Personal Information:
More >>Male Shanghai University With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Associate professor
Jian-Kang Xiao obtained the B.S. degree in electronics and M.S. degree in radio physics from Lanzhou University,
He was a senior member of China Electronics Society, a member of IEEE, and a member of Intelligent Terminal and Chip Professional Technology Group, Internet of Things Committee, China Communication Society. He was also a part-time professor in Key Laboratory of Opto-technology and Intelligent Control, Ministry of Education, China. He was a reviewer for many international journals including IEEE Trans. MTT, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, IEEE MWCL, IEEE Microwave Magazine, IEEE Access, IET MAP, and IET Electronics Letters, et al. He has authored and coauthored more than 50 journal papers in IEEE Trans.,IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE Access, IET Electronics Letters, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl.,Progress in Electromagn. Research, and Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Published by John Wiley & Sons). He has 9 Chinese patents as the first inventor.
Education Background
Work Experience
Research Focus
- 1.射频电路和系统设计
2. 智能家居和无线通信技术
3. 智能传感器和无损检测技术