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  • 长期研究“光谱成像技术、先进光谱技术”,已取得多项原创性(原始创新)成果:

    一、在国际上首次提出第四大类光谱成像原理(分谱相干光谱成像技术)coherent-dispersion imaging spectrometer (CDIS)可实现紫外-可见光宽谱段、超高光谱分辨率光谱成像光谱分辨率可达pm级或更高独立作者发表在Optics Express 26 (16), 20777 (2018);

    并在国际上首次提出小型化、轻量化、高效化CDIS独立作者发表在Optics Express 28 (4), 5587 (2020)。

    二、在国际上首次提出紫外-可见光宽谱段、高光谱分辨率、立体成像光谱技术coherent-dispersion stereo-imaging spectrometer (CDSIS),独立作者发表在Optics Express 27 (2), 1025 (2019)

    三、在国际上首次提出 小型化、轻量化、高效化“超高分辨率红外光谱技术”(近红外—中红外谱段,光谱分辨能力达1,000,000以上)独立作者发表在Optics Express 27 (21), 30606 (2019)

    四、在国际上首次提出 小型化、轻量化、高效化“超高光谱分辨率红外成像光谱技术”(近红外—中红外谱段,光谱分辨能力达1,000,000以上),独立作者发表在Optics Express 28 (11), 16616 (2020)

    五、在国际上首次提出“小型、超宽视场角、高空间分辨率、高光谱分辨率、快照成像光谱技术”,独立作者发表在Optics Express 29(2), 2893 (2021)

    六、在国际上首次提出适用于视觉(智能)系统的“宽谱段、高空间分辨率、高光谱分辨率、光谱成像技术”,独立作者发表在Applied Optics 60(34), 10490-10498 (2021)


    7.coherent-dispersion stereo-imaging spectrometer (CDSIS)——新型立体成像光谱技术

    在国际上 首次提出宽谱段、高光谱分辨立体成像光谱技术从原理上解决了高光谱分辨率宽谱段光谱探测宽谱段立体成像的关键科学问题只需一台仪器即可获取宽谱段目标的三维空间信息和一维高分辨率光谱信息

    在国际上首次提出宽谱段、高光谱分辨立体成像光谱技术coherent-dispersion stereo-imaging spectrometer (CDSIS)

    从原理上解决了现存的所有技术对紫外-可见光(200 nm-700 nm)无法解决的高分辨率宽谱段光谱探测宽谱段立体成像的关键技术难题。如450 nm-700 nm谱段光谱分辨率可为0.05 nm at 450 nm0.1 nm at 700 nm(或更高),并具有高信噪比,降低了对探测器的动态范围要求,适用于紫外-可见光高光谱遥感立体成像。

    独立作者发表在Optics Express27(2), 1025-1044 (2019)

    红外波段 宽谱段高分辨立体成像光谱技术已投稿

    6.coherent-dispersion imaging spectrometer (CDIS)——第四大类成像光谱原理

    在国际上 首次提出第四大类成像光谱原理coherent-dispersion imaging spectrometer (CDIS)从原理上解决了紫外-可见光(200 nm-700 nm超高(高)光谱分辨率宽谱段光谱探测宽谱段空间成像关键科学问题;从原理上解决了现存的所有成像技术及探测技术针对紫外-可见光(200 nm-700 nm)无法解决的超高(高)光谱分辨率宽谱段光谱探测空间成像的关键技术难题。对200 nm-700 nm整个谱段具有超高(高)光谱分辨率0.01 nm at 220 nm 且 0.1 nm at 700 nm或更高)、高信噪比、对探测器的动态范围要求较低。

    独立作者发表在Optics Express 26 (16), 20777-20791 (2018),Optics Express 27(2), 1025-1044 (2019),Optics Express 28(4), 5587‒5601 (2020)

    5.coherent-dispersion spectrometer (CDS)

    在国际上首次提出一种 静态宽谱段 紫外-可见光光谱仪原理上解决了现存的所有探测技术对紫外-可见光(200 nm-700 nm)无法解决的中等分辨率宽谱段光谱快速探测航天环境适应性强关键科学问题;该光谱仪结构紧凑、体积小、信噪比高、对探测器的动态范围要求较低、稳定性好、抗干扰能力强、航天环境适应性强,尤其适用于星载空间探测仪器。

