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Guide to 2019 Xidian International Week

Time: Jun 19, 2019

地址 Xidian Univertysity 事件时间: July 1, 2019 - July 14, 2019

1. Purpose

We provide students with diversified international and innovative courses and training activities in the International Week. The purpose is to broaden students' globalview while meeting their needs for international learning and development. In addition, it will help improve students' international literacy and global competence, as well as enhance our university's international talents cultivationquality.

2. Time

July 1, 2019 - July 14, 2019

3. Theme

Broaden Global View Enhance Practical Capability

4. Participants

Undergraduates of 2018, 2017 and 2016

5.Brief to Xidian International Week


(1)CreditCourses Given by Foreign Experts

Description: 75 credit courses given by overseas expertsare provided in the International Week. All the courseswill belisted inthe university teaching system for the students to choose freely. Students should attend classes according to the teaching plan and get 1 or 2optional course credits after completing the course assessment.

Organized by: Strategic Development Center and Operation Center ofUndergraduate School, All Schools

(2) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses

Description: To inspire students' awareness ofand enthusiasmin innovation and entrepreneurship, 34 innovation and entrepreneurship courses (enterprise series) will be givenin the International Week by tutors from both our university and enterprises. Each course consists of 16 class hours (1 credit). The courses will belisted inthe university teaching system for the students to choose freely. Students should attend classes according to the teaching plan and get 1optional course credit after completing the course assessment.

Organized by: Strategic Development Center and Operation Center ofUndergraduate School, School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

(3)Language Development Program

Description: Teachers from the School of Foreign Languages will provide language courses for English ability tests, including TOEFL/IELTS. 10 classes are planned. Students willget 1optional course credit after completing the course assessment.

Organized by: Strategic Development Center and Operation Center ofUndergraduate School, School of Foreign Languages

(4) English Summer Camp Program

Description: The courses will be given from July 29, 2019 (Monday) to August 16, 2019 (Friday). Professors and associate professors from famous universities in the United States are invited to offer oral English courses. The concept of "Learning by practicing" will be emphasized.The students will learn and use English in the American cultural environment. This will improve students' English communication abilities and promote reform of English teaching. The courses will help to meet students' needs of international learning and development, enable them to join invarious overseas communication programs in the future.Students willget 2optional course credits after completing the course assessment.

Organized by:Division of International Cooperation and Exchanges

(5) Inspiring ICT International Summer School

Description:From July 1 to July 10, 170+ studentsfrom 20universities, 14countries and regions will join in the summer school throughthe “1+1” pairing model. By taking both academic study and practice, the summer school will enable students to trace the trends in ICT field, expand their knowledge, and assist them in finding their interests, thereby laying a foundation for their future research andstudy. Courses and activities include lectures on the frontier of electronic information science, lectures on humanities, lectures by industry leaders, field visits to ICT leading enterprises, cultural visits.

Students of 2018 session willget 2optional general education course credits after completing the whole summer school.The other students can get evaluation in the comprehensive ability development system.

Organized by: Division of International Cooperation and Exchanges


(1) Training Camp ofInternet+Competition for Golden Prizes

Description: Tutors from both our university and enterprises offer courses to improve students' awareness ofand enthusiasm in innovation and entrepreneurship. 20 judges of the China College Students’ "Internet Plus" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition are invited to provide guidance in the training camp.

Organized by: School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

(2) Lectures Given by Foreign Experts

Description:Combined with their own research directions, foreign experts will offer 40 special academic lectures.

Organized by:All Schools

(3)Discipline Competitions Training Program

Description: Professional coaches will be invited to coach students who plan to participate in competitions such as the provincial competition of the National Undergraduate Electronics Design Contest and the provincial competition of the Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling. Students willget 1optional course credit after completing the training. Eight competition bases will be organized for competition publicity.

Organized by: Operation Center ofUndergraduate School

(4)Online Courses of Internship Program

Description:Students' online learning will be organized for social practice theory courses. The courses include social survey methods, practice report writing, safety education, etc. The courses are part of the summer social practice and the required foundation courses this year.

Organized by:The Communist Youth League Committee

(5) Global Competence Forum for Young Elites

Description: The Global Competence Forum for Young Elites will be held from July 5th (Friday) to July 7th (Sunday). Young elites from world-famous universities will be invited to our university.Young students can share ideas with global talents, interact with world-renowned enterprises and scholars, so as to upgrade global competence. The theme is on on Global Competence. There will be 4 panels in the forum: responsibility and mission, education comparison between China and foreign countries, upgrading youths ability, career development. A XDU Global Competence Declaration will be published. It is one good platform for communication with excellent overseas students .

Organized by:Division of International Cooperation and Exchanges

