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Du Rong


Highest degree: PhD

College with the highest degree: Xidian University

The first-level disciplines:Management Science and Engineering


Position:Mentor of Doctoral Students

Office phone:029-81891360

Main research directions

Business analytics and knowledge management; E-business and IT services management; Global competence and cross-cultural management


1998-2004, Management Theories, Teaching in both Chinese and English for Chinese undergraduates [in Chinese]

2002-2006, Organizational Behavior, Teaching in both Chinese and English for Chinese undergraduates (in Chinese)

2008-2020, Cross-cultural Management, Teaching in English for both international and Chinese undergraduate students

2014-2020, Management Literature Reading and Writing, Seminars in both Chinese and English for Chinese graduate students(in Chinese)

2019-2020, Organization and Management Theories, Teaching in English for international graduate students

2013-2019, Knowledge Management Engineering, Seminars in both Chinese and English for Chinese graduate students(in Chinese)


1986.9-1990.7, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Department of Information and Control Engineering, Major in Wireless Technology, Bachelor of Engineering

1995.9-1998.4, Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Management, Major in Technological Economics, Master of Engineering

2000.3-2004.6, Xidian University, School of Science, Major in Applied Mathematics, PhD of Science

2006.11-2007.12, University College Dublin Ireland, Quinn School of Business, Department of Management Information Systems, Postdoctoral fellow

Work Experience

1990.07-1995.08, Xi’an Petroleum Exploration and Instrument Complex, Assistant Engineer

1998.4-1999.6, Xidian University, Assistant Lecturer

1999.7-2003.6, Xidian University, Lecturer

2003.7-2007.6, Xidian University, Associate Professor

2007.7-2019.12, Xidian University, Full professor

2020.1-present, Xidian University, Chair Professor of Huashan Scholar


First Award of Science and Technology Awards of Shaanxi Provincial Universities(1/5)

First Award of Science and Technology Awards of Shaanxi Provincial Universities(1/6)

Paper Publishing

Yuming Liu, Rong Du. Examining the Effect of Reviewer Socioeconomic Status Disclosure on Customers' Purchase Intention[J]. Journal of Global Information Management, 2020, 28(3): 17-35. (SSCI)

Yumeng Miao, Rong Du, Jin Li, J. Christ Westland. A two-sided matching model in the context of B2B export cross-border e-commerce [J].Electronic Commerce Research, 2019, 19(4): 841-861. (SSCI)

Yuming Liu, Rong Du. The Effects of Image-Based Online Reviews on Customers’ Perception Across Product Type and Gender [J]. Journal of Global Information Management, 2019, 27(3):139-158. (SSCI)

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du,Detmar Straub, LikoebeMaruping, Yumeng Miao. Measuring creolization in IT outsourcing: Instrument development and validation [J]. International Journal of Information Management, 2019, 47(1): 16-30.(SCI)

Ullah Kalim, Rong Du, Batool Hira. The impact of seller’s trust in buyers on seller’s intention to trade through its entecedents’ factor [J]. The international journal of management. 2019, 8(1): 27-32.

Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Jin Li, Weiguo Fan. Subdivided or aggregated online review systems: Which is better for online takeaway vendors? [J]. Electronic Commerce Research, online, Jul 2018. (SSCI)

Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du, Timothy Olsen. Feedback mechanisms and consumer satisfaction, trust and repurchase intention in online retail [J]. Information Systems Management, 2018, 35(3):201-219. (SCI)

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Michael B. Knight, Barney Enterprise, Cathal M. Brugha, Lili Liu. Trust development process in electronic commerce in globally distributed contexts: a case of in China [J]. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, June, 2018

Iroegbu, U. F. and Rong Du. (2018) ‘Technology transfer in construction management: a case of partnership between Nigeria and china’, Int. J. Engineering Management and Economics, Vol. 6, Nos. 2/3, pp.224–241.

Iroegbu, U. F. and Rong Du. (2018) Factors Influencing Technology Transfer for Sustainable Construction Management in Nigeria. Engineering, 10, 769-783.

Iroegbu, U. F., Rong Du, Hira B., Iroegbu, I. P., Chia, E.T, (2017). Technology Transfer in Construction and Management: A Case for Nigeria Construction and Management Sectors. Management Science and Engineering, 11 (2), 28-34.

