个人信息:Personal Information
- [1]Improving Robotic Tactile Localization Super-Resolution via Spatiotemporal Continuity Learning and Overlapping Air Chambers
- [2]Gradient Corner Pooling for Keypoint-Based Object Detection
- [3]Filter Clustering for Compressing CNN Model with Better Feature Diversity.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
- [4]View-Normalized and Subject-Independent Skeleton Generation for Action Recognition.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
- [5]Semantic Characterization and Measurement of Signals.电子学报
- [6]Correlation filters based on spatial-temporal Gaussion scale mixture modelling for visual tracking.Neurocomputing
- [7]Soft focal loss: Evaluating sample quality for dense object detection.Neurocomputing
- [8]Detecting human-object interactions in videos by modeling the trajectory of objects and human skeleton.Neurocomputing
- [9]Knowledge-guided semantic computing network.Neurocomputing
- [10]Knowledge embedded GCN for skeleton-based two-person interaction recognition.Neurocomputing
- [11]View-normalized Skeleton Generation for Action Recognition.ACM International Conference on Multimedia
- [12]Domain-aware Stacked AutoEncoders for zero-shot learning.Neurocomputing
- [13]Bayesian Correlation Filter Learning With Gaussian Scale Mixture Model for Visual Tracking.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
- [14]Blind image quality assessment with active inference.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- [15]From semantic communication to semantic-aware networking: Model, architecture, and open problems.IEEE Communications Magazine
- [16]A Feature-Enhanced Anchor-Free Network for UAV Vehicle Detection.Remote Sensing
- [17]Active Inference of GAN for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment.IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
- [18]SGM-Net: Skeleton-guided multimodal network for action recognition.Pattern Recognition