Highest degree: PhD
College with the highest degree:Xidian University ;The first-level disciplines:Management Science and Engineering
Position:Master Mentor
Office phone:029- 81891360
Main research directions
E-commerce and business model analysis
2009-2020,Introduction to E-commerce,for Chinese undergraduate students
2015-2020, Management, for Chinese undergraduate students
2016-2020,E-government,for MPA students, English
2016-2020,Fundamental Management,for BBA students, English
1997.9-2001.7,Xidian University, School of Economics & Management, Management Engineering, Bachelor of Management
2001.9-2004.3,Xidian University, School of Economics & Management, Business Management, Master of Management
2004.4-2008.12,Xidian University, School of Science, Doctor of Mathematics
Work Experience
2009.01-today,Xidian University, teacher
Paper Publishing
Y. Xu, H. Gui, J. Zhang, Y. Wei (2019), Supply Chain Analysis of Cross Border Importing E-Commerce Considering with Bonded Warehouse and Direct Mailing, Sustainability, MDPI, Vol. 11(7), pages 1-12.
Y. Xu, X. Li, Y. Wei (2017), Analysis of agricultural products’ price prediction model. Statistics and Decision Making. Volume 12, pp. 75-77.
Y. Xu (2016). Research on pricing mechanism of perishable goods with limited inventory considering strategic consumers. Chinese Journal of Management Science, Vol. A1, pp. 597-601.
MONOGRAPH:Online reverse auction of perishable commodities: based on Priceline, ISBN:978-7-03-037644-2, Science Press, 2014. 03.
Research and application of online auction of short life cycle products (90801100012), Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation Project, 2011-2013 (host)
Research on pricing model of service supply chain based on customer behavior (71101113), NSFC project, 2012-2014 (major participant)
Research on pricing of service supply chain based on online shopping consumer behavior (2014JQ9375), Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation Project, 2014-2016 (major participant)
Research on e-commerce platform information feedback considering the change of merchant strategy choice and consumer perception (71771184), NSFC project, 2018-2021 (major participant)