Batool Hira, Rong Du. A General Review on Big Data Management Challenges & Themes [J]. The International Journal of Management. 2017, 6(4): 13-22.

Chen Chen, Rong Du, Jin Li, and Weiguo Fan. The Impacts of knowledge sharing-based value co-creation on user continuance in online communities [J], Information Discovery and Delivery, 2017, Vol. 45, Issue 4, pp. 227-239.

Rong Du, Lili Liu, Detmar W. Straub, Michael B Knight. Impact of espoused national cultural values on innovative behavior: an empirical study in Chinese IT service industry [J], Journal of Asia Pacific Business Review. 2017, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 354-372. (SSCI)

Yanni Wang, Rong Du, Kai S. Koong and Weiguo Fan. Effects of R&D policy choice on accounting performance and market value [J]. R & D Management, 2016, 47(4). (SSCI)

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Cathal M. Brugha, Hongpeng Wang. Pointing to Priorities for Multiple Criteria Decision Making: The Case of a MIS-Based Project in China [J], International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2016, Vol.15, No. 3, pp. 683-702. (SCI)

Lili Liu, Rong Du, Weiguo Fan. How members’ commitment to an online knowledge community influences their usage behavior [J], Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2016, 44 (4), pp. 693-704. (SSCI)

Robert M. Davison, Carol X.J. Ou, Maris G. Martinson, Angela Y. Zhao, Rong Du, The Communicative Ecology of Web 2.0 at Work: Social Networking in the Workspace. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2014, 65(10), 2035-2047.(SSCI)

Abbott, P., Zheng, Y., and Rong Du. From Boundary Spanning to Creolization: A Study of Chinese Software and Services Outsourcing Vendors. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Volume 22, Issue 2, June 2013, Pages 121-136. (The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 2013 Best Paper Award; AIS 2014 Best Publications Award)

Abbott, P., Zheng, Y., and Rong Du. Innovation through collaborative partnerships: creating the MSN News for iPad app at VanceInfo Technologies. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. 2013, (1), 1-13.

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Internal and Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance: from the Chinese Provider's Perspective [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2012, 39(4), 4464-4472 (SCI)

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Cathal M. Brugha. Integrating Taoist Yin-Yang Thinking with Western Nomology: A Moderating Model of Trust in Conflict Management [J]. Chinese Management Studies, 2011, 5(1), 55-67.(ISSN: 1750-614X ,SSCI: 000290510300005)

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Contextual Factors, Knowledge Processes and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services: An Investigation in China [J]. Journal of Global Information Management, 2011, 19(2), 1-26. (ISSN: 1062-7375,SSCI: 000288964000001)

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Dynamic optimal budget allocation for integrated marketing considering persistence [J]. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2010, 9(5): 1-22. ISSN: 0219-6220. SCI: 000283740300003

Junxiu Jia, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Consumer's Optimal Decision of Purchasing the Durable Goods [J], International Journal of Services Technology Management, 2010, 14(1): 41-57.ISSN (Print): 1460-6720. (EI:20102012931364)

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Qiying Hu. Competition and Cooperation between Brands in a Segment: An Analysis Based on a Semi-Markov Model [J], International Journal of Services Sciences, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.70–82.

Cathal M. Brugha, Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. An Integrated Knowledge Management Development System (IKMDS) [J], International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 2008, Vol.5, No. 1: 1-12. ISSN: 1349-7030

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. Cross-Organizational Knowledge Acquisition through Flexible Hiring and Joint R&D: Insights from a Survey in China [J].Expert Systems With Applications. Volume 35, Numbers 1-2, July/August 2008, ISSN 0957-4147. pp. 434-441. SCI: 000257617100044.

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Ning Hu. Interpersonal Trust and Its Impacts on Knowledge Transfer Within Alliances [J], International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 2007, Vol. 4, No. 1, (March 2007). Pages 44-50

Rong Du, Qingying Hu, Shizhong Ai. Stochastic Optimal Budget Decision for Advertising Considering Uncertain Sales Responses [J]. European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 183, Issue 3, 16 December 2007, Pages 1042-1054. SCI: 000248590100009

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, YuqingRen. Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Performance: A Survey in Xi'an, China [J]. Expert Systems With Applications. 2007, Vol.32, No.1: 38-46. SCI: 000242836900004. EI: 063710103595

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Xiujun Cui, XiaohuRong, Jianning Lu. Overcoming Internal Knowledge Search through Firm-Institute Alliances: A Survey of Knowledge Flow in Xi’an, China [J]. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences. 2005, Vol.2, No.4:33-41.

