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Male   Xidian University   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study   Lecturer  


Cheng Mingjian, male, from Jiangxi, holds a Ph.D. degree and currently serves as a lecturer and supervisor for master's students (Optics). He is a member of the Chinese Physical Society and the Chinese Electronics Society. Cheng Mingjian obtained his Bachelor's degree in Applied Physics from Jiangnan University in 2013 and his Master's degree in Optical Engineering in 2015. In 2018, he completed his Ph.D. in Radio Physics at Xidian University. Subsequently, he remained at the university as a faculty member and served as a visiting scholar at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2020.

Cheng Mingjian is a core member of the Target and Environmental Optoelectronic Information Perception Research Team led by Professor Guo Lixin. The team has received several important honors, including the Key Field Innovation Team by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Key Field Science and Technology Innovation Team in Shaanxi Province. Additionally, he serves as the organizing committee member of the "Red Wave" Party Branch of the School of Physics at Xidian University, the secretary of the National Plan Innovation Introducing Base for Complex Environment Optoelectronic Information Perception, and the ideological and political education secretary of the "Infinite Wave" Guided Study Team at Xidian University.

His research mainly focuses on the electromagnetic/optical wave transmission and scattering characteristics in complex environments, as well as the modeling and application of structured light transmission and scattering. He has led and participated in multiple research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, and the Open Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power. He has published over 50 SCI papers in international academic journals such as Photonics Research, Optics Express, and Optics & Laser Technology, with a cumulative citation count exceeding 1000. Furthermore, he serves as a special issue editor for journals like Frontier in Physics and Photonics, and has delivered oral presentations at various domestic and international academic conferences, receiving multiple honors including the Lu Baowei Outstanding Young Paper Award.

In addition to his research work, Cheng Mingjian also serves as the primary instructor for several courses, including the graduate-level "Theory of Structured Light Fields" and undergraduate courses such as "University Physics," "Introduction to University Physics," and "Introduction to Computer Science and Programming." In terms of student guidance, he has supervised multiple master's and Ph.D. students, helping numerous undergraduate students achieve excellent graduation theses and providing valuable support and guidance for their academic development.

Team photo (Ice Crystal Top, 2023.10)

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Research FocusMore>>

  • Applications of Optical Orbital Angular Momentum in Communication and Radar Technology: Dedicated to the research of communication and radar technology based on optical orbital angular momentum. By utilizing the characteristics of optical orbital angular momentum, we explore novel optical
  • Research on Optical and Electrical Characteristics of Targets and Environmental Factors: This research focuses on the optoelectronic coupling characteristics between targets and the environment. By analyzing and conducting experimental research on the optoelectronic characteristics of targ
  • Research on the Interaction Mechanism between Light and Matter (Targets): Dedicated to investigating the interaction mechanism between light and matter (targets). Through theoretical analysis and experimental studies, exploring the physical processes and mechanisms of the interaction betwe