advances on Thermal Infrared Target Tracking: A Survey [C]. 6th Asian Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (ACAIT)2022:1-6. (EI)

6.Di Yuan, Guanglei Zhao, Donghao Li, Zhenyu He and Nan Luo. Visual object tracking based on particle filter re-detection [C]. International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics, (ICSPAC) 2017:7-12. (EI)

5.Di Yuan, Xiaohuan Lu, Donghao Li, Zhenyu He and Nan Luo. Multi feature fused for visual tracking via correlation filters [C]. International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics, (ICSPAC) 2017:88-93. (EI)

4.Xiu Shu andDi Yuan*. Local Variance-driven Level Set Model withApplication to Segment Medicallmages [C]. International Conference on Cyber-physical Social Intelligence (ICCSI) 2023:1-6. (EI,Best Oral Paper Award)

3. Qiao Liu,Di Yuanand Zhenyu He. Thermal infrared object tracking via Siamese convolutional neural networks[C]. International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics, (ICSPAC) 2017:1-6. (EI,Best Paper Award)

2. Xiaohuan Lu,Di Yuan, Zhenyu He and Donghao Li. Sparse selective kernelized correlation filter model for visual object tracking[C]. International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics, (ICSPAC) 2017:100-105. (EI)

1.袁笛.基于弱监督表示学习的热红外目标跟踪,《计算机技术与发展》卷: 34 期: 2024年04期, 页码: 35-41.


1.Di Yuan. Discussion and Thinking in Course Design and Teaching of Numerical Analysis[C]. 2023 4th International Conference on Big Data and Informatization Education (ICBDIE 2023):419-425. (EI)


5.一种基于对齐时空记忆网络的热红外目标跟踪方法。 发明专利(实审2023

4.一种基于主动学习指导的深度相关目标跟踪方法。 发明专利(实审2023


2.基于多周期循环一致性的自监督目标跟踪方法。 发明专利(实审)2022



















04/2014Mathematical Contest In Modeling (MCM) Was Designated As Honorable Mention

06/2013 “深圳杯东三省数学建模联赛一等奖

  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 无监督学习、自监督学习、对比学习等机器学习相关理论
  • 计算机视觉、图像处理、目标跟踪、行人重识别等视频图像分析处理相关任务