个人信息:Personal Information
- [1]A novel period estimation method for X-ray pulsars based on frequency subdivision.FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING.2015,16 (10):858-870
- [2]Trust based routing mechanism for securing OSLR-based MANET.AD HOC NETWORKS.2015,30 :84-98
- [3]Experiment on reproducing the continuous blackout of the GPS system.Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University.2016,43 (2):77-82
- [4]A Trust Management System for Securing Data Plane of Ad-Hoc Networks.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY.2016,65 (9):7579-7592
- [5]A fast pulse phase estimation method for X-ray pulsar signals based on epoch folding.CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS.2016,29 (3):746-753
- [6]Effect of plasma on C/N0 of GPS signal.Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica.2015,36 (2):633-639
- [7]Influences of Turbulent Reentry Plasma Sheath on Wave Scattering and Propagation.PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.2016,18 (6):617-626
- [8]Denoising of X-ray pulsar observed profile using biorthogonal lifting wavelet transform.JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS.2016,27 (3):514-523
- [9]A robust compressed sensing based method for X-ray Pulsar Profile construction.OPTIK.2016,127 (10):4379-4385
- [10]TrustR: An Integrated Router Security Framework for Protecting Computer Networks.IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS.2016,20 (2):376-379
- [11]Simulation of X-ray pulsar signals with multiphysical properties.Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University.2016,43 (5):183-189
- [12]The study of the transducer used in the acoustic telemetry technology while drilling.Sensors and Transducers.2014,168 (4):155-161
- [13]Influence of Plasma Pressure Fluctuation on RF Wave Propagation.PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.2016,18 (2):131-137
- [14]Denoising of X-ray pulsar observed profile in the undecimated wavelet domain.Acta Astronautica.2016,118 :1-10
- [15]Denoising of X-ray pulsar observed profile in the undecimated wavelet domain.ACTA ASTRONAUTICA.2016,118 :1-10
- [16]A new simulation method of X-ray pulsar signals.ACTA PHYSICA SINICA.2015,64 (21)
- [17]X-ray pulsar-based navigation using pulse phase and Doppler frequency measurements.SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES.2015,58 (12)
- [18]承担和完成了二十余项国家有关科研任务,出版专著4本。 目前主持并承担的研究项目有14项,其中国家级项目8项,省级项目2项,横向合作开发项目4项。 在研的纵向研究有“十一五”预研项目、国防预研基金、国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”计划和省自然科学基金基金,横向方向积极开展与研究所、电子技术公司的广泛合作,承担了4项和研究所、公司的合作项目。重点开展嵌入式应用研究”,将嵌入式技术应用于工业控制和商业安全设备,网络安全终端产品的开发上,提高了应用开发和解决实际问题的能力。 部分研究成果发表于核心刊物(包括三大检索源和国际会议)上,几年来发表论文30余篇,被SCI检索2篇,EI检索10篇,ISTP检索3篇。