Rong Du,Hu Qiying,MengZhiqing.Modeling the Dynamic Optimal Advertising in Stochastic Condition. Journal of Control Theory and Application. 2004,Vol.2, No.1, pp102-104.

Rong Du, Hu Qiying. A Dynamic Optimal Advertising Model for New Products. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2003, Vol.16, No.1, pp85-94.

Papers published in international conference proceedings

Miao,Y., Rong Du, Ai, S. Utilizing Social Media to Share Knowledge of Healthcare and Improve Subjective Wellbeing of Aging People[C], in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Health (ICSH), Hong Kong, China, 2017.(EI)

Wang P., Rong Du, Miao Y., Zhang Z. Optimize the Coupon Face Value for Online Sellers. HCI international 2017. Springer (EI);

Hongpeng Wang, Rong Du. The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of Provider Recommendations on Consumers’ Satisfaction, Trust, and Online Repurchase Intent. 2015 HCI International,2015/8/2-8/5,Los Angeles, USA.

Mingyuan Yang, Rong Du. Research on contribution of science and technology inputs to regional economic growth in Shaanxi, China. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences, 2015, Xi’an, China.

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Detmar W. Straub, Impacts of Creolization on Trust and Knowledge Sharing in IT-enabled Global Services Sourcing, Thirty Fourth International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2013, Milan, Italy, December 15-18, 2013. Association for Information Systems 2013.

Abbott, P., Zheng, Y., Modi, S., Rong Du. Moving up the value chain: exploring the issues for Chinese software & services outsourcers. PASIS 2012.

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin ZhengCreolization, Innovation, Knowledge Sharing and Performance in Global Sourcing of IT Services. The Proceedings of Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB), 2011, Alfred University Press.

Xiao Jiang, Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. An Empirical Study of Users’ Continued Usage of Social Networking Service Website. The 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMS EC 2011)EI

Xifeng Song, Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. Relationship Quality, Knowledge Sharing and Outsourcing Performance in Information Technology Outsourcing. International Conference on Management and Service Science, Wuhan, China, August, 30, 2011. EI

Qianqian Zhang, Rong Du. Impacts of cultural difference on knowledge sharing, relationship quality and performance in IT-based service outsourcing. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC 2011), Zhengzhou, China. 8-10 Aug. 2011. (EI)

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Cathal M. Brugha. Opinion Mining and Strategic Decision Making: Application of Priority-Pointing Procedure in a MIS-Based Project in Xi’an, China. The 11th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences jointly held with The 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific, 16-18 September 2010, Xi’an, China. pp.381-388.

Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du, and Leslie Willcocks. From Boundary Spanning to Creolization: Cross-cultural Strategies from the Offshore Provider's Perspective [C], Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 12-15,2010.(Best Conference Paper Award)

Min Li, Rong Du, Taohong Fu. Factors Influencing Information Systems Outsourcing Success: A Survey in Xi’an, China [C]. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), Wuhan, China. August, 24-26, 2010. (EI)

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Knowledge processes in Offshore Outsourcing in Xi’an, China. Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations, the 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Management, Dec. 3-4, 2009, Hong Kong, pp. 113-125.

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Cathal M. Brugha. Priority-Pointing Procedure and Its Application to an Intercultural Trust Project. Yong Shi, Shouyang Wang, Yi Peng, Jianping Li, Yong Zeng (Eds.) Cutting-Edge Research Topics on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (Communications in Computer and Information Science 35, 20th International Conference, MCDM 2009 Chengdu/Jiuzhaigou, China, June 21-26, 2009 Proceedings), Springer, pp.296-303.

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng. Factors Influencing Offshore Outsourcing in Xi’an, China: A Research in Progress. CNAIS 2009,pp443-446.

