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Xidian rowing team wins bronze medal in the men’s group of 2015 China Cup Rowing Open Tournament

Time: Dec 8, 2015

Xidian rowing team wins bronze medal in the men’s 1000m and 500m of 2015 China Cup Rowing Open Tournament held in Suijiang, Sihui city, Guangdong Province, and is awarded a single scull worthy of 50,000-60,000 RMB. In the tournament, a women rowing team from Xidian also participates in the tournament, which shows the increasing popularity of rowing in Xidian. The tournament attracts 11 teams representing clubs and 12 university teams.

Since 2013, the university has taken initiative to promote campus culture and each school is encouraged to develop a cultural program of its own feature. The Rowing team is one example.

Xidian rowing team wins bronze medal in the men’s 1000m and 500m of 2015 China Cup Rowing Open Tournament

Xidian men's team

Xidian women's team

Xidian team


