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Xidian Led the Establishment of Northwest Higher Education Digital Transformation Alliance

Time: May 15, 2023

On April 20th, 2023, the Education Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee and the Department of Education ofShaanxiProvinceheld the Shaanxi Digital Education Conference themed "Digital Empowerment for High Quality Development of Education" at the Innovation Port Campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Wang Quan, Vice President of Xidian University, participating in the conference as a special guest, shared the practical experience of education digitization of Xidian University, and delivered a report entitled "Exploration and Practice of Digital Transformation of Higher Education" at the breakout session of higher education.


At the Exhibition for theAchievements of the Shaanxi Digital Education Conference,Xidian University showcased its important achievements in the exploration and application of digital higher education in recent years, including the Experimental Field for the Development of Digital Higher Education Strategy, the Xidian Intelligent Course Platform, the data-driven accurate evaluation, and the data-enabled teacher and student services.

With the support of the Education Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee and the Department of Education ofShaanxiProvince,Xidian Universityled the establishment of the Northwest Higher Education Digital Transformation Alliance. Miao Qiguang, Director of the Information Technology Promotion Office, presided over the establishment ceremony of the alliance, and Vice President Wang Quan attended the ceremony and delivered a speech.


It is reported that the Northwest Digital Transformation Alliance of Higher Education will carry out new explorations and practices in the digital transformation of education, aiming to promote in-depth cooperation in the collaborative innovation of key disciplines, deepen the cooperative cultivation of innovative talents, jointly explore a feasible path to promote the leapfrog development of regional digital education, and contribute the force of western China to solve the problems of higher education reform and development. Currently, 33 higher education institutions from Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, and Xinjiang provinces are participating in the alliance.

