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Persional Profile


Prof. Dr. Aijun Wen

School of Communication Engineering Email:ajwen@xidian.edu.cn

Xidian University Tel.: +86-13891823842

South Taibai Road No.2, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China https://faculty.xidian.edu.cn/WAJ

Educational Background

Ph.D Communication and Information System, 1998, Xidian University, China

M.S Communication and Information System, 1993, Xidian University, China

B.E Communication Engineering, 1990, Xidian University, China

Professional Experience

1.7/2007 – Present: Professor

State Key Lab. of Integrated Services Networks,

School of Communication Engineering,

Xidian University.

2.7/2000 - 7/2007: Associate Professor

State Key Lab. of Integrated Services Networks,

School of Communication Engineering,

Xidian University.

3.9/1998 - 9/1999: Visiting Scholar

Telecommunication Networks Group,

Department of Telecommunication Systems,

Technical University of Berlin

4.7/1995 - 7/2000: Lecturer

State Key Lab. of Integrated Services Networks,

School of Communication Engineering,

Xidian University.

5.3/1993 - 7/1995: Assistant Lecturer

State Key Lab. of Integrated Services Networks,

School of Communication Engineering,

Xidian University.

Significant Performance

Over the past 27 years, I’m a teaching and researching staff of State Key Lab. of Integrated Services Networks, Xidian University, my research focus is on microwave photonics. I have conducted research projects on a range of topics, including Rof Link design, Rof Access Technology, Broadband Multiplexed Channel, Stable Radio Signal Transmission, WDM Optical Switch, Photonic Mixing, Optical Encoding and Modulation etc.

These research efforts helped industry enterprises to solve key technical problems and proposed possible solutions for their future products.

These research efforts have also made good academic contributions. I have published over 120 international journal papers. My papers have appeared in the most selective journals( e.g. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Journa of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Optics Express, Optics Letters) in my field.

Funding. Since the year 2000 I have been a PI or co-PI for grants, contracts totaling more than RMB 20 million. I have been the sole PI for over RMB 15million.

Graduate advising and training. During my academic career at Xidian University, I have graduated over 100 masters and 9 doctoral students.

Teaching. I’m the course group leader of “Computer Networks” at School of Communication, Xidian University. This course group include 9 teachers, they give lectures to more than 700 undergraduate students every year. I have taught “Computer Networks” for over 20 years, and have earned good reputation among undergraduate students.

Professional service.

IEEE Senior member.

I’m a regular reviewer for the following international journals:IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques》、《IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology》、《OSA Photonics Research》、《OSA Optics Letters》、《OSA Optics Express》、《IEEE Photonic Journal》、《IEEE Photonic Technology Letter》、《IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics》、《Optics Communications》、《Applied Optics》、《Opto-Electronics Review》、《Optics and Laser Technology

Recent 5 years Publications

1.Xiaoyang Li,Aijun Wen, Xiangrui Li, Yi YangWideband Frequency and Angle-of-arrival Measurement System Based on Optical SubsamplingIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniquesaccepted

2.Xiangrui Li, Aijun Wen, Xiaoyang Li, Hao Zhuo and Jianzhang ZhaoA Disambiguation method for Dual-comb-Sampling-based Frequency MeasurementIEEE Journal of Lightwave Technologyaccepted

3.Xiangrui Li;Aijun Wen;Xiaoyang Li;Jianzhang ZhaoWideband RF Subsampling and Disambiguation Based on Phase Shift AnalysisIEEE Journal of Lightwave TechnologyFeb. 15, 2022,Vol. 40, Iss. 4, pp1027-1035.

4.Weile Zhai , Aijun Wen , Yongsheng Gao , Dongjuan Shan , and Yangyu FanAn Ultra-efficient Broadband Photonic Channelizer Based on Polarization-division Multiplexing and Integrated Dual Polarization Coherent Detection ReceiverIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and TechniquesMARCH 2022Vol. 70, Iss. 3pp 1821-1831

5.Xiangrui Li, Aijun Wen, Xiaoyang Li, Yinglun Mo, and Hao ZhuoPhotonic instantaneous frequency measurement using a dense wavelength division multiplexerApplied OpticsAugust 2021Applied Optics60(27).

6.xiaoyang li; aijun wen; xiangrui li; zhaoyang tu; yong wang; chenyang leiMicrowave photonic frequency down-conversion with self-interference cancellation and SSBI mitigationOPTICS COMMUNICATIONSAugust 2021Optics Communications504:127391.

