A delegation led by KIM YOUNG-SAM, president of the Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), paid a visit to Xidian University on Oct 24th. Xinbo Gao, Vice President of Xidian University, met the delegation. Representatives from Division of International Cooperation & Exchanges, Institute of Research, School of Telecommunications Engineering, School of Electronic Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology, School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, School of Microelectronics, School of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, School of Cyber Engineering, School of Artificial Intelligence and National Key Laboratory of Antennas and Microwave Technology attended the meeting.
During the meeting, Vice President Xinbo Gao expressed his welcome to the delegation and gave an introduction to Xidian University. He mentioned that Korea Electronics Technology Institute has led the local IT industry of Korea, and with good grounds for exchanges with the Institute at hand, he hopedXidian and KETI would further expand and deepen cooperation in the future. In response, President KIM YOUNG-SAM introduced KETI to participants and expressed his expectation to explore collaborations with experts of Xidian in related fields. In the end, Xinbo Gao and KIM YOUNG-SAM signed the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of both parties, laying a good foundation for the further collaboration to a degree of a higher and deeper level.
The representatives of both sides exchanges ideas about China-Korea industrial technology cooperation programs and some technical cooperation details. The two parties reached broad consensus on enhancing substantive scientific research cooperation.
Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI) is a Korean professional research institute dedicated to technological innovation in Korea's electronics and information industries. It develops technology to increase industrial advantages. With the aim of promoting science and technology development in Korea. Additionally, it formulates corporate development strategies, provides guidance on high-tech for small & medium-sized electronics companies and takes an active part in promoting the technological enterprise among the industry.