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2019.4.22--Research at the Laboratory for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Systems (LISMS), The University of Auckland

Time: Apr 16, 2019

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Research at the Laboratory for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Systems (LISMS), The University of Auckland


Prof. Xun Xu


2019-04-22 15:00:00


North Campus III-237

Lecturer Profile

Professor Xun Xu is a Chair of Manufacturing at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Auckland. He joined the Department after completing a PhD from the University of Manchester (then UMIST), UK in 1996. He has been working in the field of intelligent manufacturing solutions for some 30 years. Dr. Xu is an internationally recognized expert in smart machining systems, cloud-based manufacturing and IoT enabled manufacturing. He serves as an Associate Editor and a member of Editorial Boards of a number of international journals and has published over 300 research papers. Dr. Xu is the founding Director of the University of Auckland “Innovative Manufacturing and Materials” Program, which draws expertise and experts from the Faculties of Engineering, Business and Science of the University. He has also served as the Associate Dean Research of the Faculty of Engineering, and Deputy Head of Department. He is the Director of Laboratory for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Systems (LISMS), the only Laboratory for Industry 4.0 in New Zealand. His current research focus is around the Industry 4.0 technologies, e.g. cloud manufacturing, smart factories, Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) for manufacturing, big industrial data and data analytics, additive manufacturing and human-machine interactions. Dr. Xu is the Fellow of American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the Fellow of Engineering New Zealand (EngNZ).

Lecture Abstract

LISMS is established to showcase some key technologies of Industry 4.0, as well as to demonstrate how New Zealand businesses benefit from implementing these technologies. The laboratory also facilitates interactions and collaborations between industry partners and researchers. We aim to focus on:
· Developing and showcasing Industry 4.0 technologies
· Encouraging collaborations between industry and researchers
· Showcasing and implementing the research works at local industries
The talk will present some case studies developed at the Laboratory for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Systems.