7.Dongjuan Shan, Aijun Wen, Ph.D, Weile Zhai, and Meng TanAll-optical Double Spectral-Efficient RoF Link with Compensation of Dispersion-Induced Power FadingIEEE Photonics JournalAUGUST 2021Volume: 13, Issue: 4On Page(s): 1-7.

8.Yuan Men,Aijun Wen, Yuanyuan Li,Yubo Tong, A Photonic Approach to Flexible Multi-Band Linear Frequency Modulated Microwave Signals GenerationOptics LettersVolume46Issue7Page1696-1699APR 1 2021.

9.HUIXING ZHANG, AIJUN WEN,* WU ZHANG, WEIPENG ZHANG, AND WENJIE LIA, A simplified coherent-detected radio-over-fiber link with intensity and phase modulation and simple digital phase noise cancellationOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,卷:484,文献号:126700APR 1 2021

10.Hao Zhuo, Aijun Wen, A Photonic approach for Doppler-frequency-shift and angle-of-arrival measurement without direction ambiguity, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave TechnologyMARCH 15, 2021Volume: 39, Issue: 6On Page(s): 1688-1695

11.Weile Zhai, Aijun Wen and Dongjuan ShanMulti-Demensional Optimization of a Radio over Fiber LinkIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and TechniquesJANUARY 2021, Volume: 69, Issue: 1, On Page(s): 210-221.

12.Jialin Ma, Aijun Wen, * , Zhaoyang Tu, Xiangjuan Cheng, and Yong WangReconfigurable Photonic Generation of Binary Modulated Microwave SignalsIEEE Photonics Journal,卷:12,期:6,文献号: 5503010DEC 2020.

13.Weile Zhai, Aijun Wen and Dongjuan Shan, Linearized Photonic Microwave and Mm-wave Mixer with Dispersion Induced Power Fading CompensationIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,卷: ‏ 68: ‏ 12: ‏ 5335-5346出版年: ‏ DEC 2020.

14.Han, YN;Xiang, SY;Wang, Y;Wang, YT;Wang, B;Wen, AJ;Hao, YGeneration of multi-channel chaotic signals with time delay signature concealment and ultrafast photonic decision making based on a globally-coupled semiconductor laser networkPHOTONICS RESEARCH: ‏ 8: ‏ 11: ‏ 1792-1799出版年: ‏ NOV 2020

15.Dongjuan Shan; Aijun Wen; Weile Zhai; Bo Tian; Wen ZhangLinearized Analog Photonic Down-conversion Link Based on a Dual-polarization Quadrature Phase-shift Keying ModulatorOptics CommunicationsOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS: ‏ 475文献号: 126275出版年: ‏ NOV 15 2020

16.Wang, SH;Xiang, SY;Han, GQ;Song, ZW;Ren, ZX;Wen, AJ;Hao, YPhotonic Associative Learning Neural Network Based on VCSELs and STDPIEEE JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY: ‏ 38: ‏ 17: ‏ 4691-4698出版年: ‏ SEPT1, 2020

17.Hao Zhuo; aijun wen; Zhaoyang TuPhotonic Doppler frequency shift measurement without ambiguity based on cascade modulationOptics Communications,卷: ‏ 470文献号: 125798出版年: ‏ SEP 1 2020

18.Yuanyuan Li, Aijun Wen,* ,Yu Tao and Yuting Fan, Reconfigurable photonic binary phase-coded microwave signal generator with fundamental/sub-harmonic carrier frequencyApplied OpticsAPPLIED OPTICS: ‏ 59: ‏ 24: ‏ 7477-7483出版年: ‏ AUG 20 2020.

19.Yuanyuan Li, Aijun Wen, and Dongjuan ShanAn analog photonic down-conversion link with simultaneous IMD3 distortion suppression and dispersion-induced power fading compensationIEEE/OSA Journa of Lightwave TechnologyJOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY: ‏ 38: ‏ 15: ‏ 3908-3917出版年: ‏ AUG 1 2020

20.Jialin Ma; aijun wen, Ph.D; Cai Qiu; Hang RenPhotonic generation of microwave dual-band phase coded signalOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS: ‏ 466文献号: 125522出版年: ‏ JUL 1 2020

21.Zhaoyang Tu, Aijun Wen,* Xiangrui Li, Song Zhang, and Hao ZhuoAngle-of-arrival estimation of a microwave signal based on optical interference and stimulated Brillouin scatteringOptical EngineeringOPTICAL ENGINEERING: ‏ 59: ‏ 3文献号: 036110出版年: ‏ MAR 2020.