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Cathal M. Brugha. A Moderating Model of Trust in Conflict Management. The 9th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences Jointly with the 4th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Knowledge Management Proceedings. 2008. South China University of Technology Press. pp.381-388

Rong Du, Cathal M. Brugha, Shizhong Ai. Implications from Decision Science for the Inter-Cultural Trust Development in Information Systems. Professional Development Workshop, Organizational Communication and Information System (OCIS) Division, Academy of Management, 67th Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. August 3-8, 2007.

Rong Du, Cathal M. Brugha, Shizhong Ai. The impact of cultures: a measuring instrument for intercultural trust between Irish and Chinese employees, published in the Inaugural Conference of the Association for Chinese Studies in Ireland: Building Bridges between Ireland and China, 2007, Dublin.

Juan Ma, Rong Du, Song Ma, Weili Zhang. Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing in Governmental Fiscal Departments: An Empirical Study. IEEM2009, October, 2009, Beijing. 2009 (EI)

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du, Weiguo Fan. Discovering and sharing experiential knowledge through active mining and friendly delivery: a design of EKDSS. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering. Publishing House of Electronics Industry. Beijing, 2008. pp570-575.

Cathal M. Brugha, Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. An Integrated Knowledge Management Development System, published in Knowledge and System Science International Conference, 2007, Japan.

Shizhong Ai, Rong Du. Alliance-Based Model of Knowledge Creation and Innovation: The Case of EI-Log Development, Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007 (EI)

Ning Hu, Rong Du. A Cost-Revenue Knowledge Transaction Decision Model Based on Risk Analysis. Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007. pp. 5716-5719. (EI)

Junxiu Jia, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Consumer's Optimal Decision of Purchasing the Durable Electronic Goods. International Conference on Service Systems and Services Management. 2007. pp.4280114. (EI)

Rong Du, Shizhong Ai. Employing Outside Knowledge Resources through Flexible Hiring and Joint R&D. Paper Development Workshop, Organizational Communication and Information System (OCIS) division, Academy of Management,66th Annual Meeting. Atlanta, USA. August 13th, 2006.

Rong Du, Ning Hu, Shizhong Ai. Interpersonal trust: a significant factor in knowledge transfer within the alliances consisting of both foreign and Chinese firms. Lecture Notes in Decision Science 8, Proceedings of KSS’2006, Knowledge and Systems Sciences: Towards Knowledge Synthesis and Creation. Edited by Jifa Gu, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Zhongtuo Wang, Xijin Tang. Global-Link Publisher. 2006. 367-374

Rong Du, Ai Shizhong. Overcoming Internal Knowledge Search through Firm-Institute Alliances: A Survey of Knowledge Flow in Xi’an, China. Proceedings: The Sixth International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences. August 29-31, 2005, Vienna, Austria.

Wang Lei, Zhao Xuesong, Rong Du. Sharing Culture: Core of Knowledge Sharing Strategy. Proceedings of 2005 Conference on Innovation and Management. 29-30 October, 2005, Wuhan, China.

Rong Du, Hu Qiying. Dynamic Optimal Budget Allocation for Integrated Marketing Considering Persistence. 12th INFORMS/APS CONFERENCE, June 23-25 2004, Beijing, China. pp23

Rong Du, Hu Qiying. Modeling the Dynamic Optimal Advertising in Uncertain Condition. International Workshop on Decision-Making under Uncertainty. May 27-28.2002. Beijing

Rong Du, Wang Anmin. Relationship Between Organizational Learning and Performance. APDSI’99 Proceedings of 4th Asian and Pacific Decision Science International Conference. June 10-12. 1999. Shanghai. pp311-314

Wan Weiwu, Li Jian, Rong Du. A Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Engineering Projects. Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 1998. Hong Kong


Rong Du. Scientific Principles and Methods of Enterprise Product Pricing and Promotion. Beijing: Science Press. June 2006. ISBN 7-03-017333-3

Translated by Qiying Hu and Rong Du etc; compiled by Jakki Mohr: Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations. Beijing: China Machine Press. July 2002. Book number: ISBN 7-111-10168-5/F.1259.