    独立作者发表在Optics Express26 (10), 12372-12386 (2018)

    在国际上首次提出超高分辨率宽谱段 紫外-可见光光谱技术:(1)从原理上解决了现存的所有探测技术针对紫外-可见光(200 nm-700 nm)无法解决的超高分辨率宽谱段测量关键科学问题对波长范围250 nm-450 nm,光谱分辨率可达到“对250 nm波长分辨率为0.005 nm 且450 nm波长分辨率为0.02 nm”,如若需要,还可以获得更高的光谱分辨率;该技术可以对 200 nm-700 nm整个谱段获得超高光谱分辨率;(2)高信噪比;(3) 对探测器的动态范围要求较低。

    独立作者发表在OSA Continuum1 (3), 812-821 (2018)


    针对爆炸、快速燃烧、导弹尾焰之类宽谱段瞬变目标(时间敏感目标)实时探测、定位与识别,提出并研究了一种采用独特的光学原理与目标位置计算方法超宽谱段快照成像光谱技术:拓宽成像谱段宽度为0.5 μm-5.0 μm(即可见光、近红外及中红外同时成像);缩短了目标探测与定位时间,实现了只需一帧测量数据即可同时探测定位多个目标;提高了目标定位精度,达到亚像素定位精度。

    独立作者发表在Optical Engineering (52(5), 053003 (2013))、Chinese Optics Letters (12(3), 031201 (2014)),主持了2016国家自然科学基金、中科院光谱成像技术重点实验室开放基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等项目。

    3. 色散光谱技术

    研究了一种紧凑型高分辨率光栅光谱仪,独立作者发表在Applied Optics55(18), 4801-4807 (2016)

    2. 干涉成像光谱技术

    提出并研究了双面反射动镜、角反射体动镜、移动光楔和双输出双角反射体动镜等多种新型干涉仪,有效解决了动镜倾斜与横移、匀速性误差和探测器非线性响应对采样干涉图的影响,提高了复原光谱分辨率; 第一作者发表在Applied Optics、Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (现名Journal of Optics)、Optics & Laser Technology、Journal of Modern Optics、Chinese Optics Letters、光子学报等国内外著名光学期刊上;第一发明人已获授权国家发明专利两项;主持了中国博士后科学基金、中科院“西部之光”、中央高校基本科研业务费等项目;参与了973课题、探月工程、民用航天专业技术、十二五装备预研等项目。




    以合作者在ACS Photonics、Optics Letters、Photonics Research上发表文章三篇。

    1. 1.Qinghua Yang, "Design study of a compact ultra-wide-angle high-spatial-resolution high-spectral-resolution snapshot imaging spectrometer,”Optics Express29(2), 2893-2908 (2021)

    2. 2.Qinghua Yang, "Theoretical analysis of compact ultrahigh-spectral-resolution infrared imaging spectrometer,”Optics Express28 (11), 16616-16632 (2020)

    3. 3.Qinghua Yang,"First order design of compact, broadband, high spectral resolution ultraviolet-visible imaging spectrometer,"Optics Express28(4), 5587‒5601 (2020)

    4. 4.Qinghua Yang, "Compact ultrahigh resolution interferometric spectrometer",Optics Express27 (21), 30606-30617 (2019)

    5. 5.Qinghua Yang, "Three-area-array coherent-dispersion stereo-imaging spectrometer,"Optics Express27(2), 1025-1044 (2019)

    6. 6.Qinghua Yang, "Broadband high-spectral-resolution ultraviolet-visible coherent-dispersion imaging spectrometer,"Optics Express26 (16) 20777-20791 (2018)

    7. 7.Qinghua Yang, "Coherent-dispersion spectrometer for the ultraviolet and visible regions,"Optics Express26 (10) 12372-12386 (2018)

    8. 8.Qinghua Yang, "Ultrahigh-resolution rapid-scan ultraviolet-visible spectrometer,"OSA Continuum1 (3), 812-821 (2018)

    9. 9.Qinghua Yang, "Compact high-resolution Littrow conical diffraction spectrometer,"Applied Optics55(18), 4801-4807 (2016)

    10. 10.Qinghua yang, "Moving corner-cube-mirror interferometer and reflection characteristic of corner-cube mirror,"Applied Optics49 (21), 4088-4095 (2010)

