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Polarization characteristics of objects in long-wave infrared range


Affiliation of Author(s):西安电子科技大学

Title of Paper:Polarization characteristics of objects in long-wave infrared range

Journal:Journal of the optical society of America A

Place of Publication:美国

Abstract:Research on polarization characteristics of objects has become indispensable in the field of target detection. Though widespread studies on applying polarization to target detection and material identification exist, theoretical descriptions have varied widely in accuracy and completeness. Incomplete descriptions of polarization characteristics invariably result in poor demonstration of changes caused by macroscopic influence factors. For objects that are of finite surface, a comprehensive model is built to analyze the polarization characteristics of their thermal emission. With the Stokes the

Indexed by:Journal paper

Document Code:26831774


First-Level Discipline:Optical Engineering

Document Type:J



Page Number:237-243

ISSN No.:1084-7529

Translation or Not:no

Included Journals:SCI

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