Research on Information Feedback of E-commerce Platform Considering Strategic Choices of Merchants and Changes in Consumers’ Perception, project approval number: 71771184; direct fund: RMB 500,000, from January 2018 to December 2021, National Natural Science Foundation of China, person in charge.

Research on Intellectual Property Registration and Intellectual Asset Management Based on Blockchain, project approval number: 2018KWZ-04, RMB 500,000, from January 1 to December 2020, Key projects of international science and technology cooperation in Shaanxi Province, person in charge.

Application Comparison of New Multi-Criteria Decision-making Theory and Method in Economic Management Decision-making in Shaanxi Province and Ireland, Project Approval Number: BD18015060001, Key Project Plan of international science and technology cooperation in Shaanxi Province, RMB 150,000, from January 2015 to December 2016, person in charge.

Research on Business Knowledge Sharing for Silk Road Economic Belt Based on Analysis of National Cultural Difference, Young Talent Support Program for Shaanxi Humanities and Social Sciences. January 2015- December 2018. RMB 110,000. Education Department of Shaanxi Province. Young Talent Support Program for Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities of Shaanxi Province referred to as “Humanities and Social Science Talent Plan (HSSTP)”, person in charge.

Research on Development of Pilot Project for Cross-border E-commerce and Online Silk Road in Xi’an, project No.: BD33015060002, Xi'an Soft Science Research Project, RMB 100,000, November 2015-November 2016, person in charge.

Knowledge Sharing Between Service Providers and Customers in Global Procurement of Information Technology Services, project approval number: 71271164, January 2013-December 2016. RMB 560,000. National Natural Science Foundation of China. person in charge.

Research on Quality, Innovation and Value Evaluation of Online Knowledge Communities, project approval number: 20120203110021, January 2013-December 2015, RMB 120,000, Fund (Ph.D. Supervisor) Project for Doctoral Program of Ministry of Education. person in charge.

Construction of Scientific and Technological Cooperation Between Shaanxi Province and Ireland——Practical Application of Cross-border Knowledge Sharing Theory, 2012KW-46, January 2012- December 2014. RMB 70,000. Key projects of international science and technology cooperation in Shaanxi Province, person in charge.

Ministry of Education's New Century Talent Support Program (research field: business administration), approval number: NCET-08-0812. January 2009- December 2011, RMB 100,000. person in charge.

Research on Cross-border Knowledge Sharing Among Organizations in Strategic Alliance, project approval number: 70871096, January 2009 - December 2011. RMB 240,000. National Natural Science Foundation of China. person in charge.

Cross-cultural Trust in Multinational Service Outsourcing, Project Sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry. JWSL [2009] No.1590. January 2009- December 2011. RMB 30,000. person in charge.

Knowledge Transfer in Transnational Knowledge-based Service Outsourcing, project No.: 20096100058, January 2009- December 2009. RMB 38,733. Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs of Shaanxi Province. Project Plan for Introducing the First Batch of Foreign Technology and Management Talents in Shaanxi Province in 2009. Person in charge.

Research on Knowledge Sharing Across Organizations with Multiple Business Units, project approval number: 70471068, January 2005- December 2007. RMB 160,000. National Natural Science Foundation of China. person in charge.

Research on the Use of Transactive Memory for Cross-unit Knowledge Sharing in Organizations with Multiple Business Units, project approval number: 70610107001 (70617001), January 2006- December 2006. RMB 22,000. (Sino-U.S.) International Cooperative Research Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Research on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, No. 2001G03, January 2002-December 2003. RMB 15,000. Natural Science Foundation Project of Shaanxi Province. person in charge.

Research on Knowledge Management Strategy and Implementation Plan in Second Undertaking of Xian High-tech Zone, No. 2003KR31, January 2004- December 2004. RMB 10,000. Shaanxi Soft Science Research Project. Person in charge.

Investigation and Research on the Status of Science and Technology Resources in Yanta District, January 2004-December 2004. RMB 50,000. Project entrusted by Science and Technology Bureau of Yanta District, Xi'an City. No.: O0406903. Person in charge.

Research on the Innovation Model of Industry-University-Research Based on Knowledge Sharing in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Xi'an. January 2007- December 2008. RMB 24,000. Project entrusted by Science and Technology Bureau of Yanta District, Xi'an City. No.: HX0108060518. Person in charge.

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