    11. 11.Qinghua Yang*, Renkui Zhou, and Baochang Zhao, "Principle of the moving-mirror-pair interferometer and the tilt tolerance of the double moving mirror,"Applied Optics47 (13), 2486-2493 (2008)

    12. 12.Qinghua Yang*, Renkui Zhou, and Baochang Zhao, "Principle and analysis of the moving-optical-wedge interferometer,"Applied Optics47 (13), 2186-2191 (2008)

    13. 13.Qinghua Yang*, BaochangZhao, and DeshengWen, "Principle and analysis of a moving double-sided mirror interferometer,"Optics & Laser Technology44(5), 1256-1260 (2012)

    14. 14.Qinghua Yang*, Renkui Zhou, and Baochang Zhao, "Novel moving corner-cube-pair interferometer,"Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics11 (1), 015505 (2009)

    15. 15.Qinghua Yang*, Baochang Zhao, and Renkui Zhou, "Novel moving cat's-eye-pair interferometer,"Journal of Modern Optics56 (11), 1283-1287 (2009)

    16. 16.Qinghua Yang*, Lixin Liu, and Pei Lv, "Principle of a two-output-difference interferometer for removing the most important interference distortions,"Journal of Modern Optics65 (19), 2234-2242 (2018)

    17. 17.Qinghua Yang*and Weiqiang Wang, "Compact cross-dispersion device based on a prism and a plane transmission grating,"Journal of Modern Optics65 (9), 1081-1089 (2018)

    18. 18.Qinghua Yang*, "Static broadband snapshot imaging spectrometer,"Optical Engineering52(5), 053003 (2013)

    19. 19.Qinghua Yang, "Compact static infrared broadband snapshot imaging spectrometer,"Chinese Optics Letters12(3), 031201 (2014)

    20. 20.Qinghua Yang*, Xiaodong Zeng, and Baochang Zhao, "Dispersion imaging spectrometer for detecting and locating energetic targets in real time,"Chinese Optics Letters11(6), 061202 (2013)

    21. 21.Qinghua Yang*, Baochang Zhao, and Xiaodong Zeng, "A compact interferometer insensitive to scanning speed variations,"Chinese Optics Letters11 (2), 021202 (2013)

    22. 22.Qinghua Yang*, Baochang Zhao, and Renkui Zhou, "Design of apochromatic telescope without anomalous dispersion glasses,"Chinese Optics Letters6 (2), 146-148 (2008)

    23. 23.Qinghua Yang*and Weiqiang Wang, "Compact orthogonal-dispersion device using a prism and a transmission grating,"Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications14:8, DOI: 10.1186/s41476-018-0077-9 (2018)

    24. 24.杨庆华*,周仁魁,赵葆常,“迈克尔逊干涉光谱仪动镜倾斜误差容限分析”,光子学报,38 (3), 677-680 (2009)

    25. 25. 杨庆华*,周仁魁,赵葆常,“猫眼动镜横移误差容限及次镜倾斜分析”, 光子学报,38 (5),1171-1175 (2009)

    26. 26. 杨庆华*,赵葆常,周仁魁,“基于正常色散玻璃二级光谱的校正”,光子学报,37 (4), 772-775 (2008)

    27. 27.Weiqiang Wang, Wenfu Zhang, Sai T. Chu, Brent E. Little,Qinghua Yang, Leiran Wang, Xiaohong Hu, Lei Wang, Guoxi Wang, Yishan Wang, and Wei Zhao, "Repetition Rate Multiplication Pulsed Laser Source Based on a Microring Resonator,"ACS Photonics4 (7), 1677-1683 (2017)

    28. 28.Weiqiang Wang, Zhizhou Lu, Wenfu Zhang, Sai T. Chu, Brent E. Little, Leiran Wang, Xiaoping Xie, Mulong Liu,Qinghua Yang, Lei Wang, Jianguo Zhao, Guoxi Wang, Qibing Sun, Yuanshan Liu, Yishan Wang, and Wei Zhao, "Robust soliton crystals in a thermally controlled microresonator,"Optics Letters43 (9), 2002-2005 (2018)

    29. 29. Weiqiang Wang, Wenfu Zhang, Zhizhou Lu, Sai T. Chu, Brent E. Little,Qinghua Yang, Lei Wang, and Wei Zhao, "Self-locked orthogonal polarized dual comb in a microresonator,"Photonics Research6 (5), 363-367 (2018)

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