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School of Artificial Intelligence

Gearedto the needs of major national strategiesand international leading research development,School of Artificial Intelligence (SAI)fully implementsthespiritofNewGeneration Artificial Intelligence Development Plan, carries out a series of national strategiesincluding“Internet +”, “the Belt and Road Initiative”, innovative national construction,andcivil-militaryfusiondevelopment,and strives to buildan advanced AI talents training base,innovativeresearch and development center and high-levelAIresearchplatform.

Based on the past 30 years of artificial intelligence development, SAIhas established3national platforms- theInternational Research Center for Intelligent Perception and Computation,the National Base of Intelligent Information Processing,andthe National Collaborative Innovation Center (2011) for Information Perception Technology; 9provincial platforms, such astheKey Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding of Ministry ofEducation,InternationalJointLaboratoryforIntelligenceandComputing,Shaanxi Collaborative Innovation Center (2011) for Big Data Intelligent Perception and Computation,and Shaanxi Intelligent Science and Technology Teaching Team;and 8provincial technology innovation teamsin areas such asintelligent information processing, intelligent perceptionand image understanding,visual computing and collaborative cognition. Meanwhile,promoting theuniversity-industrial research collaboration,SAIhasestablished more than 10 joint research centers or laboratories integrating education, training and research, such asXidian-HPJointLab ofHigh-PerformanceComputing, Xidian-AMDJointLab,andXidian-SuanierAIResearchInstitute.

SAI has77full-time faculty members, including32professors and26associate professors;60 of our faculty members are graduatesupervisors, andover 90% have more than oneyearofoversea experience. In the past ten years, our faculty haveundertakenvariousnational scientific research projects, publishedmore than 1,000 papers in international journals,hadSCI papers cited over 3,000 times,andauthorized more than 1000 national invention patents.We havewon 3 National Natural Science Awards(Second Class), 1 National Teaching Achievement Award (Second Class),and more than20 provincial and ministerial level awards. With itscomprehensive strengthinscientific research, SAI has maintained a leading position among Chinese universities.

After more than ten yearsofexploration and practice inintegratingscience and education, SAI has establishedanintegratedframeworkforeducating students fromundergraduatetopostgraduate studies with “Internationalization + Xidian Characteristics”and integrated education mechanism for“international academic frontier+ major nationalneeds”scientific research,innovation-practice collaborationand “high-level platform + high-level talents”development.Hundreds ofSAIalumnihavegrownintoleading expertsin theacademic and industrialfield of artificial intelligence in China.

Tel.: +86-29-88201592



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