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个人信息:Personal Information
学科:计算机系统结构 网络空间安全
联系方式:02988204750 jfma@mail.xidian.edu.cn
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- [10]Cryptanalysis and Improvement of an Enhanced Two-Factor User Authentication Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CONTROL.2016,45 (1):62-70
- [11]Measuring the risk value of sensitive dataflow path in Android applications.SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS.2016,9 (18):5918-5933
- [12]Trust recommendation algorithm for the virtual community based Internet of Things(IoT).Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University.2015,42 (2):52-57 and 17
- [13]A security quantitative analysis method for access control based on security entropy.International Journal of Network Security.2015,17 (5):517-521
- [14]Game theory based trust management method for mobile ad hoc networks.Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications.2014,35 (11):50-58
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- [17]Provably secure unbounded multi-authority ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption.SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS.2015,8 (18):4098-4109
- [18]Attack on an ID-based authenticated group key exchange protocol with identifying malicious participants.International Journal of Network Security.2016,18 (2):393-396
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