22.Kun Zhang, Shang Hong Zhao, Ai Jun Wen, etc.,Photonics-based multi-band linearly frequency modulated signal generation and anti-chromatic dispersion transmissionOPTICS EXPRESSOPTICS EXPRESS: ‏ 28: ‏ 6: ‏ 8350-8362出版年: ‏ MAR 16 2020.

23.Yuanyuan Li; aijun wen; Yong Zhang; Mingquan LiangPhotonic Generation of Frequency-doubled Microwave Waveform based on a PDM-MZM ModulatorOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS: ‏ 458文献号: 124756出版年: ‏ MAR 1 2020.

24.Huixing Zhang, Aijun Wen,* Wu Zhang, Weipeng Zhang, Weile Zhai, and Zhaoyang Tu, A novel spectral-efficient coherent radio-over-fiber link with linear digital phase demodulationIEEE Photonics JournalFEBRUARY 2020Volume: 12, Issue:1 On Page(s): 1-8.

25.Xing Xing Guo;Shui Ying Xiang;Ya Hui Zhang;Lin Lin;Ai Jun Wen;Yue HaoPolarization Multiplexing Reservoir Computing Based on a VCSEL With Polarized Optical FeedbackIEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,Volume:26, Issue:1,JAN-FEB 2020

26.Song, ZW;Xiang, SY;Ren, ZX;Wang, SH;Wen, AJ;Hao, YPhotonic spiking neural network based on excitable VCSELs-SA for sound azimuth detectionOPTICS EXPRESS,卷: 28: 2: 1561-1573JAN 20 2020

27.Ma, Yuanting; Xiang, Shuiying; Guo, Xingxing; Song, Ziwei; Wen, Aijun; Hao, Yue, Time-delay signature concealment of chaos and ultrafast decision making in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers with a phase-modulated Sagnac loop, OPTICS EXPRESS: ‏ 28: ‏ 2: ‏ 1665-1678出版年: ‏ JAN 20 2020

28.Hao Zhuo; aijun wen; Yong WangPhotonic angle-of-arrival measurement without direction ambiguity based on a dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulatorOptics CommunicationsVolume 451, 15 November 2019, Pages 286-289.

29.Weile Zhai, Aijun Wen, and Kongkun WeiPhotonic Generation of a Dual Band polyphase Coded Microwave Signal With a Tunable Frequency Multiplication FactorIEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave TechnologyOCTOBER 1, 2019Volume: 37, Issue:19On Page(s): 4911-4920.

30.Jialin Ma, Aijun Wen, Zhaoyang TuA Filter-Free Photonic Microwave up-converter with frequency quadruplingApplied Optics, Volume: 58 Issue: 28 Pages: 7915-7920OCT 1 2019.

31.Zhaoyang Tu, Aijun Wen, Guocong Yu, Xiangrui Li, and Hao ZhuoA Wideband Photonic RF Receiver with Lower IF Frequency enabled by Kramers-Kronig DetectionIEEE/OSA Journa of Lightwave Technology,卷: 37: 20: 5309-5316出版年: OCT 15 2019.

32.Xiang, SY;Wang, B;Wang, Y;Han, YA;Wen, AJ;Hao, Y,2.24-Tb/s Physical Random Bit Generation With Minimal Post-Processing Based on Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers Network, IEEE JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,: 37,: 16,: 3987-3993, AUG 15 2019

33.Kun Zhang, Shang Hong Zhao, Ai Jun Wen, Wu Zhang, Wei Le Zhai, Tao Lin, and Xuan Li,Anti-chromatic dispersion transmission of frequency and bandwidth-doubling dual-chirp microwave waveform,Optics LettersVol. 44, Issue 16, pp. 4004-4007 (2019)

34.Weile Zhai and Aijun WenMicrowave Photonic Multifunctional Phase Coded Signal GeneratorIEEE Photonics Technology LettersVolume: 31 Issue: 16 Pages: 1377-1380AUG 15 2019

