Associate professor graduate teacher
Academic Titles:华山学者
Alma Mater:中南大学
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Status:On duty
Date of Employment:2020-03-10
Discipline:Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics
Business Address:北校区老科技楼B706
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Dongdong Chen, IEEE member, received his Ph. D degree in mechanical engineering from Central South University in 2018. He is an associate professor (HUASHAN Scholar) within the School of Microelectronics at Xidian University. His current research interests include the mathematical modeling and intelligent design of inertial sensors, piezoelectric devices, integrated circuits, 3D integrated microsystem and UWB communication..
Dongdong Chen has presided more than 10 projects, including National Natural Science Foundations of China, Youth Talent Fund of Joint Fund of The Ministry of Education, provincial and enterprise projects, etc. He also participated in the National Basic Research Program of China and National Natural Science Foundations of China, etc. He has published more than 80 SCI papers in Nano Energy, Composite Structures, Advanced Functional Materials, Applied Physics letter, IEEE TIM, IEEE TUFFC, IEEE TBME, IEEE EDL, IEEE TCAD, IEEE SENS J, IEEE VLSI, IEEE TCAS-II, etc. Two papers were selected as ESI top 1% cited papers, and one paper was selected as the cover paper. His published papers have been cited more than 2000 times. In addition, he has applied/authorized 30 national invention patents and 6 software copyrights.
Dongdong Chen is the Editorial Board Members of ‘Scientific Reports’, ‘Current Materials Science’ and ‘Current Mechanics and Advanced Materials’, the Youth Editors of ‘Chip’ and ‘The Innovation’, the Guest Editors of ‘Micromachines’ and ‘Symmetry’, and the Publish Chair or Procedure Committee Member of ISCS2022, ISCTech 2023, ICECIS 2024 and ECIS 2024, etc. He has won the Outstanding Paper Award of the 13th Chinese Academic Conference on Graphics and Image Analysis, the First Prize of the President's Scholarship for Top Doctoral Students of Central South University, and the Outstanding Review Awards of Applied Soft Computing and Applied Acoustics, etc. He has servered as the reviewer for Applied Soft Computing, Nano Energy, Advanced Functional Materials, Applied Physics Letter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, etc.