个人信息:Personal Information
学科:计算机科学与技术 模式识别与智能系统 智能信息处理
- [21]Discriminative Nonlinear Analysis Operator Learning: When Cosparse Model Meets Image Classification. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 26(7): 3449-3462 (2017)
- [22]Accelerated First-order Methods for Geodesically Convex Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds. NIPS 2017: 4875-4884
- [23]An improved spectral clustering ensemble algorithm for POLSAR land cover classification.International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering.2015,8 (2):937-943
- [24]Corner Sort for Pareto-Based Many-Objective Optimization.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS.2014,44 (1):92-102
- [25]A new quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization based on cultural evolution mechanism for multiobjective problems.KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS.2016,101 :90-99
- [26]Comparing Noisy Patches for Image Denoising: A Double Noise Similarity Model.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING.2015,24 (3):862-872
- [27]Research advances on sparse cognitive learning, computing and recognition.Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers.2016,39 (4):835-852
- [28]Multiobjective optimization of classifiers by means of 3D convex-hull-based evolutionary algorithms.INFORMATION SCIENCES.2016,367 :80-104
- [29]PolSAR image classification method based on weighted majority vote ensemble.Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Te.2015,43 (3):79-82
- [30]Novel Adaptive Component-Substitution-Based Pan-Sharpening Using Particle Swarm Optimization.IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS.2015,12 (4):781-785
- [31]Locality-constraint discriminant feature learning for high-resolution SAR image classification.NEUROCOMPUTING.2016,207 :772-784
- [32]Prediction of missing links based on multi-resolution community division.PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS.2015,417 :76-85
- [33]Hyperspectral imagery classification using local collaborative representation.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING.2015,36 (3):734-748
- [34]A Three-Component Fisher-Based Feature Weighting Method for Supervised PolSAR Image Classification.IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS.2015,12 (4):731-735
- [35]Weighted multifeature hyperspectral image classification via kernel joint sparse representation.Neurocomputing.2016,178 :71-86
- [36]Evolutionary algorithm for logic circuit synthesis with memristor-based implication gate.Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition).2016,44 (10):70-76
- [37]SAR Image Registration Based on Multifeature Detection and Arborescence Network Matching.IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS.2016,13 (5):706-710
- [38]A Memetic Optimization Strategy Based on Dimension Reduction in Decision Space.EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION.2015,23 (1):69-100
- [39]Discriminant deep belief network for high-resolution SAR image classification.Pattern Recognition.2017,61 :686-701
- [40]A new patch based change detector for polarimetric SAR data.PATTERN RECOGNITION.2015,48 (3):685-695