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Economics and Finance


Shen Zunhuan


Highest degree:PhD

College with the highest degree: Xian’Jiaotong University

The first-level disciplines:Applied Economics


Position:Master Mentor/Doctor Mentor

Office phone:029-81891360


Main research directions

Corporate governance; Risk management


2005-2019, Economics, Risk management, Investment, Chinese Course for Undergraduates Chinese course [in Chinese]

2014-2019, International Finance and Settlement, English course of BBA program for International Students

2010-2019, Asset Pricing and Risk Management, Chinese Course for Master of Finance


1982.9-1986.7,Northwest University,Mathematics,Bachelor of Science

1989.9-1992.7,Shaanxi Finance College, Commerce Economics,Master of Economics

2001.9-2005.4,Xi’an Jiaotong University, Industry Economics,PhD of Economics

Work Experience

1986.07-2005.05, Xi'an Jiaotong University, as a teacher

2005.05 - present, Xidian University, as a teacher

2003.09-2004.09, Groningen University , Visiting scholar

2012.09-2013.09, Nottingham University, Visiting scholar


the achievement Empirical Research on the Governance of Strong Shareholders won the third prize of excellent achievement of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education (1/3)

Does Bitcoin Have Investment Risk? Was awarded the excellent case in the Teaching Case Competition organized by the National Supervisory Committee for Professional Degrees in Finance (1/2)

Paper Publishing

Zunhuan Shen. Compensation and incentive of strong shareholders, and protection of minority shareholders' interests [J]. Finance and Trade Research, 2003 (5): 76-80

Zunhuan Shen, and Zhenxi Niu. Empirical analysis on the correlation between ownership structure and corporate performance -- and on the diversity of empirical research results [J]. Journal of Northwest Polytechnic University (Social Science Edition), 2003 (6): 67-70

Zunhuan Shen, and qiuya Zheng. Ownership concentration and corporate performance: a relational model [J]. Research on Quantitative Economy, Technology and Economy, 2004 (1): 116-121

Zunhuan Shen, and Jiancheng Long. Infringement of strong shareholders and protection of interests of minority and medium shareholders: a model analysis [J]. Finance and Trade Research, 2005 (6): 79-84

Zunhuan Shen. A game analysis on the relationship between cooperation and competition of strong shareholders [J]. Business Economics and Management, 2005 (2): 75-79

Zunhuan Shen, Yuanxiao Hao. Empirical analysis of the impact of institutional investors on the performance of listed companies [J]. Productivity Research, 2008 (5): 45-48

Zunhuan Shen. Empirical analysis of the impact of institutional investors on cash dividends [J]. Finance and Trade Research, 2011 (6):

Zunhuan Shen, and Jiancheng Long, Can Herding Behavior of Institutional Investors Reduce Investment Risk? Evidence from Chinese listed companies [J]. Finance and Trade Research, 2012 (2): 108-114

Zunhuan Shen, Jiancheng Long. The impacts of internal investment on performance; Based on the Information Technology Listed Company in China. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2013, 5(10): 313-322.

Zunhuan Shen, and Jiancheng Long. Analysis on the regionality and market structure of internet financial market [J]. Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition), 2014 (6): 40-45

Zunhuan Shen, and Jiancheng Long. Comparative analysis on the characteristics and influence of family businesses under separate control and joint control: evidence from Chinese listed companies, China management science, November 15, 2016

Zunhuan Shen, and Jiancheng Long. Analysis of corporate governance mechanism of network platform. Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition) 2017, (6): 66-72

Shen Zun-Huan, Liu Xiao-Tong.How Does the Network Media Attention Affect Stock Returns? ---Evidence of Listed Company in China Journal of Economics, Management and Trade,2019, 22(1): 1-12.


Zunhuan Shen. Theoretical and empirical study on the governance of strong shareholders in Chinese listed companies (isbn978-7-5017-8923-8), China Economic Press, June 2009

Zunhuan Shen. Institutional investment governance and China's practice (ISBN 978-7-5606-5435-5), Xidian University Press, October 2019

Zunhuan Shen. Asset pricing and risk management (13th Five Year Plan textbook for economic management of colleges and universities) (ISBN 978-7-5606-3982-6), Xidian University Press, March 2016


Research on the behavior of board of directors of Chinese listed companies (Department of education and foreign affairs, 2006-331), science and technology support project for returned overseas students by China Scholarship Council of China's Ministry of education, September 2006-december 2008

Xi'an non state owned economy research (09j06), Xi'an Social Science Planning Project, 2009.04-2010.10.

Theoretical analysis and empirical test of institutional investor governance (09xja79008), Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project, 2009.09-2012.12.

Research on governance of high tech enterprises in Xi'an (sf1231-1), Project of Xi'an Science and Technology Bureau, 2012.09-2013.12

Research on the governance of private science and technology enterprises in Shaanxi Province (2017krm063), 2017.09-2018.12

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