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(January 22)In-situ Measurement and Visualization of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

Time: Jan 21, 2016

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In-situ Measurement and Visualization of Electromagnetic Fields and Wave




16:30-17:30 January 22, 2016


A108, Library, North Campus

Lecturer Profile

YAGITANI Satoshi is a professor from College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University. His research interests include: electromagnetic wave source estimation and visualization, low-frequency electromagnetic field sensors and magnetospheric plasma waves. He is also a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, American Geophysical Union (AGU) and Society of GeomaGnetiSm and earth, Planetary and Space ScienceS (SGEPSS).

Lecture Abstract

In-situ monitoring of electromagnetic (EM) fields and waves is useful, for example, for localizing and identifying EM noise sources, as well as for evaluating actual antenna characteristics on a wireless device. In this lecture we will introduce a couple of new techniques developed by our group for in-situ measurement and visualization of electromagnetic fields

and waves: 1) Visualization of EM field distributions measured by a freehand scanning sensor on a live video image, 2) Imaging of 2-d RF field distributions incident on a metamaterial absorber, 3) In-situ visualization techniques for EM vectors and RF polarizations. Such techniques are expected to be quite useful for measuring EM field distributions in various scenarios in the fields of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), antennas and propagation.