35.Xing Xing Guo, Shui Ying Xiang, Ya Hui Zhang, Lin Lin, Ai Jun Wen, and Yue HaoFour-channels reservoir computing based on polarization dynamics in mutually coupled VCSELs systemOPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 27 Issue: 16 Pages: 23293-23306AUG 5 2019

36.Jialin Ma; aijun wen, Ph.D; Wu Zhang; Mingquan Liang; Zhaoyang TuCarrier-frequency-doubled photonic microwave vector signal generation based on PDM-MZMOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS: ‏ 450: ‏ 347-351出版年: ‏ NOV 1 2019

37.Yuanyuan Li, Aijun Wen*, Wu Zhang, Qing Wang, Xiangrui, Li, A Simple and Tunable Photonic Generation of Frequency-doubled Triangular waveform based on Two Cascaded Modulators, Optics Communications, Volume 445, 15 August 2019, Pages 231-235.

38.Y. Zhang, SYXiang* , X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, All-optical inhibitory dynamics in photonic neuron based on polarization mode competition in a VCSEL with an embedded saturable absorber, Optics Letters. 44(7):1548-1551, 2019.

39.Wu Zhang, Aijun Wen, Qing Wang, and Yuanyuan Li, Simple and flexible photonic microwave waveform generation with low RMSE of square waveform, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, JUNE 1, 2019Volume: 31, Issue:11On Page(s): 829-832.

40.Dongjuan Shan, AIJUN WEN,* WEILE ZHAI, XIANGRUI LI, WU ZHANG, AND ZHAOYANG TU, A filter-free image-reject microwave photonic downconverter based on cascaded modulators, Applied Optics, Volume: 58 Issue: 13 Pages: 3432-3437MAY 1 2019.

41.Weile Zhai, Aijun Wen, and Dongjuan ShanPhotonic Generation and transmission of Frequency-doubled Triangular and square waveforms based on two Mach-Zehnder Modulators and a Sagnac loopIEEE/OSA Journa of Lightwave TechnologyVOL. 37, NO. 9, MAY 1, 2019.

42.Wang, Y;Xiang, SY;Wang, B;Cao, XY;Wen, AJ;Hao, Y, Time-delay signature concealment and physical random bits generation in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers with FBG filtered injection, OPTICS EXPRESS,: 27,: 6,: 8446-8455,,出版年: MAR 18 2019

43.Wu Zhang, Aijun Wen, Yuanyuan Li, and Jialin MaA High Spectral Efficiency Microwave Photonic Link with Optimization of Chromatic-Dispersion-Induced Power FadingIEEE/OSA Journa of Lightwave TechnologyVolume: 37 ,Issue: 4, Feb.15, 15 2019

44.Zhaoyang Tu, Aijun Wen*, Wu Zhang, Zhongguo Xiu, and Guocong Yu, All-Optical Image-Reject Frequency Down-Conversion Based on Cascaded Electro-Optical Modulators, Optics Communications2019, 430:158-162.

45.Weilei Wang , Aijun Wen, Zhaoyang Tu , Wu Zhang , Dong Liang , Xiao Zhang , Qing WangPhotonic generation of binary phase-coded microwave waveforms and phase-coded pulses with ultrawide frequency tunable rangeOptical Engineering57(10), 106105 (2018)

46.Xiang, SY;Zhang, YH;Guo, XX;Wen, AJ;Hao, Y, Photonic Generation of Neuron-Like Dynamics Using VCSELs Subject to Double Polarized Optical Injection, IEEE JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,: 36,: 19,: 4227-4234,出版年: OCT 1 2018

47.XIANGRUI LI, AIJUN WEN,* ZHAOYANG TU, AND ZHONGGUO XIU, Photonic Generation of Microwave Waveforms Based on a DP-QPSK Modulator, Applied Optics, Vol. 57, No. 25 / 1 September 2018.

48.Huixing Zhang, Aijun Wen, Wu Zhang, Weipeng Zhang, Zhaoyang Tu, A Spectral Efficient Self-Homodyne-Detected Microwave Photonic Link With an Extended Fiber-Reach, IEEE photonic technology letter, OCTOBER 1, 2018 Volume: 30, Issue:19PP: 1719-1722

49.Weile Zhai, Aijun Wen, Huixing Zhang, Wu Zhang, Dong LiangImprovement of Linearity and Compensation of Dispersion-Induced Power Fading in Multi-Channel Phase-Modulated Analog Photonic Link Based on a Polarization ModulatorIEEE/OSA Journa of Lightwave TechnologyVOL. 36, NO. 18, SEPTEMBER 15, 2018Page(s): 4282 - 4292.

