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My Internship Journey to the United Nations

Oct 31, 2022Item:www;

I am Ke Feng, a graduate student at the School of Foreign Languages.Thanks to the platform provided bymyuniversity and the recommendation of my school, I hadthe opportunityto become the first studenteverat XidianUniversityto be an intern at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The United Nations is the world’s largest inter-government organization,in whichDepartment of Economic and Social Affairs is thepillarof the United Nations Secretariat, covering a wide range of work.As a Social Sciences Intern of the Department, the journey of internship is a valuable opportunity for me topersonallyparticipate in international affairs, which makes me truly appreciate the efforts made by various departments of the United Nations to promote the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and world peace and development.

Due to the pandemic, Iundertooktheinternshipremotely, but it didntextinguishmy enthusiasmone bit. During my internship, Iparticipated in the day-to-day tasks related to the realization of events. These events include international high-level conferences with various themes, online forums, and press conferences of different UN organizations. Every day, I read the UN Journal to learn about the agenda of meetings, conducted independent research and analysis, and completed reports covering a wide range of issues, such as inequality, womenempowerment, education, civilization,ageism, climate change, covid-19 pandemic, peace building, etc.

I attended the43rd plenary sessionof the United Nations General Assembly. One of the resolutions adopted at the session was that sport is for development and peace, and in particular it affirmed the importance of the Olympic Games for building a peaceful world. The Chinese representative also made a speech at the meeting, stressing that we will host an open and inclusive 2022 Winter Olympics, and that its complete successwilltrulyfulfilChinas promise to the world.

The 43rd plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly

——Chinese representatives speech

I also attended the opening ceremony of the handover of the Chairmanship of the Group of 77 from Guinea to Pakistan, where I heard a speech by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The opening ceremony of the handover of the Chairmanship of the Group of 77

——UN Secretary-Generals speech

As an intern during the pandemic,I also paid special attention to the current global situation and post-pandemic recovery,such as the uneven distribution of vaccines worldwide, the vulnerable groups of women and children in the pandemic, the transition of the world economy after the pandemic, etc. Richard, aware of our concernover this issue, gave us an opportunity to watch the press conference on COVID-19 and other global health issues held by World Health Organization to gain the first-hand information on the pandemic.

The WHO press conference on COVID-19 and other global health issues

As a member of youth, I also attended the High-Level Global Conference on Youth-inclusive Peace Processes and listened to statements by youth representatives from Colombia, Canada, Finland, Afghanistan and other countries. At the meeting, the UN Secretary General stressed that young people are not only citizens with equal rights, but also powerful agents of transformation and their views must be effectively taken. The United Nations will continue to be devoted to amplify the voices of young people and support their efforts to build a peaceful, sustainable and inclusive future. I am so excited and encouraged by the worlds emphasis on the power of youth.

High-Level Global Conference on Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes

At the United Nations, January and February have an unusual significance as departmentssummarize the work of the previous yearand plan priorities for the coming new year. I was privileged to listen to the 56th official plenary session of the United Nations, which reviewed the report on the last years work of the UN Secretary-General and the briefing on his priorities for 2022.

The 56th official plenary session of the United Nations

In addition, I participated in the plenary session of the joint briefing by the Presidents of the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, which highlighted their shared priorities and was of great significance.

The President of the General Assembly

The President of the Economic and Social Council

At the 60th session of Civil Society ForumCommission for Social Development, I had the honor to hear the voice of the Chinese representative, who shared with the world Chinas experience in poverty alleviation and the development gap in todays world, which resonated with me as a Chinese.

The 60th session of Civil Society ForumCommission for Social Development

——Chinese representative

I also watched the press conference on the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2022 and heard the speech by Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nationsand the head of the Department ofEconomic and Social Affairs.

Mr LiuZhenmin at the press conference on the World

Economic Situation and Prospects 2022

During the internship, my leader Richard would share some materials for us to read according to the daily topics. Especially when the internshipcoincided withspecial festivals, he wouldgive us a corresponding introduction, such as 2022 International Day of Education, International Day of Human Fraternity, World Interfaith Harmony Week, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, etc.

UN Secretary-Generals speech on International Day of Education

The Celebration of The International Day of Human Fraternity

UN Secretary-Generals speech on The International Day of Human Fraternity

Conference on World Interfaith Harmony Week

One of the most memorable international days is the 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science, with the themeEquity, Diversity and Inclusion: Water Unites Us. I watched the entire conference on this International Day and listened to representativesspeeches, especially those young peopleofmy age, who called for more women in science and for equality for women.Out of myimmenseinterestinthis International Day, Idid a thoroughresearch and analysis, completeda report, and at last delivered apresentationto Richard and other interns.

Princess Nisreens speech on the International Day of

Women and Girls in Science

The representativesspeeches on the International Day of

Women and Girls in Science

After each UN meeting, I would share my views with Richard, consult relevant materialsand then engage in a further discussion with him.Richardlistened to our ideas with full attention and elaborated on someof the relevant knowledge about UN. In addition,he would give us timely feedback on our assignments and help us learn more about the UN. Meanwhile,Richard is very interested in Chinaand hopes to know more about the real China through Chinese students. Sometimes, in my daily assignment, I would mention some Chinese culture and interesting life and learning experience. Richard thought both of us are ambassador for cultural exchange and this is exactly the driving force for all of us to communicate and share ideas.

Everyday meeting between Richard and us interns

During the internship, I also met some newinterns from other universities in China. We discussedmajor international issues together, sharedand exchangedideas, learnedhighlights from each other’s reports, andfinally made aprogress together!

Daily meeting between Richard and us interns

At the end of the internship, I got the internship certificate and recommendation letter from the United Nations, which draw a successful end for my internship journey!

(My internship certificate)

Through the internship, I learned a lot about the United Nations andgained a better understanding ofinclusiveness, diversity and responsibility of its various departments. After the report of each topic,I was deeply aware of the crisis and challenge in today’s world, of which I only had a rough understanding in the past.This internship gave me a chanceand pushed meto investigate, analyze and think. Dealing with these global crises requires the cooperation and efforts of everyone, and there are alargenumber of people in the worldwho are doing their best to make the world a better place.

The idea ofleaving no one behindof the United Nations has deeply impressed me. As the largest inter-government organization in the world, the United Nations plays a unique role in international affairs, which requires every member to shoulder mission and responsibility. No matterwhat cultural background you have, which country you come from,what language you speak,everyone is equal here.

This kind of equality was also reflected in the communication between our interns and Richard. No matter what ideas we expressed, he would listenattentively, express encouragement and gratitude, and give his opinions, whichtaught us a lot and drew us much closer.He would share with us his work experience. And we, as Chinese students, were also very happy to share with him Chinese amazing culture. In fact, this is what we called cultural exchange and we are all cultural ambassadors!

This internship journey to the United Nations was veryjoyful and rewarding.I made friends with like-minded peers from different places; felt lucky to learn tremendously from our leader, Richard, who is more of a good friend than a leader; and have grown a lot in my ability and vision. All these are my precious wealth, motivating me to get out of my comfort zone and constantly pushing myself!

