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Active underwater descattering and image recovery


Affiliation of Author(s):西安电子科技大学

Title of Paper:Active underwater descattering and image recovery

Journal:Applied Optics

Place of Publication:美国

Abstract:Underwater imaging is a promising but challenging topic due to the scattering particles in water, which result in serious light attenuation. Therefore, underwater images suffer from low-contrast and low-resolution issues. In this study, in order to recover high-quality underwater images, the point spread functions (PSFs) are estimated by a slant-edge method. The experiment modulates the illumination source to deal with backscattering and the imager to take two images in orthogonally polarized states. This imaging method benefits the satisfactory edge extraction. The PSF estimation is performed

Indexed by:Journal paper

Document Code:29047955


First-Level Discipline:Optical Engineering

Document Type:J



Page Number:6631-6638

ISSN No.:1559-128X

Translation or Not:no

Included Journals:SCI

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