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Management Engineering


Shi Chunlai


Highest degree: PhD

College with the highest degree:Xinan Jiaotong University

The first-level disciplines:Management Science and Engineering



Office phone:029-


Main research directions

Supply chain and logistics management; operations management


2008.9-2012.7,Anhui University Of Science & Technology,School of economics and management,Human resource management Bachelor of management

2013.9-2016.7,Xinan Jiaotong University, School of economics and management, Business Administration Master of management

B.S. in chemical engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology,1999

Work Experience

2020.11-,Xidian University, Lecturer


2015 National scholarship

2016 National scholarship,

Young star award from Southwest Jiaotong University

2017 National scholarship

2018 National scholarship;

Tang Lixin scholarship

2019 National scholarship

2020.11-,Xian University, Lecturer


Chun-lai Shi, Wei Geng, Jiuh-Biing Sheu. Integrating dual-channel closed-loop supply chain: forward, reverse or neither?[J] Journal of the operational research society DOI:10.1080/01605682.2020.1745700

Shi Chun-lai, Nie Jia-jia, Wang Tong-yuan, Xie Guang-ming. The effect of production diseconomies on manufacturer’s different cooperative strategies in closed-loop supply chain[J] Journal of industrial engineering and engineering management, 2019, 33(4): 184-191

Shi Chun-lai, Shu Xike, Hupei. Alliance with the retailer or the recycler in the hybrid-recycling closed-loop supply chain under premium and penalty mechanism?[J] Journal of industrial engineering and engineering management, 2020, 34(5): 178-198

Shi Chun-lai, Nie Jia-jia. Sharing information in a dual-channel supply chain under network externality[J]Chinese journal of management science, 2019, 27(8): 142-150

Shi Chun-lai, Nie Jia-jia. The effects of premium and penalty mechanism on manufacturer’s cooperative strategies in the closed-loop supply chain with production diseconomies[J] Chinese journal of management science, 2019, 27(3): 85-95

Shi Chun-lai, Nie Jia-jia, Li Wei-chen. Effects of In-Store Service on Supplier Encroachment[J]Operations research and management Science, 2017, 26(10): 92-97

Shi Chun-lai, Nie Jia-jia, Mu Yan-fen. Effects of the risk-averse on manufacturer’s launching direct channel under price comparison [J]Industrial engineering and management, 2016, 21(6): 53-67

Shi Chun-lai, Nie Jia-jia, Li Zeng-lu. The effect of forecast information sharing on supplier’s launching direct channel with production diseconomies[J]Industrial engineering and management, 2016, 21(2): 73-80

Shi Chunlai, Nie Jia-jia. Information sharing in a dual-channel supply chain with production cost reduction[J]Industrial engineering and management, 2018, 23(4): 81-89

Jia-jia Nie, Chun-lai Shi, Yu Xiong, Sen-mao Xia, Jia-min Liang The downside of a carbon tax for environment: the impact of information sharing[J] Advances in climate change research, 2020, 11(2): 92-101


Research on electronic product recycling and resale strategy of online retailers under o2o mode (71672153), National natural science foundation of China, National level, 2017.01-2020.12, participant (4/7)

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