50.Yongsheng Gao, Aijun Wen, Wei Jiang, Yangyu Fan, You He, Fundamental/Sub-Harmonic Photonic Microwave I/Q Up-Converter for Single-Sideband and Vector Signal Generation, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, VOL. 66, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2018

51.Zhaoyang Tu, Aijun Wen, Zhongguo Xiu, Xiangrui Li, and Huixing Zhang, A Photonic Pre-distortion technique for RF Self-interference Cancellation, IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, JULY 15, 2018, Vol.30, No.14, P1297-1300

52.Weilei Wang, Aijun Wen, * Zhaoyang Tu, Dong Liang, Mei Chen, Xiaoyan Li, and Jinbo Xiao, A Tunable 360° Microwave Photonic Multichannel Phase Shifter with Frequency Quadrupling, Applied Optics, Vol. 57,Issue 17,pp. 4751-4755 (2018).

53.Wu Zhang, aijun wen, Xinyao Xu, Weile Zhai, Kongkun Wei, Huixing Zhang, Dual-wavelength linearization of analog photonic link based on PM-IM conversion, Optics Communications420(2018)174–178.

54.YONGSHENG GAO*, AIJUN WEN, W EI JIANG, YANGYU FAN, AND YOU HE, All optical and Broadband Microwave Fundamental Sub-Harmonic IQ Down-Converters, Optics Express,Vol.26,No.6, 19 Mar 2018.


56.Weile Zhai,Aijun Wen,Senior Member,IEEE,Wu Zhang,Zhaoyang Tu,Huixing Zhang,and Zhongguo Xiu, A multi-channel Phase Tunable microwave photonic mixer with high conversion gain and elimination of dispersion-induced power fadingIEEE Photonics Journal, Volume 10, Number 1, February 2018.

57.Wu Zhang, Aijun Wen , Yongsheng Gao, Shuo Shang, Hanxiao Zheng, Hongye He, Filterless Frequency-Octupling Mm-wave Generation By Cascading Sagnac Loop and DPMZMOptics and Laser Technology97 (2017) 229–233

58.Shui Ying Xiang;Hao Zhang;Xing Xing Guo;Jia Fu Li;Ai Jun Wen;Cascadable Neuron-Like Spiking Dynamics in Coupled VCSELs Subject to Orthogonally Polarized Optical Pulse InjectionIEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICSVolume: 23Issue: 6NOV-DEC 2017

59.Yongsheng Gao, Aijun Wen, Wu Zhang , Wei Jiang, Ultra -Wideband Photonic Microwave I/Q Mixer for Zero -IF Receiver, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, VOL. 65, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2017,On Page(s): 4513-4525

60.Zhaoyang Tu, Aijun Wen, Senior Member, IEEE, Zhongguo Xiu,1,2 Wu Zhang,1,2 and Mei Chen,Angle-of-Arrival Estimation of Broadband Microwave Signals Based on Microwave Photonic Filtering, IEEE Photonics Journal,Volume 9, Number 5, October 2017On Page(s): 1-8

61.Shuo Shang, Aijun Wen, Yongsheng Gao, and Wu ZhangTunable Frequency-Doubled Optoelectronic Oscillator Based on a Phase Modulation in a Sagnac loopInternational Journal for Light and Electron Opticsv145p617-622September 2017

62.Yongsheng Gao, Aijun Wen, Wei Jiang, Yangyu Fan, Deyun Zhou,You He, Wideband Photonic Microwave SSB Up-Convertor and I/Q Modulator, IEEE/OSA Journa of Lightwave Technology, VOL. 35, NO. 18, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017.

63.Jinbo Xiao, Aijun Wen, Senior member, IEEE, Huixing Zhang, Wu Zhang, Yongsheng Gao and Mei ChenGeneration of triangular-shaped waveform with frequency doublingIEEE Photonics Technology Letters03 August 2017Page(s): 1599 - 1602.

