Li Xin

Lecturer   graduate teacher


Alma Mater:中国科学院大学

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Status:On duty



Current position: Home >> Enrollment Information


李鑫,西安电子科技大学华山准聘副教授,硕士研究生导师,兼香港中文大学副研究员,目前是由国家级人才王从思教授带领的 先进制造中心 骨干研究成员之一。李鑫博士毕业于中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术所(导师:梁俊睿教授,ASME Fellow)和新加坡南洋理工大学(导师:Yaowen Yang教授,NTU协理副校长),致力于可切实推进无源物联网系统超大规模、超大范围和超复杂环境部署的相关研究,包括:无源感知系统、极致超低功耗电路、间歇计算、端边AI架构、边缘计算等。李鑫博士在国际知名期刊与会议担任10余项审稿人、特约副主编和技术委员会委员,由李鑫博士发起的无源物联网平台--ViPSN已经与包括苏黎世联邦理工大学、奥克兰大学、南洋理工大学、香港中文大学、清华大学、上海交通大学、中科院等国内外知名研究机构进行了多项科研合作。


专业领域方向:02 卓越工程师学院粤港澳大湾区基地专项。





2021级 周文涛:超低功耗电能管理(西电->算能46W/韶音40W/荣耀37W/VIVO30W/宁德时代/中科院微小卫星/中电十所/等)

2021级 罗韶雄:无源流媒体(河北工程->BYD/格力/等)

2022级 揣鑫源:纳瓦无线射频、超低功耗电能管理、无源瞬态俘能与感知系统(北京化工->实习:华为)

2023级 沈熙:端边AI、无源瞬态俘能与感知系统(西电)

2023级 褚嘉庆:无源流媒体、边缘计算(西电)

2023级 杨鹏祥:射频能量收集、纳瓦无线射频(西电)

2024级 肖棉鑫:超低功耗电能管理、间歇计算(汕头大学)

2024级 李耀毅:振动俘能、海洋能量收集(广东工业->交流:港科大广州)

2024级 李佳顺:VR交互、无源感知(长春理工)

2024级 沈云秋:无源流媒体(武汉科技)


  • Yawei Wang, Hengxu Du, Hengyi Yang, Ziyue Xi, Cong Zhao, Zian Qian, Xinyuan Chuai, Xuzhang Peng, Hongyong Yu, Yu Zhang, Xin Li, Guobiao Hu, Hao Wang, and Minyi Xu, "A rolling-mode triboelectric nanogenerator with multi-tunnel grating electrodes and opposite-charge-enhancement for wave energy harvesting," Nature Communication, 2024.(1区 TOP)

  • Keyu Chen, Shitong Fang, Tao Yan, Xinyuan Chuai, Xin Li, Zhihui Lai, Junrui Liang, and Wei-Hsin Liao, "Design and optimization of an auxetic piezoelectric energy harvester with tapered thickness for IoT applications," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.(1区 TOP)

  • Xin Li, Xinyuan Chuai, Guobiao Hu, Daxing Zhang, Mingjing Cai, Congsi Wang, Yaowen Yang, Wei-Hsin Liao, Junrui Liang, "Energy and Dynamics Analysis of a Single Plucking Energy Harvester for Transient-motion-powered IoT Applications,'' Energy Conversion and Management, 2024.(1区 TOP)

  • Xinyuan Chuai, Yaoyi Li, Xin Li*, Daxing Zhang, Guobiao Hu, Wei-Hsin Liao, "Demo Abstract: A Battery-free Wireless Keyboard," Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Hong Kong, China, 2024. (IPSN 2024)

  • Qitao Lu, Guoyuan Xia, Mingjing Cai, Xin Li, Junyi Cao, Wei-Hsin Liao, "An Ultra-Low Frequency Energy Harvester With An Asymmetric-Stiffness Pendulum Inspired By Biological Grooming Behavior," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.(1区 TOP)

  • Chaoyang Zhao, Guobiao Hu, Xin Li, Zicheng Liu, Weifeng Yuan, Yaowen Yang, "Wide-bandwidth triboelectric energy harvester combining impact nonlinearity and multi-resonance method," Applied Energy, 2023.(1区 TOP)

  • Guobiao Hu, Lihua Tang, Junlei Wang, Xin Li, Junrui Liang, "Nonlinear Dynamics of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Vortex-Induced Vibration Energy Harvester," Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 87523, V001T07A005, 2023. (SPIE SS/NDE 2023)

  • Siyu Jin, Li Teng, Junrui Liang, Xin Li, "Mechanical and Electrical Energy Buffer-release Mechanisms for Motion-powered IoT Applications," Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Monterey, California, USA. 2023. (ISCAS 2023)

