Title |
Research Interests |
LIU Ding |
Associate Professor |
Formal methods; Smart manufacturing; Robot control & application |
dliu@xidian.edu.cn |
ZHU Xiubin |
Associate Professor |
Machine learning; Data mining; Particle computing |
xbzhu@mail.xidian.edu.cn |
CHEN Yufeng |
Associate Professor |
Discrete event systems; Petri net theory and application; System scheduling and optimization |
yfchen@mail.xidian.edu.cn |
LIU Gaiyun |
Associate Professor |
Robust and safe control of networked discrete event systems; Formal methods; Intelligent manufacturing |
gyliu@xidian.edu.cn |
MA Ziyue |
Associate Professor |
Discrete event dynamic systems; Fault diagnosis; Supervisory control; Information security |
maziyue@xidian.edu.cn |
HOU Yifan |
Associate Professor |
Discrete event systems; Intelligent manufacturing; Petri net theory and application |
yfhou@xidian.edu.cn |
ZHANG Jiafeng |
Associate Professor |
Networked control systems; Discrete event systems; Variable structure control; Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control; Theory and application of automata and Petri nets |
zhangjiafeng@xidian.edu.cn |
PING Xubin |
Associate Professor |
Theory and application of model predictive control; Robust estimation and control; Intelligent control |
pingxubin@126.com |
ZHONG Chunfu |
Associate Professor |
Intelligent control |
cfzhong@mail.xidian.edu.cn |
YANG Lan |
Lecturer |
Social computing; Complex networks; Propagation dynamics |
yanglan@xidian.edu.cn |
CUI Ying |
Lecturer |
Complex system modeling analysis and control; Complex networks; Machine learning |
ycui@xidian.edu.cn |
Lecturer |
Supervisory control theory; Hierarchical discrete-time systems: Real-time scheduling and reconfiguration |
wangxi@xidian.edu.cn |
JI, Jing |
Associate Professor |
MEMS devices; Sensing technology; Micro/nanofabrication techniques |
jingji@xidian.edu.cn |
ZHAO, Meng |
Professor |
Etching technology; Quartz MEMS; Intelligent sensors |
mzhao@xidian.edu.cn |
TIAN Wenchao |
Professor |
Electronic packaging and microassembly technology; MEMS technology |
wctian@xidian.edu.cn |
HE Yongxi |
Lecturer |
Online monitoring and control in extreme environments; Multidisciplinary design and optimization of precision structure |
heyongxi@xidian.edu.cn |
DU Jingli |
Professor |
Robotics; Space structure |
jldu@mail.xidian.edu.cn |
DUAN Qingjuan |
Associate Professor |
Robotics |
qjduan@xidian.edu.cn |
ZHANG Qiang |
Professor |
Computer vision; Intelligence image processing |
qzhang@xidian.edu.cn |