
Personal Information:

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Male   重庆大学   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study   Professor  

Academic Titles:MEM项目主任

Other Post:西部陆海新通道专家组专家


Aijun Liu, Born in Jining City Shandong province.Ph.D. of Industry Engineering.    

Education background: 

2015.07-2017.07 Postdoctor, Xidian university. Supervisor: famous professorHu Hesuan.

2014.04-2015.04 Visiting scholar, Arizona State University. Advisor: famous professor, IEEE FELLOW  John fowler. 

2009.3-2011.12  Ph.D. college of mechanical engineering Chongqing University;  

2004.9-2007.7   Master, college of mechanical engineering Chongqing University; 

2000.9-2004.7   Bachelor college of mechanical engineering Chongqing University.    

Work experience: 

2007.06-2009.03 College of engineering, Guangdong Ocean University 

2012.03-2012.11 School of mechanical engineering, Southwest Jiao Tong University

Education Background

2000.9 2004.7

  • 重庆大学
  • Bachelor's degree
  • University graduated

2004.9 2007.7

  • 重庆大学
  • Master's degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

2009.3 2011.12

  • 重庆大学
  • Doctoral degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Work ExperienceMore>>

2012.2 2012.11
  • 西南交通大学机械工程学院
  • 讲师
2007.7 2009.3
  • 广东海洋大学
  • 助教
2012.11 2016.6
  • 西安电子科技大学经济与管理学院
  • 讲师

Social AffiliationsMore>>

2022.1 2024.1

  • 中国运筹学会排序分会第十届理事

  • [1] Senior Program Committee members:
       The 2017 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research (ICAEER 2017)
       The 2018 3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research (ICAEER 2018)

2018.1 2021.5

  • Editorial Board Members:
       SCIREA Journal of Sociology
       Macro Management & Public Policies
       Cogent Business & Management

Research Focus

  • 1.Job shop scheduling and simulation;
    2.Artificial intelligence algorithm;
    4.Applied Mathematics;
    5.Complex manufacturing system optimization.
    6.Supply chain management.