  • Shiyi Liu, Xin Li, Li Teng, Guobiao Hu, and Junrui Liang, "Energy and dynamic analysis of quasi-static toggling mechanical energy harvester," Nano Energy, 2022.(1区 TOP)

  • Qiang Liu, Xin Li*, Hao Zhang, Jing Ren, Shuo Yang, Leitao Cao, Junrui Liang, Shengjie Ling, "IntelliSense silk fibroin ionotronic batteries for wildfire detection and alarm,'' Nano Energy, 2022.(1区 TOP)

  • Xin Li, Guobiao Hu, Zhenkun Guo, Junlei Wang, Yaowen Yang, and Junrui Liang, "Frequency Up-conversion based Vibration Energy Harvesting Technology: A Review (invited paper),'' Symmetry, 2022.(邀稿)

  • Jianjun Wang, Yalei Cao, Hongjun Xiang, Zhiwei Zhang, Junrui Liang, Xin Li, Deyun Ding, Teng Li, Lihua Tang, "A Piezoelectric Smart Backing Ring for High-performance Power Generation Subject to Train Induced Steel-spring Fulcrum Forces,'' Energy Conversion and Management, 2022.(1区 TOP)

  • Yue Zhu, Xin Li*, and Junrui Liang, "Live Demo of Motion-powered Gameboy,'' Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Boston, United States, 2022. (Sensys 2022)

  • Xin Li, Hong Tang, Guobiao Hu, Bao Zhao, and Junrui Liang, "ViPSN-pluck: A Transient-motion-powered Motion Detector,'' IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.(1区 TOP)

  • Xin Li, Li Teng, Hong Tang, Haoyu Wang, Yu Liu, Minfan Fu, and Junrui Liang, "ViPSN: A Vibration-powered IoT Platform,'' IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.(1区 TOP)

  • Junrui Liang, Xin Li, and Hailiang Yang, "Kinetic Energy Harvesting toward Battery-free IoT: Opportunities and Challenges (invited paper),'' ZTE Communications, 2021.(邀稿)

  • Guobiao Hu, Chaoyang Zhao, Yaowen Yang, Xin Li, and Junrui Liang, "Triboelectric Energy Harvesting Using An Origami-inspired Structure,'' Applied Energy, 2021.(1区 TOP)

  • Xin Li, "Opportunities of Motion-powered IoT Systems,'' Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, Delft, Netherlands, 2021. (EWSN 2021)

  • Xin Li, Hong Tang, Guobiao Hu, and Junrui Liang, "Live Demo of A Transient-motion-powered Human Motion Detector,'' Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Daegu, Korea, 2021. (ISCAS 2021)

  • Xin Li, Hong Tang, Bao Zhao, and Junrui Liang, "System Design and Implementation of A Transient-motion-powered IoT Sensor Node,'' Proceedings of the ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Irvine, CA, USA, 2020. (SMASIS 2020) (Finalist of Best Student Hardware Competition)

  • Xin Li, Hong Tang, Yiyao Zhu, and Junrui Liang, "Power Solution of A Vibration-powered Sensing Node,'' Proceedings of the 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Nanjing, China, 2020. (ECCE Asia 2020)

  • Xin Li, Hong Tang, Junrui Liang, and Lihua Tang, "Exploring The Magnetic Plucking Motion towards A Transient-motion-powered IoT Sensor Node,'' Proceedings of SPIE Conference, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems IX, 2020. (SPIE SS/NDE 2020)

  • Xiaoyuan Ma, Peilin Zhang, Ye Liu, Xin Li, Weisheng Tang, Pei Tian, Jianming Wei, Lei Shu, and Oliver Theel, "Competition: Using DeCot+ to Collect Data under Interference,'' Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks,  Beijing, China, 2019. (EWSN 2019) (1st place of Dependability Competition)

  • Xin Li, Xiaoyuan Ma, Peilin Zhang, Pei Tian, and Jianming Wei, "Escape or Exploit? A Noise-modulation-based Communication under Harsh Interference,'' Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Real-World Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, in conjunction with the 16th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Shenzhen, China, 2018. (SenSys 2018)

  • Xiaoyuan Ma, Peilin Zhang, Weisheng Tang, Xin Li, Wangji He, Fuping Zhang, Jianming Wei, and Oliver Theel, "Using Enhanced OFeCOIN to Monitor Multiple Concurrent Events under Adverse Conditions,'' Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, Madrid, Spain, 2018. (EWSN 2018) (3rd place of Dependability Competition)