64.Yang Chen, Aijun Wen, Wu Zhang. Generation of phase-coded microwave signals through equivalent phase modulation. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters., AUG 15, 2017 Volume: 29, Issue:16 On Page(s): 1371-1374

65.Wu Zhang, Aijun Wen, Yongsheng Gao, Shuo Shang, Hanxiao Zheng, Hongye He, Large Bandwidth Photonic Microwave Image Rejection Mixer With High Conversion Efficiency, IEEE Photonics Journal, JUNE 2017, Vol. 9, Issue:3, pp.1-8.

66.Zhengxue Peng, Aijun Wen, Yongsheng Gao, Zhaoyang Tu, Wei Chen, Wu Zhang,,A Novel Method to Realize Optical Single Sideband Modulation With Tunable Optical Carrier to Sideband Ratio, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 16 MAY 2017pages 1740–1743.

67.Wei Chen, Aijun Wen, Xiaoyan Li, Yongsheng Gao, Yong Wang, Shuiying Xiang, Hongye He, Hanxiao Zheng, Wideband Doppler Frequency Shift Measurement and Direction Discrimination Based on a DPMZM, IEEE Photonics Journal, Volume 9, Number 2, April 2017.

68.Yongsheng Gao,Aijun Wen,Wei Chen,and Xiaoyan Li, All-optical ultra-wideband microwave I/Q mixer and image-reject frequency down-converterOptics Letter42(6), 1105-1108 (2017) .

69.Yongsheng Gao, Aijun Wen, Wu Zhang, Yong Wang and Huixing Zhang, Photonic Microwave and Mm-Wave Mixer for Multi-Channel Fiber Transmission, IEEE/OSA Journa of Lightwave Technology, MAY 1, 2017Volume: 35, Issue:9pp1566-1574.

70.Yongsheng Gao, Aijun Wen, Senior Member, IEEE, Zhengxue Peng, and Zhaoyang Tu, Analog Photonic Link with Tunable Optical Carrier to Sideband Ratio and Balanced Detection, IEEE Photonics Journal, Volume 9, Number 2, April 2017.

71.Xiaoyan Li, Aijun Wen,* Wei Chen, Yongsheng Gao, Shuiying Xiang, Huixing Zhang and Xiaoming Ma, Photonic Doppler Frequency Shift Measurement Based on a Dual-Polarization Modulator, Applied Optics, Vol. 56,Issue 8,pp. 2084-2089(2017). SCI 000396227500008

72.Hanxiao Zheng, Aijun Wen, Yongsheng Gao, Wu Zhang, Wei Chen, Shuiying Xiang, Hongye He,Photonic Frequency Sextupling Scheme Based on Two Intensity Modulators and a Sagnac loop, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 59, Issue 4, 26 FEB 2017.

73.Wu Zhang, Aijun Wen, Yongsheng Gao, Hanxiao Zheng, Wei Chen, Hongye He, A simplified filterless photonic frequency octupling scheme based on cascaded modulators, Journal of Modern Optics, 2017, Vol. 64, No. 8, 861–865.

74.Zhengxue Peng, Aijun Wen, Yongsheng Gao, and Zhaoyang TuA Tunable and Wideband Microwave Photonic Phase Shifter based on Dual-Polarization ModulatorOptics Communications,卷: 382: 377-380 JAN 1 2017. SCI000386410300060/EI

Recent 5 years Research Support

  1. Microwave Photonics wave-front control techniques, Science and Technology Committee, 2022-2025.

  2. Microwave Photonics beamforming and counter infererence space domain adaptive signal filtering, Science and Technology Committee,2022-2025

  3. Microwave photonics for RF integration, Science and Technology Committee, 2019-2022.

  4. Ultra-wide band all optical signal process technology, Ministry of Industry and Information, 2019-2022.

  5. Multiple functions technology based on photonic architecture, Ministry of Industry and Information, 2017-2020

  6. Microwave photonic zero IF RF signal receiving technology. Aerospace Fund, 2017-2019

  7. Microwave photonic satellite communication technology. Bureau of Aerospace, 2019-2022

  8. Microwave photonic broadband multiplexing channel technology, Science and Technology Committee, 2017-2018

  9. Radio Over Fiber Link for Mining Environment, Enterprise Project(Tianjin Huaning), 2016-2016

  10. Radio Over Fiber Access Technology for Broadband Wireless Communications, State Key Lab. of Integrated Services Networks, 2015-2016

  11. DSP Linearization Technique for Radio Over Fiber Link, Science and Technology on Space Microwave Laboratory, 2015-2016

Courses Taught

Computer Networks, 2000-2020, for undergraduate student.
