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清水 孝一
Personal Information:
  • Name (Simplified Chinese):清水 孝一
  • Name (English):Koichi Shimizu
  • Name (Pinyin):qingshui xiaoyi
  • Date of Birth:1950-05-10
  • E-Mail:shimizu@xidian.edu.cn
  • Date of Employment:2021-11-01
  • Administrative Position:讲席教授
  • Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Business Address:北校区西大楼Ⅲ区417
  • Gender:Male
  • Degree:Doctoral degree
  • Professional Title:Professor
  • Academic Titles:研究教育
  • Alma Mater:University of Washington, USA
  • Supervisor of Doctorate CandidatesSupervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • graduate teachergraduate teacher
  • Discipline:Optical Engineering