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Polarization-based exploration for clear underwater vision in natural illumination


Affiliation of Author(s):Xidian University

Title of Paper:Polarization-based exploration for clear underwater vision in natural illumination

Journal:Optics Express

Place of Publication:USA

Abstract:Underwater imaging provides human vision system friendly images; however, it often suffers from severe image degradation. This research developed an underwater polarization imaging model, which considers the water scattering effect, as well as absorption effect. It fully explored the polarization information of the target scene that backscattered light is partially polarized and target light is unpolarized. Then backscattered light is first estimated and removed.

Indexed by:Letter

Document Code:30732380


First-Level Discipline:Optical Engineering

Document Type:J



Page Number:3629-3641

ISSN No.:1094-4087

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-02-04

Included Journals:SCI

Pre One:Deeply seeing through highly turbid water by active polarization imaging

Next One:Polarimetric dehazing utilizing spatial frequency segregation of images
